
1. **润肺止咳**:梨蜜具有很好的润肺止咳作用,适合秋冬季节食用,可以帮助缓解咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状。

2. **清热解毒**:梨蜜性凉,有清热解毒的功效,对于热病、口渴、便秘等有一定的缓解作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:梨蜜中含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够增强机体的免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

4. **促进消化**:梨蜜中的酶类物质有助于消化系统的健康,可以促进食物的消化和吸收。

5. **抗氧化作用**:梨蜜中含有的抗氧化物质可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化,预防疾病。

6. **美容养颜**:长期食用梨蜜,可以帮助改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

7. **调节血糖**:梨蜜中含有的糖分比其他蜂蜜要低,对于糖尿病患者来说,适量食用梨蜜可能比食用其他蜂蜜更安全。

8. **抗菌消炎**:梨蜜具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于口腔溃疡、牙龈炎等轻微炎症的治疗。

9. **缓解疲劳**:梨蜜中含有的能量可以迅速补充体力,缓解疲劳。



1. **增强免疫力**:红枣富含糖类物质、维生素C、核黄素、硫胺素等多种维生素,能够有效提高人体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

2. **镇静安神**:红枣中的黄酮-双-葡萄糖甙A具有镇静、催眠和降压作用,有助于缓解压力,改善睡眠质量。


3. **促进生长发育**:花生中钙含量极高,是构成人体骨骼的主要成分,有助于促进青少年的生长发育。

4. **抗衰老**:花生中含有的儿茶素和赖氨酸具有抗老化作用,有助于延缓衰老过程。

5. **润肺止咳**:花生中的脂肪油可以起到润肺止咳的作用,适用于久咳气喘等症状。


6. **补血**:红枣和花生都具有补气益血的效果,花生衣红衣有补血作用,特别适合贫血人群。

7. **防止骨质疏松**:红枣花生粥中含有的营养素有助于防止骨质疏松,预防贫血。

8. **软化血管**:红枣中的一些成分有助于软化血管,对预防心脑血管疾病有一定好处。

9. **帮助消化**:红枣花生粥能够促进胃肠蠕动,有助于消化吸收。

10. **改善心血管健康**:花生中的某些成分有助于扩张血管,增强心肌收缩力,改善心肌营养,对心血管疾病有防治作用。



1. **驱寒暖胃**:姜葱红糖水中的生姜能够驱寒暖胃,适合体质虚寒、脾胃虚寒或风寒表症的人群饮用。

2. **补血调经**:红糖含有丰富的矿物质和维生素,能够帮助女性补血调经,对于月经不调、经痛等问题有一定的缓解作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:生姜和红糖都有增强免疫力的功效,能够帮助身体抵抗感冒和其他疾病。

4. **促进血液循环**:姜葱红糖水有助于加快血液循环,对于血液循环不畅、手脚冰凉等问题有一定的改善作用。


5. **缓解疼痛**:红糖姜水可以外敷止痛,对于肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛有一定的缓解效果。

6. **预防感冒**:姜葱红糖水可以预防感冒,对于因风寒感冒引起的头痛、发热、鼻塞、咳嗽等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **排毒滋润**:红糖具有排毒滋润的作用,可以改善皮肤状况,减轻皮肤瘙痒等不适。

8. **调理月经**:对于月经期间的女性,姜葱红糖水可以帮助调理月经,使其更加顺畅。

9. **补充能量**:红糖含有葡萄糖,能够快速补充体力,适合体力消耗大的人群,如孕妇和产妇。

10. **促进乳汁分泌**:对于哺乳期妇女,姜葱红糖水有助于促进乳汁分泌。




1. **清热解毒**:三清丸具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗由内热引起的各种症状,如小便发黄、口干舌燥等。

2. **降火**:对于由于上火引起的不适,如口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛、小便疼痛等,三清丸有一定的缓解作用。

3. **调理泌尿系统**:三清丸对于泌尿系统感染导致的尿急、尿频、排尿疼痛等症状,有明显的改善和调理作用。

4. **调理身体**:三清丸被认为可以从根本上调理身体,对于一些慢性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **安全性**:三清丸作为中成药,相对于一些西药来说,副作用较小,具有一定的安全性。


