
1. **丰富的营养素**:白心火龙果含有多种维生素,如维生素C、维生素B2、维生素B3等,以及矿物质如铁、钙、磷等,这些都是维持人体健康所必需的营养成分。

2. **抗氧化作用**:白心火龙果中富含抗氧化物质,如花青素、胡萝卜素等,它们能有效清除体内的自由基,抵抗氧化应激,延缓细胞老化,对预防多种慢性疾病有积极作用。

3. **保护胃黏膜**:火龙果中含有的植物性白蛋白可以与体内的重金属离子结合,通过排泄系统排出体外,起到解毒作用,同时保护胃黏膜。

4. **美白皮肤**:白心火龙果中的抗氧化成分能够消除皮肤中的氧自由基,有助于美白和改善皮肤状态。


5. **促进消化**:火龙果中的膳食纤维能够促进胃肠蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘。

6. **减肥养颜**:由于白心火龙果低热量、高纤维,食用后容易产生饱腹感,有助于控制体重,同时其养颜效果也得到了消费者的认可。

7. **排毒养颜**:火龙果中的膳食纤维和抗氧化成分有助于排除体内毒素,保护身体健康。

8. **预防中风**:火龙果中的某些成分可以帮助稀释血液,抑制血小板聚集,从而预防中风。


9. **其他益处**:白心火龙果还具有提高骨质密度、帮助细胞膜形成、预防贫血和抗神经炎、口角炎等作用。



1. **增强抵抗力**:艾叶水中的有效成分能够增强人体的抵抗力,帮助人体抵御外界的病毒和细菌,减少生病的可能性。

2. **祛湿散寒**:艾叶性温,能够温经散寒,对于体内湿气较重、容易受寒的人有很好的改善作用。


3. **温气血**:对于寒性体质的女性,艾叶水能够温经通脉,改善气血循环,对于痛经等寒凉体质相关的症状有缓解作用。

4. **止血消炎**:艾叶具有止血和消炎的作用,对于一些轻微的出血情况,如外伤出血等,有辅助止血的效果。

5. **止咳平喘**:艾叶水中含有的一些成分,如反式苇醇、松油醇、丁香烯等,对平喘止咳有一定的帮助,适用于支气管哮喘、感冒咳嗽等症状。


6. **调经止痛**:对于月经不调、痛经、崩漏等症状,艾叶水可以起到调经止痛的作用。

7. **利尿减肥**:饮用艾叶水后,可以增加尿量,帮助身体排除多余水分,并且其微苦的味道可以降低食欲,膳食纤维还可以增加饱腹感,有助于减肥。

8. **镇静安神**:艾叶水的香气有助于镇静安神,泡脚时使用可以促进血脉活络,提高睡眠质量。


9. **驱蚊虫**:艾叶特有的香味能够驱赶蚊虫,在夏天使用艾叶水洗澡或泡脚,可以避免蚊虫叮咬。

10. **安胎**:对于孕妇来说,适当饮用艾叶水可以安胎,有助于调理宫缩。

– 艾叶性温,对于阴虚火旺者、经期女性等特殊人群应谨慎使用。
– 艾叶药性较重,不宜长时间连续使用,以免导致寒邪入体,影响健康。
– 使用艾叶水时,应按照正确的食用方法进行,如艾叶煮水,需注意清洗和煮制时间。



1. **补充能量**:红糖蜂蜜水中含有丰富的糖分,能够迅速为身体提供能量,缓解疲劳。

2. **润肠通便**:蜂蜜具有润肠通便的作用,可以缓解便秘,促进肠道健康。


3. **健脾养胃**:蜂蜜中的活性酶能够抑制胃酸分泌,对胃部有保护作用,有助于缓解胃部不适。


4. **暖胃**:红糖具有暖胃的作用,对于脾胃虚寒、容易拉肚子的人群,饮用红糖蜂蜜水有一定的帮助。

5. **补血养颜**:红糖含有丰富的矿物质和微量元素,对于补血有一定的效果,适合体寒和生理期的女性。

6. **美容养颜**:蜂蜜含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于美容养颜,抗氧化,保持皮肤健康。

