
1. **改善呼吸道健康**:
– 海盐水可以用于漱口,有助于缓解口腔炎症、牙龈出血等问题。
– 对于有呼吸道疾病的人来说,通过吸入含有海盐的蒸汽或者使用海盐水进行鼻腔冲洗,可以缓解鼻塞、鼻炎等症状。

2. **皮肤保湿与清洁**:
– 海盐水含有矿物质,可以帮助皮肤保持水分,对干燥肌肤有一定的保湿作用。
– 使用海盐水洗脸或泡澡,可以清洁皮肤,去除多余的油脂和污垢,同时软化皮肤角质。

3. **缓解眼部不适**:
– 海盐水可以用来冲洗眼睛,对于眼部炎症、红眼病等有缓解作用。

4. **缓解肌肉疼痛**:
– 海盐水泡浴可以帮助缓解肌肉疲劳和疼痛,尤其是对于运动员或经常运动的人来说。


5. **调节生理机能**:


– 海盐中的矿物质如钠、镁、钾等,对于维持人体的电解质平衡、调节神经系统功能、促进新陈代谢等都有积极作用。

6. **促进伤口愈合**:
– 海盐水具有一定的抗菌作用,可以帮助清洁伤口,预防感染,促进伤口愈合。

7. **增强免疫力**:
– 海盐中的矿物质和微量元素有助于增强人体的免疫力。

– 确保海盐的质量,避免使用工业盐等含有有害物质的海盐。
– 根据个人情况选择合适的使用方法,如漱口、鼻腔冲洗、泡浴等。
– 避免长期大量使用,以免引起身体不适。



1. **理气化痰**:柚子酒具有理气化痰、润肺清肠的功效。柚子味甘酸、性寒,能够帮助消化、除痰止渴、理气散结,对缓解气郁胸闷、食滞等症状有好处。


2. **开胃消食**:柚子酒有开胃消食的作用,可以治疗食少、口淡、消化不良等问题,有助于健胃消食。

3. **降血糖**:柚子肉中含有类似于胰岛素作用的成分铬,能够帮助降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


4. **去火**:柚子酒清香、酸甜、凉润,性偏寒,具有一定的去火功效,适合体内有火气的人群食用。

5. **抗衰老**:柚子酒含有丰富的维生素C和类黄酮等物质,这些成分对抵抗衰老、美肤养颜有良好的效果。

6. **预防中风**:柚子通过降低人体胆固醇,可以预防心脏病发作,对预防脑中风等心脑血管疾病有一定的积极作用。


7. **促进消化**:柚子酒能够促进消化,增进食欲,对于消化系统健康有益。

8. **伤口愈合**:柚子酒被认为可以加速伤口的愈合过程。

9. **其他健康益处**:柚子酒还具有调节血脂、抗炎、抗氧化等作用,有助于提高整体健康水平。



1. **提升免疫力**:红枣含有丰富的维生素C和天然抗氧化物质,能够有效提升身体免疫力,帮助抵抗病毒和细菌的侵害,从而减少感冒和其他疾病的发病率。

2. **改善睡眠**:红枣中的氨基酸可以促进身体分泌褪黑素,这是一种天然的安眠素,有助于改善睡眠质量,使人们更快进入梦乡。


3. **补血养颜**:红枣中的铁元素对女性尤其有益,可以帮助改善面色苍白、手脚冰凉等症状,长期饮用还能有助于养颜美容,使肌肤焕发自然光彩。


4. **促进消化**:红枣中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,缓解便秘问题,对于因饮食不规律而苦恼的现代人来说,这是一个很好的选择。