6. **组成成分**:根据不同来源的配方,三清丸的成分可能有所不同。一般包括苍术、人参、山茱萸、白薇、蟅虫、阿胶、白芍、鳖甲、鳗鱼骨、白朮、柏子仁、地骨皮、沙参、肉桂、地栗粉、神曲、贝母等。这些成分相互配合,共同发挥药效。

7. **道教寓意**:三清丸的名字“三清”来源于道教,指的是玉清、上清、太清,是道教中最高尊的神。这种命名方式使得三清丸具有了一定的文化内涵和神秘色彩。



"Hum, I don’t welcome dragon monks in Taiping Road", but I heard a pale yellow drawing slowly spread in front of Brocade Scale. The number of mountains and rivers seems to be a world, but if you look closely, you will be surprised to find that the so-called mountains and rivers are all incarnations, and there is a horse named Weilike conan the destroyer.

"I’m a wonderful show, but I’m sworn brothers. Although my beautiful hair is unpleasant, I’m not here. Please ask my godfather to bend the rules," Jin Li said.
Looking at the ancestors in the Kunlun Mountains with a pensive face, it is too easy to teach the ancestors. "Let’s put this brocade scale in the past and see what tricks the dragon is playing. Now, the gods can’t have any mistakes. At this time, it is better to find out the brocade scale. Let’s just keep an eye on it."
The Taiping ancestor heard a silence for a moment, and the palm of his hand stretched out in front of Brocade Scale, and the imperial picture disappeared. Brocade Scale smiled at this face and said, "Thank you for your success."
Zhongyu Taiping Taoist temple
Jade Duxiu carries his hands in the castle and looks at the busy distance. Several craftsmen are quietly silent there.
"I’m all supernatural beings, and it’s not much faster than ordinary people to build an altar without exerting mana." The sky is puzzled by Yu Duxiu’s side
In the heavens, altars are built to worship the heavens, and the whole world is full of jade, which is the only one.
Yu Duxiu sighed gently, "You don’t understand that when offering sacrifices to heaven, the will of heaven and earth will come to an end, and the altar built by magical powers will dissipate and collapse instantly when the impact of the will of heaven and earth occurs. Only ordinary people can build the altar without being affected by the will of heaven and earth, because in the process of construction, this altar is filled with craftsmen’s belief and awe of heaven. This is the core of an altar."
"So that’s it. I didn’t expect there to be so many doorways in just one altar."
Chapter 113 Brocade scale purpose to cheat people again.
The altar is a very important thing for Yu Duxiu’s previous life.
The altar required by the monk’s practice is also an altar, and it is indispensable to seal the Zen.
The altar is indispensable for all kinds of sacrifices to heaven.
The altar is one of the important bridge means to communicate between man and heaven.
Looking at the busy and hot days, the craftsman Yu Duxiu is unhurried. "There must be no mistakes in the construction of this altar. If there is negligence, it will lead to the punishment of heaven or the consequences of heaven’s anger will be unpredictable."
"The ancestors put you in charge of the great cause of deification. Do you want to build a deification altar here?" Looking at jade Duxiu way
Jade Duxiu heard that he shook his head. "No, this place is a disaster-stricken place. If we can build a high altar to worship the gods, we still need to determine the auspicious day and choose a good place."
Just then, Jade Duxiu looked up in the air and looked up at the virtual ancestor Long Jun in the distance. Naturally, it is impossible to hide such a powerful person as Jade Duxiu and Chaotian.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes sparkled with a little light. "What kind of master broke into my Terran territory, which led to the godfather’s move? It was either the Dragon King or the Demon God, and I don’t know what happened to my Terran at this sensitive moment."
"Hum, what good can those animals do?" He snorted coldly into the air.
Words fall and fluctuate, brocade scales are stiff and come out of the emptiness, and a pair of eyes stare at the sky "Who are you talking about?"
"Brother Jinlin, why are you here?" Jade Duxiu suddenly became one leng after seeing Brocade Scale. I didn’t expect people to be strong in the four seas.
"Tell me about you, uncle. I’ll tell you about you. This is my Terran territory. Do you dare me to do it?" Looking at the brocade scales with waist in the sky with neck way
The situation is better than that of people. Even the overlord Jin Li has no good way to take the air at this time. The Jin Li coldly snorted and ignored the air, but turned his eyes to Yu Duxiu. "Good brother, things are not good now." The Five Decades of Heaven and Man are fatal events, even if it is too late for you to suppress the injury. "
Jin Li looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. Seeing that Yu Duxiu was constantly escaping from the whole body, he couldn’t help but feel sad and said, "It’s all my foolish brother’s fault that I couldn’t stop the atrocities of the four seas Long Jun at that time."
"Where did the eldest brother say? At that time, the eldest brother had already woken up. I warned the younger brother that I didn’t listen to the eldest brother’s advice and left early. I deserved it." Jade Duxiu looked at Brocade with emotion. "Eldest brother, please don’t stay outside."
Jin Lin heard the words and nodded. As Yu Duxiu walked into the Taoist Temple, there was a handyman brother who served fragrant tea. Yu Duxiu gently blew a mouthful of tea. "Now my Terran is in great danger, and many godfathers are blocking the surrounding virtual foreign strong people. It must be extremely difficult to come in. I don’t know if Brother Jin Lin came to my Taiping Taoist Temple to catch up with my younger brother, right?"
"My brother is joking. My brother is now in charge of Terran deity by the nine grandfathers’ decrees. But my brother is a busy man. I don’t have much time to ask you today. There is really one thing that my brother has been entrusted by the Dragon King of the Four Seas to make a deal with my brother." Jin Li took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly.
"Deal? I don’t know what to trade the four old loaches and what to calculate. "Jade Duxiu frowned.
"Do you remember when my good brother was practicing magic in the East China Sea?" Jin Lin looked at Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu chuckled, "How long has it been? If the younger brother says he doesn’t remember the older brother, he doesn’t believe it."
Brocade scales smell speech suddenly embarrassed smile "okay, brother, don’t sell it. At the beginning, Sihai Longjun placed Sihai Shenzhu on you. Now Sihai Longjun wants to redeem this Sihai Shenzhu, which is more important to Sihai than it is to a good brother. It is better to take the opportunity to exchange something with Sihai Longjun."
"Oh," Jade Duxiu heard the smell and drank a mouthful of tea. A pair of eyes were sharp and looked at Brocade Scale. "This four-seas god bead was not pinned on me at the beginning, but was given to my eldest brother to avoid trouble. Don’t make a mistake."