7. **缓解痛经**:红糖蜂蜜水对于缓解痛经有一定的效果,常被推荐给处于生理期的女性。

8. **促进新陈代谢**:红糖蜂蜜水中的成分有助于加快肠道蠕动,促进新陈代谢。

9. **改善睡眠**:蜂蜜具有安神助眠的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。


– **糖尿病患者**:红糖和蜂蜜都是高糖食物,糖尿病患者应避免或严格控制摄入。
– **肥胖人群**:红糖蜂蜜水含有较高的糖分,过量饮用可能导致体重增加。
– **胃酸过多者**:红糖蜂蜜水可能会刺激胃酸分泌,胃酸过多者应谨慎饮用。


– **水温**:红糖应使用沸水冲泡,蜂蜜则应使用温水(30-40℃)溶解。
– **时间**:早晨空腹或睡前不宜饮用,最好在餐后或饭前30分钟饮用。
– **量度**:适量饮用,不宜过量。



1. **利尿通便**:马莲草具有显著的利尿通便作用,对于因饮食不当导致的上火症状,如排尿困难、排便困难等,有一定的改善效果。它能促进尿液和粪便的顺畅排出,对于治疗泌尿系统炎症性疾病和肝炎也有一定的辅助作用。


2. **清热解毒**:马莲草具有清热解毒的功效,可以缓解咽喉肿胀疼痛、口干舌燥等症状。对于因跌打损伤引起的皮肤瘀血和肿胀也有一定的改善作用。

3. **其他药用功效**:
– **治疗月经过多**:马莲草可以与石榴皮、马莲花等药材配合使用,研为细末服用,对月经过多有一定的治疗效果。
– **治疗喉痹肿热痛闷**:马莲草可以与川升麻等药材配合使用,捣细为散,蜜水调服。
– **治疗急性黄疸型传染性肝炎**:马莲草单独使用或与其他药材如干姜、黄连等配合,水煎服,对急性黄疸型传染性肝炎有辅助治疗作用。


– **治疗水痢**:马莲草与干姜、黄连等药材配合,制成散剂,煮汤服用,对水痢有治疗作用。


– **治疗咽喉肿痛**:马莲草与牛蒡子、大青叶等药材配合,水煎服,对咽喉肿痛有缓解作用。
– **治疗痈肿疮疖**:马莲草与马齿苋、蒲公英等药材配合,水煎服,对痈肿疮疖有独特的疗效。

4. **注意事项**:
– 在使用马莲草的过程中,应注意合理的饮食,尽量选择维生素含量高的绿色蔬菜和水果,减少刺激性食物的摄入,有利于疾病恢复。
– 保持规律的生活作息,避免对药效的发挥造成影响。
– 对于孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有特殊疾病的人群,使用马莲草前应咨询专业医生。