5. **减肥排毒**:红枣泡水喝可以加快肠道蠕动,有助于减少体内脂肪和垃圾的堆积,从而起到减肥排毒的作用。

6. **止咳润肺**:红枣泡水还能起到止咳润肺的作用,对于一些呼吸系统的问题有一定的缓解效果。

7. **降低胆固醇**:炒红枣泡水喝可以降低血液中的胆固醇,因为红枣中的维生素C可以加速胆固醇的代谢,减少胆固醇的合成量。

8. **补中益气**:红枣泡水喝还能补中益气,增强人体免疫,避免出现神疲乏力等症状。

9. **养血安神**:红枣含有丰富的葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖等,能够起到养血安神的作用,对于睡眠不好、乏力的人群有一定的改善效果。





1. **活血化瘀**:三七粉具有显著的活血化瘀功效,能有效治疗跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等症状。它能促进血液循环,加速瘀血的吸收和消散。

2. **止血**:三七粉对于各种出血症状,如吐血、咳血、衄血、便血等,都有良好的止血作用。

3. **降血压、降血脂、降血糖**:三七粉中的有效成分可以降低血压、血脂和血糖,对于高血压、高血脂、高血糖等心血管疾病有一定的预防和辅助治疗作用。

4. **养颜祛斑**:三七粉富含抗氧化成分,能清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老,改善皮肤状况,具有养颜祛斑的效果。

5. **抗疲劳、安神助眠**:三七粉具有兴奋中枢神经的作用,能提高脑力和体力,增强记忆能力,对改善神经衰弱或疲劳所致的失眠问题有较好的效果。

6. **防治心脑血管疾病**:三七粉能改善冠状动脉的血液运行,增强抗病能力,对预防冠心病、脑梗塞、脑溢血及脑萎缩等有较好作用。

7. **治疗跌打损伤**:三七粉被誉为“伤科圣药”,对于跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等症状,既能止血,又能活血化瘀,具有很好的治疗效果。

8. **抗氧化、增强免疫力**:三七粉中的多糖、人参皂苷等成分能刺激机体免疫细胞的活化,从而增强机体的免疫功能。

9. **抗肿瘤**:研究表明,三七中的一些成分具有抗肿瘤作用,能抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖和转移。

10. **抗衰老**:三七粉中的抗氧化成分和生物活性物质具有抗衰老作用,可以延缓细胞衰老,提高皮肤弹性。



1. **生态价值**:
– **捕食者**:蜻蜓是优秀的捕食者,尤其是在其幼虫阶段,它们生活在水中,以蚊子、苍蝇等小型昆虫为食,有助于控制这些害虫的数量,对生态平衡起到重要作用。
– **生物指示**:蜻蜓对环境质量非常敏感,它们的生存状况可以反映出水体的清洁程度和生态系统的健康状况。

2. **药用价值**:
– 蜻蜓在中医中具有药用价值,可以用来治疗多种疾病,如补肾益精、清热解毒、止咳定喘等。具体包括阳痿、遗精、咽喉肿痛、咳嗽喘促、百日咳等症状。


3. **食用价值**:
– 蜻蜓的幼虫和蛹在一些地区被视为美食,含有高蛋白质、脂肪和纤维,营养价值丰富。

4. **仿生学价值**:
– 蜻蜓的飞行能力为飞行器的设计提供了灵感。例如,蜻蜓的翅膀结构和振动方式启发了直升飞机的设计,以及通过仿生学方法解决飞机在高速飞行时可能出现的振动问题。

5. **观赏价值**:
– 蜻蜓色彩斑斓,姿态优雅,是自然界中极受欢迎的观赏昆虫,对自然爱好者、摄影爱好者和艺术家都具有很高的观赏价值。

6. **文化价值**:
– 在一些文化中,蜻蜓被视为吉祥的象征,代表着重生和变化。



1. **润肺止咳**:川贝母和雪梨都具有润肺止咳的功效,对于因肺燥引起的咳嗽、咳痰、咳血等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **清热降火**:川贝母性味苦寒,具有清热降火的作用,能够有效缓解上火症状。