"Where am I? What is this place? Let me out! ! !”

Star-Lord got up and patted the glass and shouted that the whole person was very scared.
Goofy calmed his mood through special glass. "Don’t get excited. You’re safe now. You’re in a prison I built myself."
"What?" Star-Lord a face of despair "you really arrested me? Oh, Mr. Police! I swear it was all a misunderstanding. I really didn’t mean to take that blue cube. It was all a misunderstanding! "
"Oh, you don’t bullshit admit it! Confession is lenient and resistance is strict! " Next to the rocket raccoon, he said, "Who doesn’t know that you came to earth to steal something? What do you steal? The tesseract, right? That thing really has the highest reward. You made the right choice to steal it. I also wanted to steal that … "
"Oh, shut up!" Star-Lord’s plot was exposed by his peers, and he immediately became angry from embarrassment.
Looking back at Rocket Star-Lord, he said, "What the hell are you? Can you talk little raccoon? Is this a prison or not? Or a large biological laboratory? "
"How dare you call me a little raccoon? Aren’t you tired of living? !” Rocket fierce stare Star-Lord threatened.
Star-Lord was startled. I didn’t expect this little raccoon to be so grumpy.
He quickly spread his hand and then wronged and said, "hey, why can’t I call you raccoon?" That policeman friend just called you a raccoon, and you didn’t do anything! "
"nonsense!" The rocket muttered, "That’s because I can’t beat him …"
Then he turned to Star-Lord and said fiercely, "But I think I can beat you. You are not qualified to call me raccoon!" "
"You are a double-standard guy." Star-Lord pointed his middle finger at the Rockets in a depressed way. "I hate you for being a bully."
"Bah! What is bullying me? This is called sizing up the situation! " The rocket snorted, "Besides, I am in a different situation from you. My partner and I didn’t commit a crime. We were arrested for illegal invasion and we will be released soon …"
"But you are different. I heard that you have stolen the tesseract, so it seems that your charges are heavier and you may have to be sentenced to two or three years! Haha! "
Star-Lord smell speech one leng all nervous.
"You … you don’t talk nonsense! I … I said it was all a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding! ! !”
Chapter 47 interrogation
When Star-Lord woke up, he became full of energy. Spitter splashed and bargained with Goofy. He insisted on denying his theft and said that it was a misunderstanding that he took the Rubik’s cube root.
It was not until Reed sent the surveillance video of Baxter Building. In the surveillance video, Star Jue sneaked into the Rubik’s Cube room and skillfully dismantled the alarm device and anti-theft system. Finally, he hid the Rubik’s Cube in his backpack.
Until now, Star-Lord was speechless and raised his hands above his head in despair and pleaded, "I will cooperate with you to investigate the police officer. Please be lenient with me …"
Goofy is in distress situation and pie pie. This guy is really a tease.
And after ten minutes or so, Carmela, who is weaker than Star-Lord, woke up in a whisper.
After waking up, Kamola hurriedly jumped up from the cold floor of the prison unit with a carp, and then realized to touch her sharp dagger "God Slayer". However, when she looked around, she realized that she had been imprisoned and that "God Slayer" had long been a high-flying battle.
Want to know this, Carmela is very angry.
She looked up and stared at Goofy through the special glass. "Hey! Damn it, the earth police let me out! "
Goofy shrugged. "Girl, if you keep this attitude, then I don’t think you have much chance to leave this prison."