1. **保湿滋润**:乳木果油含有丰富的脂肪酸和维生素E,能够深入滋养皮肤,提供持久的保湿效果,改善干燥、粗糙和缺乏弹性的皮肤问题。

2. **抗氧化**:它具有强效的抗氧化效果,可以抵抗自由基对皮肤的损害,减缓皮肤老化过程,保持皮肤年轻和光滑。

3. **防晒防护**:乳木果油含有天然防晒成分,如肉桂酸,能吸收UVB紫外线,保护皮肤免受日晒侵害。

4. **抗炎抗敏**:由于其温和的特性,乳木果油适用于敏感肌肤,甚至眼睛和唇部等较薄弱的部位,对受伤的皮肤有消炎作用。

5. **深层滋养**:乳木果油能够为皮肤提供丰富的营养,促进细胞再生,有助于细胞更生及促进微血管循环。

6. **修复疤痕**:其促进皮肤细胞修复的功能有助于淡化疤痕,使皮肤更加平滑和健康。

7. **修复头发**:乳木果油对头发也有显著的好处,可以滋养干燥的头皮,改善头皮屑问题,强化发丝,帮助修复受损头发。

8. **促进头发生长**:通过促进头皮血液循环,为毛囊提供营养,有助于头发的生长,并减少脱发问题。

9. **抗衰老**:研究表明,乳木果油能够减少皱纹,改善皮肤质地,具有抗衰老的效果。

10. **治疗风湿**:乳木果油是非洲土著传统用来治疗风湿的有效药物之一。

11. **治疗皮肤病**:对皮炎、晒伤和伤痕的肌肤有一定的促进愈合作用。

12. **基础油**:乳木果油可以作为基础油,与各种单方精油搭配,适用于所有肤质。


13. **滋润双手**:乳木果油特别适合作为护手霜,能够有效地滋润双手,防止干燥开裂。

14. **改善妊娠纹**:乳木果油能够预防妊娠纹的产生,为孕妇提供护肤帮助。

15. **适合婴儿和儿童**:由于其温和无刺激的特性,乳木果油也适用于婴儿和儿童的皮肤护理。




1. **清肺热、养胃阴**:木耳类食物如黑木耳、石耳等,因其性质甜而平,有很好的清肺热、养胃阴的功效,适合用于治疗肺部咳嗽、肺干咳等症状。


2. **滋肾水、益气活血**:中医认为食耳有滋肾水、益气活血的作用,对于头晕、耳鸣等肾虚症状有一定的缓解效果。

3. **改善月经不调**:食耳还有助于调节女性月经,对月经不调有一定的治疗作用。

4. **辅助治疗冠心病、高血压**:现代研究表明,某些木耳类食物如石耳具有降低血压的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


5. **抗癌作用**:石耳等木耳类食物含有多种活性成分,具有抗癌作用,尤其是水溶性石耳多糖,能够抑制癌细胞生长,防止癌细胞扩散。

6. **对胃肠热的缓解**:食耳对胃肠热、便秘、血等症状有一定的缓解效果。

7. **增强体质**:对于身体较弱、疾病后的弱补品效果较好,有助于增强体质。

8. **男性健康**:食用某些男性食物的木耳,如黑木耳,可以帮助改善骨髓。



Looking at the jade bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu, he smiled. "Does the bodhi old zu know God of time, God of fate, God of cause and effect?"