3. **生津止渴**:川贝母和雪梨中的成分有助于生津止渴,适合口渴、口干等状况。

4. **润肺清燥**:雪梨含有丰富的水分和维生素,有助于润肺清燥,对于急性气管炎和上呼吸道感染有良好的辅助治疗作用。

5. **化痰止咳**:川贝母和雪梨共同作用,有助于化痰止咳,对于痰稠、不易咳出等情况有显著效果。

6. **养血生肌**:雪梨具有养血生肌的作用,对于身体虚弱、气血不足的人群有益。

7. **促进食欲**:川贝冰糖雪梨甜中带微苦,能够刺激食欲,帮助消化。

8. **美白肌肤**:由于其含有丰富的维生素,有助于排出体内垃圾,从而促进新陈代谢,对美白肌肤有一定帮助。

9. **安神解郁**:从中医角度来讲,川贝冰糖雪梨还具有安神解郁的功效。




After a long time, Jade Duxiu took out the town Haizhu and looked at the glittering and translucent Zhenhai Pearl Jade Duxiu and then took out the three treasures. "I don’t know if there is a difference between Haizhu and Dinghaizhu in this town. If you want to ask a clear question, you still need to find the road flyover with clear water. This old guy didn’t know where he got the ancient animals dancing in the sea. Maybe he should have some clues about this."