Next to the rocket raccoon also follow the input way "is crazy woman! You’re already in prison, so stop being so arrogant! You still think you’re a killer of the universe? Haha … wake up and stop dreaming! "
Carmela turned around and glared at the raccoon angrily. "What did you say?"
"I say you are a prisoner! Aren’t you? Look at you now, you are no longer qualified to be arrogant! "
After that, the rocket turned around and smiled at Goofy. "Am I right? Officer goofy. "
Goofy nodded with a smile.
Carmela understood the rocket’s intention-this cunning little raccoon was obviously befriending Goofy.
"Bah! Shameless! Lick the dog’s flatterer! " Kamura cursed in a low voice.
"What did you say?" The rocket glared and retorted, "I’m not licking the dog!" I know how to judge the situation, do you know? "

Of course, among the six fierce families present, the dragon is not invincible and has no rivals!

For example, the Luo Cha clan, the Sun clan and the Dragon clan are extremely fast, and they can’t catch up with them even when they are physically fast.
However, there are many vines after the blood vine family came out of the body.
Even if you cut off a vine, you can’t hurt its roots, and it’s hard to get close.
Since the protoss came, he has been good at flesh and blood.
It’s hard for the dragon to shake and chop down its melee fighting.
The dragons who can really fight in close combat are the Witch clan and the Eye clan!
However, with the passage of time, the people in the six fierce families gradually calmed down under the leadership of the fierce family to stabilize the formation of the protoss main dragon.
The blood vine clan is dancing with many vines, which constantly contain the dragon’s identity and limit it.
The Luo Cha clan of the Sun clan constantly interferes around the dragon clan.
And the Wu clan’s Eye clan gradually retreated to the peripheral dragon’s true body and pulled away to release the pupil witchcraft!
The dragon looks dignified
He knows very well that once the battle of the six fierce families is formed, he will be caught in a bitter battle, and none of them can be killed!
Let alone rescue the night spirit.
"Little beast, I see what else you have!"
An old protoss man, though his hair is gray, but his spirit is hale and hearty, he is tall and full of golden blood, and he rushes to the dragon body to raise his fist and fight!
The fist generate dazzling golden light like a dragon was born!
Xu is shaking!
The protoss’s blood and flesh are too strong!
Even a protoss elder can explode such a terrible attack!
"You dare to scold me, old dog?"
The dragon doesn’t flash, his eyes are cold and flashing with cold light, and suddenly he pops up his palm and grabs the fist of the protoss old man. "I think you are tired of living, so I’ll send you away now!"
"Little beast, your strength wants to kill me, too?"
This protoss elder looks disdainful.
There are more than 30 fierce families who died in the Dragon War today, but most of them are fierce families in France.
And no statue of the protoss can fall into the hands of the dragon.
The dragon grinned and saw a gray mist in his outstretched palm. It looked ordinary and there was no terrorist force spreading out.
"What is this?"
The protoss elder frowned slightly.
Although he didn’t know the origin of the fog, he vaguely felt uneasy.
On second, the dragon’s real palm has quickly enveloped the protoss old man’s fist in a gray fog!
"No feeling?"
The strong protoss Zheng slightly.
His god punched in this gray fog, and his soft strength disappeared like sinking into the sea.
This didn’t hurt the dragon, but the gray fog released by the dragon didn’t hurt him either.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
The protoss old man laughed face upwards and mocked "what nonsense spells are also taken out to embarrass you …"