Chapter 19 star saber
After listening to Jade Duxiu’s words, the old ancestor of Jade was stunned and then suddenly looked at Jade Duxiu in dismay. "Hung-chun, you are playing fate, cause and effect, time and god now. You have played death, but now you have to play the rest of the gods. You are tired of living!" No, bodhi old zu, I can never let you succeed. "
Jade bodhi old zu is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. His eyes are full of anger. "The gods are hard to be suppressed. Why do you want to continue to resurrect them?" No, no, this is absolutely impossible. If you are resurrected by other gods, you will be resurrected. But this god can’t. Absolutely not. Whether it’s a god or a god, Wang Yidan, the gods, resurrected, and this world will definitely be disrupted. I will be caught in a bitter struggle again. "
Jade bodhi old zu repeatedly shook his head and looked at Jade Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "Hung-chun, if you dare to play the first gods again, don’t blame the bodhi old zu. I will turn against you and suppress you with the rest of the strong."
After listening to the words of the jade bodhi old zu, Jade Duxiu frowned and wrinkled her palm, playing with the lock demon tower. "Is it that serious?"
"How powerful are God of Time, God of Destiny, God of Cause and Effect, and God of Luck? Do you never know if you know the little monk who hides in the earth?" Jade bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu nodded. Of course, he knew that the Tibetan monk not only knew it, but that Tibetan monk was a part of him.
"What’s the matter?" Jade Duxiu looked at the bodhi old zu jade.
"The Tibetan monk can travel through the past tense, but after all, there is a limit. When he can travel through it, the dimension is bound, but when the god is not, the god lies in the past tense, which may be the age of the gods, ancient times, modern times and so on. Every minute is more important than when he lives in the future." The jade bodhi old zu said mysteriously, "It’s right not to touch these gods. If you let them out, it will be in big trouble."
With that, the jade bodhi old zu decisively shut up. Jade Duxiu held his arms and looked at Fang Zhou’s large array of stars and the large array of twelve gods and evil spirits, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Interesting and interesting, the king of gods should be able to find clues from the god of death. Jade bodhi old zu is never right and will never talk again."
Jade Duxiu is sure that if the former jade bodhi old zu knew that he was looking for the body of the god of death, the old thing of the god of death would never help himself.
The giant in the array of the twelve heavenly gods and evil spirits raised his hand and cast his feet. The projection of the large array of stars in the heavens was great, and Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong and White Tiger were not so easy to deal with the four great beasts. At this time, the giant was entangled in Qinglong and wrapped around the giant’s waist to make the giant powerful.
Xuanwu bit the giant’s right leg, the white tiger bit the giant’s left leg, Suzaku bit the giant’s right arm, and the giant’s left arm wanted to wave the twelve yuan in the star and let out the divine light, and a mysterious force crossed across the star world.
"This is time? You demon race can actually make the platform force "when the giant looks at the blade coming across, he suddenly screams anxiously and growls, and his body vibrates and immediately throws himself to the ground to avoid the four great beasts of the blade intertwined.
"The stars grind away the real body."
There are countless stars in the virtual world, and the virtual world has become one side. The virtual world is constantly suppressing and winding towards the giant formed by the array of the twelve gods and evil spirits, and oppressing the giant’s body and bones, constantly obliterating its true power.
Twelve yuan Chen in the side constantly obliterates the fiend’s real power and consumes turbid gas.
The demon race, the sky and the stars are fierce, and the twelve fiends are not easy to mess with. Every fiend has his own life rules.
"Cows and demons conquer the sky"
Seeing that the axe in the giant’s hand disappeared, his hands made a formula, as if it were a giant cow, and it hit the world of stars.
The heaven and earth shook, and a star collapsed. The giant’s eyes were full of yoshimitsu, and his head slammed into the twelve gods as he printed the tactic.
Tiger God shouted to mobilize the stars to suppress the giant and fight for 12 yuan.
All the stars were shattered, and the giant covered the sky with one hand, crushing Wan Li’s imaginary twelve yuan, and a terrible resistance was shattered and integrated into the stars, becoming a star god, which really turned into a star god
"Oooo ~" The giant roared "I am the strongest in all worlds, and I am the strongest in all worlds"
"Change the bodhi old zu for my magical power". The centipede bodhi old zu laughed all over the star, and then he saw the face of all the demon gods change. The giant unexpectedly grew thousands of arms instantly.
SIRS Star God and Demon God are furious, and their two arms are already difficult to deal with. What’s worse, are these thousands of arms?
At this time, three demon gods, look at me. I think you look like Shinto "Star Sword"
"Star Sword"
Thousands of stars in the star-studded array disappeared in a rage on Sunday, and a few breaths were sent to the center. The star-studded array disappeared, and there was only a long sword suspended in the center of the array, emitting a faint silver light, as if it were a ribbon winding and twisting, and the Milky Way kept flashing.
"What a horrible move. Is this the way to kill the stars?" Giant sound vibration is virtual.
"It’s horrible."
At this time, the ancestors of Terran turned their eyes to the stars, and a wave of terror spread all over the world. The strong people were instantly frightened after sensing this wave.
The god of death in the netherworld was dumbfounded. "It’s no wonder that these acquired creatures are so powerful that they are as strong as the Lord and want to abandon the reincarnation of the flesh!"
The god of death is feeling here, but he doesn’t know that his neighbor, the ghost Lord, is also clutching "Hung-chun! Hongjun! You do good deeds, you are so powerful, which one can be the enemy? As soon as it is shot down, it will destroy the country and destroy the species. It’s really a fucking thing to mess around all day. "
"The power of the father god is too strong. I wonder if the father god The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s complete reincarnation may be beyond suppressing this power?" The netherworld’s eyes are full of shock.
The ghost Lord shook his head. "This is not only the strength of the two ethnic groups, but also the strength of the stars and the earth. In the confrontation, you will find a gap and stir up the Yamaraja Avenue."
The nether world heard too much and went to stay. The ghost Lord sat there and looked at the Star Wars with gloomy eyes. "How can this old thing, jade, fool around with Hung-chun? It’s outrageous."
After that, the ghost master got up. "I’m going to meet this old guy. It’s just nonsense. No one can get any benefits."
With that, the ghost master disappeared.
"star saber" looked at the colorful star sword as if it were a ribbon, and the giant suddenly changed color as it wandered in the array of stars.
"Be careful, everyone. Before that, it was the Dragon King of the Four Seas, carrying four images, and all three demon gods were spying in the dark. Don’t be fooled by the demon family."
E-god’s eye is like a torch, and a pair of eyes can see through the emptiness, even if the stars are poor, you can vaguely see a trace of silk.
"Hubei god, you have gone astray. All chaotic fiends have long fallen into chaos and suffered a great disaster. Chaos fiends are going to die. What do you want to pursue the chaotic fiend? In the end, it’s not an inevitable death bondage. "It’s like a god’s voice shaking." This star saber is a big array of stars, and no one can predict the consequences. Look at the front and it’s the same family. I’ll give you another warning. If you are stubborn, don’t blame me for waiting for your hand. "
"Hehehehehe, if you have something to do, just make it out. What are you doing?"