"Forget it. There are too many messy things now. Let’s clean up these trivial things first, and then think about it. Haizhu Zhenhai Haizhu thing. That clear water road flyover has been gone for some years. In those days, I had a grudge and I was afraid that the old Taoist would not buy my account." Jade Duxiu put away the three treasures and set Haizhu and Zhenhai Haizhu in succession, and then showed meditation.
Chapter 664 Inch light Huntian
Jade Duxiu has the heart to go to the Taoist priest with clear water and ask him a question. Taoist priest with clear water doesn’t know that he got the ancient heterogeneous dancing sea animals in that danger. This town Haizhu is just an accessory. Unfortunately, the Taoist priest with clear water doesn’t know that Haizhu in this town is terrible, otherwise he will regret it.
Looking at the hands of Zhenhai Zhuyu Duxiu, I thought that I was driving the light to return to the 33 rd heaven.
"Miao Xiu Dao Chang walks slowly" just when Yu Duxiu was about to rush into heaven, he heard a burst of urgent words in the air.
Jade Duxiu stopped flashing cold light in her eyes and looked at the little waves in the eyes of the bearer. "You didn’t expect you to dare to come here and die."
"The cave master is merciful to you and me, but I know that the cave master is not an unreasonable person." The bearer decided to look respectfully at the jade show.
Jade Duxiu frowned. You said this newcomer? Who else can it be if it’s not the demon king
The inch-light lich king looked respectfully at the jade unique show, but the jade unique show was countered by the inch-light lich king in the wild. Even if it were not for God’s all-mysterious, it would have been ruined by the inch-light lich king’s shortsightedness.
Looking at that inch of light demon king Yu Duxiu’s heart, he already had some speculation and said with a cold face, "You’d better give the seat a reason, or the savage demon race will enter my Terran seat without letting you leave alive."
That inch of light demon king clapped his hands, only to see that there were four big demons carrying a figure. Looking around, was it not Huntian demon king or that one?
"Huntian?" Yu Duxiu’s voice is indifferent
"I was wrong about all this, and I bewitched Brother Huntiandao, which made him make a big mistake. The Lord also asked the Lord to let go of the Huntianyao King, and all the blame was put on the seat. He also asked the Lord to be merciful and have a debt to let go of Brother Huntiandao." The demon king was sincere and sad
At this time, the Huntian Lich King seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, and his mind is chaotic and imperceptible. It seems that all six senses have been lost at this time.
Looking at that inch of light demon king Yu Duxiu sound cold "will sin bless you? Are you really willing to let this demon king bear all the consequences? Even if it is a seat, it will not hesitate to smash your bones? "
"Don’t ask the cave master to let me go. Ask the cave master to relieve my brother’s pain, even if the cave master throws me down." That inch of light demon king’s face is determined.
Looking at the demon king Yu Duxiu with a faint sigh, he said, "What a sentient and intentional monster beast, but it’s many times better than human beings. I don’t know how many times your brothers are sincere and sincere, and they are not random killers. Tell you what, if you obey the imperial edict three times in the future and don’t violate the throne, you will let your brother go and let him return to his seat."
"The Lord of the Cave is merciful. The Lord of the Cave should be able to forgive me. Let alone three things, even a hundred things and a thousand things. There is absolutely no remorse." The face of the inch-light lich king smiled at Yu Duxiu repeatedly.
Jade Duxiu looked at the grateful Lich King, but recited a spell to solve the suffering of the Huntian Lich King.
"The Lord of the cave is merciful, the Lord of the cave is merciful, the little demon knows the sin, and the little demon knows the sin and asks the Lord of the cave not to recite the curse of something." The demon king of Huntian went to the pain and stood up and looked at the wheel of Jade Duxiu not far away and turned up to worship Jade Duxiu.
Looking at the Huntian demon king, Yu Duxiu, the demon king, coldly snorted, "Don’t gossip about the two of you returning to the wild and waiting for the seat. If you dare to violate it a little, you should know the means of the seat."
Jade Duxiu’s eyes are cold, and the chill in his eyes seems to freeze this emptiness.