"It’s Grandpa Huang," Yeluhongji said.

Yelv flag clouds a ghosting shadow disappeared in the hall.
Xiao Feng, the king of the Southern Courtyard, finished processing the army, and Zhu came in with ginseng soup.
"Brother Xiao is tired. Have some soup." Zhu laughed.
Xiao Feng rubbed his eyebrows and said with a wry smile, "Ah Zhu really said that dealing with military affairs is more tiring than practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple when I was a child. It seems that I am really not an official."
Xiao Feng took Zhu’s hand gently and said, "Zhu, thank you."
Ah Zhu laughed. "Ah Zhu doesn’t work hard. It’s good to be with Brother Xiao."
"By the way, where’s that girl in A Zi?" Xiao Feng suddenly asked that he had not seen A Zi for several days.
Arjunai said, "A Zi went out of the city with his guards early in the morning. Brother Xiao, you know that A Zi is really naughty and doesn’t do anything seriously. Several guards have been seriously injured. I’m afraid something will happen sooner or later."
Xiao Feng is also annoyed that A Zi is becoming more and more disobedient now and bullying those guards by virtue of her status as a monarch.
"I’ll talk about her when I see her," Xiao Feng said.
Xiao Feng got up and said, "Zhu, why don’t you eat lunch alone? I want to see him. There are some things I need to tell him."
Zhu nods, "Well, Brother Xiao, it’s important for you."
Arjun is so considerate at any time.
Xiao Feng came to the palace to let people leave and entered the hall, but what shocked him was that he saw an enemy with deep hatred as the sea.
Yeluhongji laughed. "Xiao Feng, bro, you’re here. I just want to introduce you to someone."
Yeluhongji pointed to Mubo and said, "This is Mr. Yan Longyuan, the new Buddhist of the Liao Dynasty." He then pointed to Xiao Feng and said, "Mr. Yan, this is my righteous brother, Xiao Feng, the king of the Southern Liaoning Institute!"
Mubo smiled at Xiao Feng. "King Xiao has a long-term reputation."
Xiao Feng stare MuBo cold way "YanLongYuan how dare you kill me teacher Wang Jiantong unexpectedly still dare to appear in the big liao? Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you! If it weren’t for the palace today, if it weren’t for the position here, I would have killed you and avenged my teacher. "
Mubo smiled so-called that he was no match for Wang Yue, but Xiao Feng was not afraid at all.
"King Xiao, what is this? Although there is a misunderstanding between you and me, it’s all a thing of the past after all. Now you and I should share our worries with the courtiers. It’s what you say, King Xiao?" Mubo said with a smile
Yeluhongji also nodded, "Mr. Yan, the younger brother of Xiao Feng, said it was good that all misunderstandings before you were over. Now it is better to settle scores with courtiers."
Xiao Feng fuels, saying, "I have to avenge Yan Longyuan’s killing of my mentor, but Xiao Feng has to report it, but Xiao Feng also knows that everything should be based on the overall situation. Since Yan Longyuan has become a master of the Liao Dynasty, I, Xiao Feng, will let him go for the time being, and Xiao Feng will be excused first!"
Xiao Feng left the hall, but his anger was hard to level.
Xiao Feng still doesn’t know that Yanlongyuan is Mubo, and he doesn’t know that Mubo is the real murderer who ruined his family 30 years ago, otherwise Xiao Feng will definitely kill Mubo in the palace hall.
Chapter 51 "Enchanting" Swimming Tan