The three-man flying sword constantly collided with Mars in the middle.
Guards who are qualified to enter the ancient battlefield are also hand-picked people in the city of Zhou Dynasty.
The three men are all six veins, and Siyutang, facing the two guards, not only failed to take advantage, but gradually fell into the wind.
Jun Hao’s sleeve robe waved a green frost and generate condensed a huge palm in the middle.
The battlefield temperature plummeted!
Two big week guards look a change.
Seven-pulse building force releases spiritual skills, and two people resist it by root method.
"Green cream palm?"
Just then a sneer at in the stone.
Shimen beat Ji Yaoxue and paced out. He also waved his sleeve robe and pinched his spirit. A green frost burst into a big hand.
Two palms collide in the middle!
Reiki is evenly divided!
"Well, the seven-pulse foundation?"
Jun Hao’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t help clapping his hands and laughing. "I can’t believe that Yao Xue even got through the seventh pulse. You are my school sister."
Ji Yaoxue is casually dressed in a pale yellow robe, and there is a sense of elegance that cannot be stared at.
"Princess, it’s dangerous for you to go back here quickly!"
When a guard of Zhou saw Ji Yaoxue leaving the stone room, he spoke to persuade her.
"Yao Xue, you are finally willing to come out."
Junhao pulled out a flying sword from his bag and shook his head. "But since you’re out of the stone room, don’t go back!"
The sword broke into a rainbow in an instant.
Ji Yaoxue unhurriedly urged the spiritual force in the seven spiritual veins of Linghai in Dantian to rush and roar, and also offered a flying sword, Junhao, to fight.
Both of them are seven-pulse foundations, and both of them have practiced in the Green Frost Gate, which is quite familiar.
No one can stand each other for a short time.
On the other side, two Zhou guards besieged Siyutang, but they also killed it for a while.
The Five-Man War is so deadlocked.
The battlefield aura is boiling, but the firm but gentle is like frost, but it is difficult to tell the winner.
Junhao’s heart is getting more and more agitated.
A little careless, but his arm was cut by Ji Yaoxue’s flying sword and bleeding profusely.
"What a waste!"
Friar Bai, who was watching from the sidelines, frowned impatiently, waved his hand lightly and said coldly, "Fuck you, kill those two six-pulse Tsukiji towns and capture that girl!"
The original monk in black, who did not move at the back, came out shaking.
Boom Boom Boom
Every step into the abode of fairies and immortals will shake violently, which is shocking!
The black monk suddenly gave an earth-shattering roar in the direction of the battlefield!
The black robe that was originally put on him should be cracked and several pieces of rags should fly all over the sky.
The black monk reveals his truth.
In addition to the white-shirted monk, everyone in the place was shocked and discolored, and the pupils contracted violently. I felt that my scalp was exploding and my hair stood on end!
"This this this is what monster!"
A big Zhou bodyguard’s voice trembled and his hands and feet were cold.
Even if Jun Hao knew that this black friar saw the truth at this time, he was still scared and almost lost control of his flying sword.
Chapter four hundred and sixty Ah … So much?
This is not a friar.
Technically, this is not a living person.
This monster is full of disgusting, rancid, blue-black skin, and pieces of muscles are slightly protruding and angular, as if they had been poured by molten steel.
Nails are slender and sharp as knives, flashing with faint green light and showing high toxicity!