"Nature knows nature knows I won’t disturb the cave master. Leave now." The inch-light lich king looked at Yu Duxiu with a bad complexion, but he dared not say more, dragging the Huntian lich king to fly away in the wild.
Looking at the Huntian Demon King, the shadow of the demon king is far away, and the chill in Yu Duxiu’s eyes slowly converges. "The June account is coming soon, and there will be a time for you to cry sooner or later."
Yu Duxiu patted the leftover green cow. "You stupid goods are not smart and you don’t know that your master is cheering me on."
When he said this, he saw that the green cow played the hoof and instantly entered Tianmen and went straight to the 33rd heaven.
Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Duxiu holds a palm-sized bamboo tube in his hand. This bamboo tube seal is densely covered. I don’t know if there are still many stars.
"Where did this ancient inch come from that guy in Gao Lang? Now Gao Lang has become a six-royal one. It is hard to say who is right and who is wrong in that year."
Looking at the bamboo tube in his hand and muttering to himself about Wen Yingji’s affairs, who is wrong and confused, and who can tell the truth?
What would have happened if Wen Yingji had gone to the monastery with himself instead of entering the palace?
I must have joined Butaiping Road, and I wouldn’t have let myself go. If I broke the Taiping ancestor’s plan, I would have killed myself in every way.
However, it is precisely because Wen Yingji chose not only to become himself, but also to become himself.
"This kind of jade solo would rather not be my jade solo. It has always been better to take it in the middle than in the middle. Ask me for jade solo. Although my magical powers and mana were not high, I was afraid of who." Jade solo slowly put the bamboo tube.
When he reached the realm of Jade Duxiu, all kinds of treasures were gathered together, but this ancient inch was not much for him.
"This inch is the darling of Gao Lang. If you can exchange this inch for some benefits, it must be better." Jade Duxiu was silent
After a while, Jade Duxiu took out the imperial edict in his hand and handed it to the little demon saying, "Take this imperial edict with this bamboo tube and go to the immortal emperor for a ride."
"Follow the decree", the little demon bowed respectfully and then turned away.
Looking at the little demon’s far away back, Jade Duxiu took a deep breath. "Strength, strength, if I had enough strength, my godfather would not have known that my Wen Yingji had something to do, and I would have sent that Wen Yingji to the palace, and I would not have known that my child was in distress but didn’t help."
Jade Duxiu eyes gradually cold "innate realm? Nature realm? "
"With so many treasures, it’s time for me to break through the innate realm. First, the weather is really difficult to practice. Thanks to the chaos in the middle of the field, it seems that I had a good vision to do my homework." Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu’s hand was so beautiful that it suddenly appeared, only to see that Jade Duxiu instantly projected a burning furnace.
The number of herbs in the divination furnace fluctuates in it.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed for a moment, but he saw more herbs flying out of Jade Duxiu’s hands and falling into the divination furnace. The samadhi fire rolled up the herbs and the natural forces of heaven and earth collided with each other constantly at this time, stealing the natural forces and blessing these herbs.
Yu Duxiu realized that the number of herbs caused the power of nature when they collided. The eyes were flashing with strange runes, and a jade-colored disc was engraved with the mysterious Taoist seal, and the gods were slowly rising in its eyes, and the nature of heaven and earth was absorbed by it.
Xuanzao is the general program of all kinds of ways, and the root of Jade Duxiu’s practice is the root of all kinds of methods, especially after experiencing the dry kunbi in the palm of your hand and the opening of Hanazono Sakura’s world cave, Jade Duxiu’s Xuanzao has been cultivated to a new level, which can be said to be the beauty of the realm of God-connecting, and even the godfather is afraid of it.
The Palace of the Immortal Emperor looked at the imperial edict in his hand and looked at the bamboo tube again. Qualcomm’s eyes were flashing with strange colors. He looked at the little demon Qualcomm who looked uneasy and gave a hand. "At this time, the seat already knows you, so go back."
"Yes," the little demon said, "It’s like a burden." He gave Gao Lang a gift and hurried away, but it wasn’t him who could resist.
Chapter 665 Swallow Dan medicine congenital perfection