Xiao Feng returned to the South King’s Courtyard. Zhu saw him with a face of anger and asked, "Brother Xiao is angry? Is it difficult for you? Brother Xiao, if the king of the South Yard doesn’t do well, we’ll resign. "
Ah Zhu always didn’t want to stay in Daliao, and wanted to go to the Great Wall with Xiao Feng to herd horses and graze sheep for a happy day. But now Xiao Fengshen, the king of the South Courtyard, doesn’t mean that he can walk away. Nai Ah Zhu also accompanied Xiao Feng to enjoy this "splendor" in Daliao.
Xiao Feng shook his head. "It’s not difficult for me to pursue my position, but I met a great enemy, Yan Longyuan, who killed my mentor today. But I didn’t expect that he would become a master of the Liao Dynasty. Now I want to kill his mentor and get revenge. Even it’s not that easy."
Yan Longyuan must be protected by a master around the Buddhist, and Yan Longyuan’s martial arts are much stronger than Xiao Feng’s.
Xiao Feng is now barely in the middle of the master’s career. With his talented qualifications and ten hands of dragons, this peerless martial art can barely compete with Yanlongyuan, but it is absolutely impossible to kill Yanlongyuan.
Ah Zhu comforted, "Xiao Dage’s revenge is not too late for ten years. I’m sure I can find an opportunity. What I’m most afraid of now is that Yan Longyuan stumbles the eldest brother with the status of Buddhist. You should know that Buddhist is one person and ten thousand people are as noble as you, the king of the South Hospital."
Xiao Feng laughed. "If he stumbles for me, so much the better. I don’t want to sit in the position of King of the South Courtyard when I come. I just want to resign. If he stumbles me in front of me, I’ll like it very much. "
Zhu is also very happy to hear Xiao Feng say this.
Xiao Feng suddenly said, "Ah Zhu, I’m going to practice martial arts these days. My martial arts have been abandoned since I became the king of the Southern Courtyard. Today, I found that Yan Longyuan’s martial arts are really unfathomable. I’m afraid that my martial arts now are stronger if his opponent wants revenge."
Ah Zhu nodded, "Brother Xiao, why don’t you practice the Yijinjing? You can definitely excel Yan Longyuan in practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple Town."
Xiao Feng shook his head. "No, it’s too late to practice martial arts now. What I lack now is not the martial arts cheats, but the martial arts realm has not reached. I believe that the Beggars’" Dragon Ten Hands "is also a first-class martial arts. This palm technique is enough for me to live in Xiao Feng for a lifetime."
After the closure of Xiao Feng, the army and politics were handed over to the adjutant, and Zhu was a little lonely. There were two Han Chinese in the whole palace, she and A Zi, but they were still women.
A Zi is even crazier when he sees Xiao Feng closed.
Although Zhu is her sister, A Zi is not afraid of her at all. Only her brother-in-law Xiao Feng is a little intimidating to her.
In the secret room, Xiao Feng’s innate qi constantly impacts the bottleneck, hoping to reach the later stage of the master. It would be better if he could break through to the peak of the master at one stroke.
With the true qi running, Xiao Fengshen gave out a burst of dragons, which is the reason for uniting the dragon with ten palms to the extreme.
"I hope we can break through this time." Xiao Feng is calm in his heart and full of confidence in martial arts.
On a cliff outside Nanjing, a teenager with red hair and eyebrows is drinking water by the stream.

A gust of evil wind blew black fog to dilute many shapes of hellhounds!