Wang cong is still satisfied

The whole process only takes an hour.
With such a fast hunting speed, can’t you worry about level 2?
Just when Wang cong thought like this, he suddenly found something was wrong.
Several people are constantly going deep into the nearby forest and gradually disappearing, and the vision ahead is widened.
Two towering mountains meet in front and form a small valley where an old and dilapidated building stands.
It’s a dilapidated temple with a large scale.
The whole area is gray, black and barren, and the land is covered with gray and ruined walls. The world seems to have been suddenly added with a filter, so that people can’t see any conspicuous colors.
The atmosphere here is more depressing and gloomy than burying the bones, especially the dilapidated temples, which give people a magical mystery.
Wang cong has a bad feeling
Others also feel some pressure.
Zombies and skeletons wandering around here have become level 4 monsters, and their strength is much stronger than that of the peripheral monsters. Even they can’t do it, saying that this place is already a dangerous zone.
Hang Yu woke up and said, "Here we are, slow down and be careful."
"There is a landmark stone tablet here." Angelnan found a stone tablet and looked intently and got information feedback, which made her a pair of black eyebrows wrinkle involuntarily. "Corpse witch temple? Is this the name of the temple in front? It just sounds uncomfortable. "
It’s not very comfortable.
This hellhole feels very bad!
It’s certainly far more dangerous than burying the ground!
Zhao directly asked "where to start?"
"The corpse witch temple is just ahead, which is the purpose of our trip. We will certainly gain a lot of good things, and we must conquer it in one day." Hang Yu continued with a change of voice. "But we are not ready yet. It is not the time to enter."
Zhao is very much looking forward to the adventure of the necromancer temple. He asked inexplicably, "The temple looks quite large. If you want to conquer us one day, you will be very nervous. Why don’t you go in immediately?"
"If you go in now, you will die." Hang Yu shrugged and said, "Don’t worry, I almost got promoted to level 4. I’ll hunt around first, and it’s not too late to enter the temple after I get promoted to level 4."
Wang cong was surprised
I’m in hot water and still struggling at level 1.
This product is almost level 4!
Zhao, Angelnan and Xiaoqiang are also surprised that Hangyu is about to be promoted to level 4, but it is not surprising that they have fully seen Hangyu’s ability and he is about to be promoted to level 4 now.
Hang Yu was just about to assign it to everyone.
A horrifying howl rang in my ear.
Except for Hang Yu, who was psychologically prepared, the other four people were startled by the sudden call.
This video is a long cry of apes, but it sounds even more shrill and full of violent madness of wild animals, like a beast that breaks free from its cage and chooses people to eat evil animals.
Wang cong cried in horror, "what is a beast lying in the trough?"
Zhang Xiaoqiang was almost frightened, too. Judging from the sound momentum, this monster is stronger than any they have ever seen. The most terrible thing is that the other party should be close to here!
"Hush, it’s a ghoul. Hide!"
When five people were scrambling to hide in the nearby ruins, an unheard-of monster came over. It seemed to have found something and was searching everywhere, making people sweat.
Jiang Nan ventured to sneak a peek.
It is a well-built monster with limbs parallel like a gorilla, and its claws are like sharp daggers with sparse white hair, ulcerated skin and sunken eyes, and its mouth is directly cracked to the back of its ear, and its teeth are like razors.
What a terrible guy!
She was short of breath and hurriedly retracted her head with her back against the wall, her chest was fluctuating and her heart was pounding.
I have become brave enough after many battles.
At present, it seems that it is far from enough. In the face of ugly and fierce monsters, it is still difficult to suppress fear and panic.
However, Angelnan is in good shape.
Xiaoqiang and Shaocong around her are almost hugging each other.
Ghouls wander less than 30 meters, and everyone can smell the stench.
Zhao is still the highest quality among several people. He can fully restrain his fear of the unknown, observe it carefully for a few times and then ask in a low voice, "Elite geek?"
Hang Yu nods "Grade 4 Bronze Elite"
Is it really an elite monster or a level 4 elite?
Everyone met monsters like Goblin, even the "Schwarzenegger in the Goblin world" Goblin warrior, whose size is almost no more than 120 kg in Zhang Xiaoqiang.
Ghouls are different!
It’s really big.
Visually, it is definitely more than 300 kilograms, and it may be close to 400 kilograms!
Visual impact is not at the same level!
"Can we beat the level 4 elite monster at level 3?" Zhang Xiaoqiang indeed as expected conditioned reflex backed out. "This guy is very tough at first sight. I suggest not to provoke him first."
Wang cong is shivering here in Zhang Xiaoqiang and dare not speak.
I want to get a promotion quietly.

As soon as he gave birth to such a faker, the other side felt that the sword potential suddenly weakened. Many Zhu Gongxi shot strange light and suddenly drank a sword and magic extraordinary splendor. He quickly rushed to attack and beat five times in the past. Huan Yu had been wrapped in his sword circle, and it was like a fish in a net escaping from the circle.