I don’t know when Wu Daozun and Sirius are surrounded by hellhounds. You can see hellhounds everywhere you look!
Many hellhounds stared at Wu Daozun and Sirius, with bloodthirsty light in their eyes and a burst of growls in the depths of their throats.
"What should I do?"
Sirius grind asked.
"Rush out and follow me!"
Wu Daozun’s eyes are big and his body moves first, and he rushes directly into the hellhound in front!
Many hellhounds also burst into a roar and sent an offensive to kill Wudao Zun!
Wu Daozun’s qi and blood rose, and waves of tides danced and fists fought fiercely!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Wu Daozun’s every punch is generate’s powerful force, which hits the body of these vicious helldogs, either to blow it up or these vicious dogs will be torn apart!
No vicious dog can resist Wu Daozun’s fist!
Wudaozun is like a magic weapon of humanoid magic weapon, and it can be stopped to rampage all the way to fight our way out!
Sirius followed closely and dared not fall half a figure.
The surrounding hellhounds are still rushing towards this place desperately, chasing and biting behind Wudao Zun and Sirius!
If Sirius moves slowly, it will be drowned by several hellhounds and torn to pieces in the blink of an eye!
Wu Daozun smashed a hellhound with another punch, and his body was also slightly shocked.
This punch is as hard as hitting Tiewei Mountain!
Wu Daozun kept looking askance at his footsteps.
Just now, he punched the hellhound and fell not far away, shaking his head and getting up again!
This hellhound was almost unscathed by his punch!
Sirius is worried that things have happened!
As time goes by, there will be more and more ghosts and ghosts.
Behind the ghost spectre will become more and more powerful!
Up to now, there have been hellhounds who can resist his punch.
If it is later, it will definitely appear, which can kill him!
There is a confusion in Wu Daozun’s mind.
Now these ghosts and ghosts are all in the form of this hellhound?
This should have something to do with some law of A-bi Hell, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.
At this moment, he must not be distracted!
Just then, another hellhound pounced on Wu Daozun with a backhand punch!
Who knows that this hellhound reacted very quickly, reaching out its claws to resist Wu Daozun’s fist and opening its mouth to bite Wu Daozun’s throat!
Wu Daozun’s expression remained unchanged, so that the hellhound trembled all over.
At the same time, Wu Daozun punched the top of the skull of this hellhound and knocked it back!
This hellhound suffered a blow from budo Zun, shaking all over without any influence. It descended on the ground and jumped again.
Wu Daozun’s forward momentum also stagnated.
Sirius followed, two men and one wolf stopped, and in an instant, many hellhounds descended, and a bloody stench came to my face!
"it’s over!"
Sirius a sigh in my heart.
By mistake, although he escaped from A-nose hell, he was born again, but he didn’t expect to die here today.
Thinking of this, Sirius can sigh when his eyes are closed.
Just then, Wudao Zun recited a mysterious Buddhist scripture in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit resounds through the world.
A series of golden Sanskrit emerged, which enveloped Wudao Zun, Sirius and Yan Beichen to form a barrier.
These hellhounds just rushed in, but suddenly they saw these golden Sanskrit faces change, and stopped their bodies!
The hellhound in the back can’t control its shape. It’s a mess in front of it!
Just now, the evil dog in the hell who can fight against Wu Daozun and not fall into the wind also showed deep fear when he saw these golden Sanskrit red eyes.
Sirius was not only dumbfounded to see such a shocking scene with his eyes open.
Count hellhounds around two people but dare not step forward!
Many hellhounds have escaped, as if they had seen something terrible.
There are hellhounds lying on the ground shivering, scarlet eyes full of fear.
"What is this?"
Sirius asked with his mouth open.
After a pause, Sirius seemed to think of something and blurted out, "I know it’s Prajna Nirvana Sutra!"
"Not bad"

Sha Xuan suddenly looked up at the center of the intersection in front, which had been blocked by the police car headquarters. At least 100 police officers lined up in the middle of the road with explosion-proof shields and rushed out of the muzzle. The RPG Grenade boxes were visible to the naked eye in rows on the side of the road.

Sha Xuan sat in the car completely stupid.
"This … this is the black street police force." The sergeant recognized the crowd blocking the road through the police car.
At the crossroads, Zhu Wei leaned back in the front of the car and shouted, "Fuck your brothers, tell them where this is? !”
The police officers pushed forward at the same time
"Mom a b party here all not line you two camp also proud? !” Zhu Wei waved his hand, "The officer is ready to shoot!"
The rear off-road vehicle team arrived and I don’t know how many machine guns were aimed at Sha Xuan and other cars.
Qi Lin jumped from the first car and pointed to the ground and shouted, "Come to that bragging B and say that it will take two hours to disarm Tiancheng. It’s not difficult for me to come to your mother. You can tell me again on the machine gun."
Chapter 115 What makes the sea?
After the two police departments of Black Street and Singapore joined the "Operation Door", the two battalions of the 113th regiment were almost disarmed under the absolute disadvantage, and Qi Lin personally caught Sha Xuan.
Tiancheng security company stationed in the compound Shaxuan was escorted by a dozen people to the folded war room.
"Don’t fucking touch me!" Sha Xuan pushed his soldier’s face and said, "Let’s not say anything now."
Shirley war swept his one eye without saying anything.
Wang Tianhui’s going is just a mouth beating Sha Xuan and stumbling back two steps.
"Fuck him," Wang Tianhui said concisely behind his back.
A dozen soldiers fell to the ground and knocked Sha Xuan into a very regular circle with rhythm, and the gun was smashed wave after wave.
Sha Xuangang was also car-scrapping because of his face, and he was not soft when he was beaten.
After a dozen soldiers beat him around for four or five minutes, Sha Xuan finally couldn’t bear it. His face was covered with blood and he kept patting the concrete floor.
"Fuck your mother I play poker with you, right? You also took a Pass for me, didn’t you? !” Tian-hui wang standing on ShaXuan head "what are you doing outside? You are all in vain. "
"Don’t … don’t fight" Sha Xuan consciously responded that his mouth was full of body fluid and blood, and his eyes were straight. The whole person looked like dementia
"Don’t cow b? Aren’t you going to disarm us in two hours? Are these the only two in the European Corps? !” Tian-hui wang feet trample ShaXuan cheek scold a way "party and government didn’t live in songjiang who are you? Look to the sky to see which star in Songjiang is the brightest! "
Sha Xuan was stepped on and fainted, completely dead.
Qi Lin untied Sam Browne and sat in the chair and said, "Throw it outside for him and watch it upset."
A dozen people smell like dragging a dead dog dragging Sha Xuan away.
"What did Xiaoyu say?" Qi Lin asked
"Stand by" and stood up and answered, "Inform the leaders that the building meeting will definitely not stop preparing for the war these days."
"good!" JiLin nodded.
About an hour and a half later, Shen Yingang went to Songjiang and immediately met Sha Yong and Xun Ge, three of whom had an emergency discussion in the administration office.
"Xiao Xuan what want to take the initiative to attack tiancheng? Why not discuss it? !” Shen Yin tone some discontentedly scold a way "this his mama is not to find something for yourself? Even if you don’t win or live, what can I do now? "
ShaYong silent didn’t reply.
Brother Xun looked at the two men and frowned and said, "Sassoon was offended by Qin Yuli, and he knew what his personality was deliberately provoking him."
Shen Yin walked back and forth in the house and stopped talking nonsense. "I’ll talk to Qin Yu about two roads. Let’s get the two campers out first and then talk about the second. Let’s just put the third division into Songjiang and take it off."
Brother Xun thought for a long time and then replied, "I think you should talk to Lao Feng first instead of Qin Yu."
Shen Yinwen dazed one.
"I’m a little confused about their thinking. What did Tiancheng do this time with the superintendent of Singapore District? ! Because tiancheng security clashed with the troops, it must be their responsibility not to think about it! After all, haven’t they been incorporated? The legitimacy of local armed forces in the district is also very low, right? But it’s a different nature to hang the matter in the sergeant of Singapore. Tiancheng is here to assist the sergeant of Singapore to catch the prisoner, and then after the officer is arrested, your 113th regiment chooses not to go to the law and directly hit others, and there is nothing wrong with them fighting back! Because before this conflict, the superintendent of Singapore District granted Tiancheng the law enforcement right here. "Brother Xun said very wisely," Now the 113th Regiment is not in charge. If you want to talk, you have to go through Lao Feng first. The key point of this conflict is the superintendent of Singapore District! "
Shen Yin twisted his eyebrows and thought for a long time, then immediately ordered, "Well, you can find Lao Feng now!"
After the three men discussed it, Brother Xun immediately went to the window and shook his words. After more than ten minutes, he still couldn’t find Lao Feng to know anyone or the superintendent of Singapore District said that Lao Feng had connected the phone.
The office Shen Yin surly to the extreme, he didn’t dislike Tiancheng’s cutting the cake so much before, just to help his own people get some benefits and suppress the recent momentum, by the way, but from this moment he was completely bored with Qin Yu!