Qunxia couldn’t help but worry. A large number of people are kind and shrugged, and the name of the Buddha rings like Hong Zhong Baiteng’s true humanity; "Do your old friends have any intention to make a move?" Tan Gu, Huo Ling and Ye Chongshan all replied in unison, "That’s what I want."
The big man sighed with a sigh, "If we do not hesitate to ruin our words and break our promises, will there be a difference in shame?"
When they were hesitating about the award, Zhu Gongxi suddenly received the leap-out article, Xu Zhuoli Rushan Huanyu, and he even attacked these five, really trying his best to pick them up. At this moment, he was so tired that he was full of asthma.
Duke Zhu knew that there were still five tricks that could make him capable, and that wise men could not work hard in secret. He made up his mind to compress these five tricks and kill the enemy at one stroke.
Here, saying that he still has five moves to make doesn’t mean that he will fight again with his sword if he exceeds five moves, but he will lose one point of his skill every time he casts one move after five moves. Therefore, if he can’t kill Huan Yu in five moves and then drag ten people to kill him, he will kill Huan Yu to death. But at that time, the five masters, such as the big man, attacked and defended them against the joint threat.
ZhuGongXi is not the reason to stop fighting. He stared at each other coldly. "Huan Yu, what makes you think drugs can be used for a long time? Old is thirsty to know "
Huan Yu repeatedly took a few breaths, but he felt dizzy and almost unstable. At this time, another person with a weak will fell down when he was in love. Fortunately, he was more determined than gritting his teeth and finally survived a dizzy attack. "In the absence of any medicine, it was just a few flowers and jade eyebrows, which was said to stimulate my potential."
Zhu Gongxi said, "So that’s it!" In a blink of an eye, he looked at Hua Wumei and asked, "You have done your best to master the skills of the monk and the golden needle. So just now, the old ladies have taken the medicine, so they don’t know if life and death will be desperately cracked. Are these arrangements also suspected by you?"
At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that those big men dressed in black were so fierce as soon as they appeared, so Hua Yumei adapted, "It’s good that you are always blaming you for not taking my life early in my calculations."
Zhu Gongxi Yinxiao said, "It’s not too late for me to take your life now!" Staring at Huan Yu in an instant, he said, "Watch the sword carefully!" Take up a sword and attack the wind disease with sharp hands.
Huan Yu’s body tilted like a real left, but he drilled through it without a fight.
Zhu Gongxi jumped a few feet with a drink and quickly chopped down this sword, which was covered by a mighty sword blade and reached Wen Xu Fangyuan.
Planting a hand and leaning to the right and left, the sword in the hand suddenly makes a reverse left split against the trend, which makes it very strange and mysterious.
Zhu Gongxi drank a "good swordsmanship" and found Zhang in the abdomen. Just now, the straight sword was cracked, and everyone was greatly surprised by his blurting out the praise of Huanyu swordsmanship. But even the master of Zhu Gongxi’s generation cracked his own swordsmanship and saw Hengyu unexpectedly crack the uncontrollable color export.
In the third phase, I talked about it, and split it to Huan Yu. I held my sword at him in a flash, and even attacked him for more than four times. I couldn’t stop his sword. I saw the light rolling like a rainbow to his waist, and Huan Yu’s mind was muddy and muddy, and I was able to receive it and stick it to my waist
Most people are so scared that they want to close their eyes. Oh, my God, there are swords attached to their backs.
In the war, Zhu Gongxi was so gnashing his teeth that he dared to invite him to this sword, which was formed by his physical ability. Therefore, only Huan Yu made such a clumsy technique to resist it, but when he heard it, he made a big noise and waved his sword and rushed at Huan Yu.
King Sago led more than a dozen men in black to quickly rush down the valley sword and sword, and when they saw people, they killed them. When they appeared, a large number of people tried to intercept Zhu Gongxi. Who knows that this bunch of people are not only fierce and fierce, but everyone seems to have greatly increased their ability to block their way. Cenpeng and others were immediately dispersed by them. In an instant, several people rushed to force a large number of people to wait for the law not to fight.
Fortunately, Hua Yumei shouted earlier that the three monks and the Koch brothers had helped Huan Yu, so Zhu Gongxi was attacked by these three swords and had to return to the sword to protect himself. Suddenly, the miracle happened that the three monks and the two roads were immediately connected with Huan Yu as if they had been trained for a long time, and no matter which one of them cooperated closely and wonderfully.
Killing the deafening screams in the valley occurred continuously. Six or seven people were killed in black, but all four of them were injured, such as Bu Bu Xu, Cenpeng, Da Nie Zun and Shi Zu. Among them, Bu Bu Xu was the least injured and still able to act. He looked around and saw King Sago passing through the crowd.
Hua Yumei saved four people around, but it was the people in Longhuzhuang and Fu Yuanjing who were just relieved and immediately surprised. It turned out that King Sago was fierce as a lion’s paw fan, so he shocked Fu Yuan and Situ Dengyu. His skill suddenly increased far beyond others’ expectation. When Jing Dengling and Jing Dengshao stopped, they were already slow. He beat them to seal their spears, then slapped them together and shocked them in a flash. King Sago had seized Hua Yumei and put the fan against her chest with murderous look.
Hua Yumei, everyone else thinks that he has suddenly become so, otherwise, the three people of Longhuzhuang and Fu Yuan will be able to stop him for a while. She can’t help shivering and moving her eyes away from him when she sees that her eyes are covered with red silk as if she is about to spray fire.
King Sago has been ordered by Zhu Gongxi to kill Hua Yumei, which is also Zhu Gongxi’s viciousness. Sure enough, everyone did not prevent Sago from attacking Hua Yumei and let him succeed easily.
His facial muscles were convulsive and twisted, and suddenly there was a bite in his mouth, and his mouth was bleeding. It turned out that he didn’t know that he had broken several teeth, but his mouth was full of blood, but he felt the pain in his arm, and he felt that his bones were splitting at the place where he grabbed him, so he knew that his heart was furious like stormy waves, but suddenly he was so furious like a crazy beast. In addition, she felt that his fan-end force was as sharp as a record, forcing him to send out a little bit of death in his chest, and she died on the spot.
Jing Dengling’s face was cold as water, and he approached King Sago step by step. When he was forced to five feet behind him, everyone was breathless.
Brother Sago suddenly roared with one hand and swept the fan behind him like a flash, and with the other hand, he slammed the jade eyebrow and fell out of the room for two articles. Although he was injured in many places, he finally saved a life. After all, Jing Dengling created a whip and applied force to seal him. This fan slammed and shook back seven steps, but King Sago snorted and knelt down. It turned out that he had a dagger in his waist. That was Fu Yuan’s hand. He then threw himself on the ground and slowly recovered his calm. He murmured, "Master’s prohibition method is stronger than her magic …"
Zhu Gongxi base rushed out of the war circle and saw that he was wounded in many places. Although Huan Yu was not injured, he was too tired to fall. He couldn’t climb up. Three monks guarded Huan Yu and Zhu Gongxi looked at the situation in the valley with horror. He laughed and laughed. "How can I die in the hands of Confucianism?"
When he ran to the top of the northwest slope, it was the day when the cliff surged up and stepped on the wall. He had gone for more than 20 years. At this time, his figure was getting higher and smaller, and suddenly he fell straight from it with a tragic and amazing laugh, and finally he died with a bang.
The big men and others have killed the big men in black, and everyone has seen Zhu Gongxi’s final ending. Hua Yumei struggled to take out the golden needle and pricked more than ten acupuncture points on Sago’s body. Sago’s eyes closed and she fell asleep. She heaved a sigh, "Han Yitie’s uncle arrived at once, and he can finally save his life." Then she went to visit other people, Cenpeng and Shi Zu, who were the most seriously injured, were all relieved by her magical skills. Finally, she went to Huanyu and sighed, "You have done all your conjoined potential, but you have finally achieved
On the east cliff, an old man with a long gown tied a rope and fell into the valley. She heard a lot of people’s greetings in her ears. She knew that Han Yi had rushed to the beautiful face and smiled with comfort, but she didn’t look back. Slowly, she knelt down and let Huan Yu rest her head in her beautiful eyes, gazing at the handsome man patiently waiting for him to open his eyes again.
Hanging sword hanging love chapter 26 Waist hanging gold seal Xi Nong Bay
Chapter 26 Waist hanging gold seal Xi Nong Bay
Half a year later, Huanyu held a wedding in Jinling, but there were more than two brides. One was Long Yumei, who was famous all over the sky, and the other was Shi Na, a four-child from the North.
This happy event not only caused a sensation in Wulin, but also caused famous experts from all factions to go to the ceremony to congratulate them. At the same time, because Huan Yu’s birth saved the country, Zhang Jiangling was the first to lose the disaster and chaos. Therefore, the purpose of the visit was to recommend Huan Yu Dongying’s ex-military governor to take a year off.
Therefore, it is a day to reach the royal family, and there are countless scenery and endless excitement.
After the wedding, Huanyu was in Jinling Mansion. Either the two Jiao Wei members got together or some famous old friends in Wulin met each other. After that, the fun was poor and the hardships were gradually forgotten.
So after more than seven months, Hua Yumei and Shi Na are both paunchy, and in two or three months, they will produce Huan Yu’s joy limit. They are very careful to look after the two bridge wives and can’t afford to leave the door. This afternoon, it is sunny and Hua Yu smiled and advised him, "Why don’t you go outside for a walk?" We’re not children, so we need your care? "
Huan Yu said, "That’s no good. I must take care of you personally until after delivery."