Confirm that it is out of danger. Gu Qing fell directly on the side of a road and stayed in the artifact for a long time with a wave of his hand. Xu Bingning, Gu Dingzhong, Ning Tianheng and others suddenly appeared.

Artifact has immortal wood, which releases wood vitality every day to an extremely rich degree.
This kind of rich quantity is really nothing for the ancient Qing dynasty, which is a nine-fold realm of Dan Dao, but the effect received by these four practitioners of Dan Dao in Guding is extremely obvious, especially the veteran Shinto, the strong Ning Tianheng, who has reached the double point of Shinto in one fell swoop.
These people are naturally unwilling to wave in the holy land, so they are racing against time to practice hard, even if they have achieved four times of Dan Dao and Xu Bingning is no exception.
At the moment, suddenly, the artifact appeared in the practice of this land, and at the same time, everyone was slightly Zheng and some didn’t return to absolute being.
Gu Qing won’t care about their ideas and directly said, "You have settled down, now you can go."
"settle down"
Gudingzhong slightly zheng eyes immediately looked up in all directions "here is …"
"It’s a long way from the Daqi dynasty, but I believe it’s not too far. You should be able to return to Daqi after ten days of repairing the realm of Dandao!"
Guqing just killed Xuanyang Tianzong, an elder of Shinto realm. At the moment, Xuanyang Tianzong patriarch Yunyan is personally pursuing nature. It is not good to enter Xuanyang Tianzong’s territory at this time and return to Daqi, so they can rely on themselves.
With that, Gu Qing’s eyes stopped at Xu Bing and Gu Xiaolin and hesitated for a moment. He directly said to Xu Bing, "Just now, you also saw that my opponent is an extremely terrible figure in the world of cultivating immortals. Some people even want to avoid its edge. If you follow me, you will hide in the artifact once you are in danger, and if I fall in the flesh, you will die in the hands of my opponent. You still have one chance to leave with them and return to Daqi. I believe that no one near Daqi will have the courage to hit you. Dan.
Yet a NingTianHeng and others eyes immediately fell on Xu Bing coagulation.
Although Xu Bingning’s words may threaten their royal status, a quadruple master of Dan Dao is too powerful for many countries. She is enough to ensure their smooth sailing in the next day, so that their status will be higher instead of lower!
Xu Bingning’s indifferent face showed a slight smile. "You don’t have to say that I decided not to change it easily, and you promised to come here yourself and you can’t change it at will!"
Guqing glanced at the same twittering cried GuXiaoLin hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly.
Now even if we take care of Gu Xiaolin’s mood, let her stay here for the time being. It’s not too late to let her leave after more than ten years when Gu Xiaolin’s soul recovers and her memory wakes up!
"Now that you’ve decided to pick it up, I’m going to find a place to close you, so come in first." Gu Qing said, adding this man and bird to the artifact again and then jumping up and leaving.
Seeing this, Gudingzhong hurriedly said, "Although you are now high in Dan Dao, the strong can slay even the Shinto realm, but the Wuwei Houfu of the Daqi Dynasty is your home after all. I hope you can come and see it often."
Ning Tianheng also nodded respectfully and added, "Although we know a false name, you certainly can’t see it, but you will always keep the first position of our Daqi Dynasty!"
"Whatever you want!"
Gu Qing said that he would no longer pay attention to them. He jumped directly into the stars and disappeared in the blink of an eye at the end of several people’s sight!
Seeing this Guding Zhonghe Ningtian cross looked at each other at the same time, a weak smile appeared on their brow.
Think of them in the daqi dynasty somehow is also a person ten thousand people can call the shots, but in front of the ancient green seems to root into the eye … But think of the ancient green has the strength of the earth they are afraid to show half disrespect!
People even dare to kill Shinto Zun, the God of Shinto in Xuanyang. It’s easier to kill a few mere practitioners of Dan Tao realm than to crush an ant!
"Master Ning, let’s go back as soon as possible. The Daqi dynasty can’t live without the master."
Ning day cross looked at GuQing leave direction heavy nodded his head.
Although Gu Qing has no sense of belonging to the Daqi Dynasty, he is a practitioner of the Daqi Dynasty after all … If Gu Qing’s name is Daqi Dynasty to seek greater interests … This will be something worth considering.
Guqing nature is too lazy to ignore what Ning Tian Heng and others are thinking.
After they were released, he directly plunged into the fluctuation of the star power and flew out for a whole quarter of a "huge gap" distance until he entered a dense mountain and ancient forest and stopped!
Even a Shinto deity has to fly for five or six days to reach this distance.
After banishing these thoughts from my mind, Gu Qing immediately glanced at this mountain forest and finally stopped at a hill with strong aura, and then arranged the law in this mountain forest.
His array attainments are naturally extremely poor. However, the array defense of Dan Dao’s nine-fold strength here is enough to resist the attack of Dan Dao’s five-fold and six-fold masters. Even Dan Dao’s nine-fold masters can’t detect the clues of this array without deliberate observation!
And Dan Dao Jiu Chong, that’s the most powerful person in the whole cultivation world except Shinto Zun, who is not all equivalent to a group of bodhi old zu figures? It’s very precious when you casually run to these deep mountains and forests, and the possibility is close to
After arranging the law, Guqing directly took out all kinds of things harvested in this period of time.
Among all magic weapons and magical powers, the most valuable doubt is that the artifact containing the seal of the Shinto double master Jiang Wangshui Yuan Shen is round and round, and then it depends on whether he can refine the stars "Juque" and set the star flag!
However, it is said that Tai Chi’s round disc avatar Tai Chi’s unitary technique of fighting to set the stars and flags and pulse qi should be further implemented. It is not for a while that the club can solve the problem. On the contrary, it is the great avatar of Xuanyang Tianzong that dazzles Cindy Yang’s fire.
After searching for a moment in the ring of Elder Gan Kun of Huayuan, Gu Qing has soon found the jade book of this great magical power, which burns the sky and dazzles the true fire. Besides this great magical power, the magical powers of the other seven towns of Xuanyang Tianzong are almost complete, and even Gu Qing has long thought about it. There are some broken chapters in past lives’s past and future magical powers.
"Those magical powers are secondary eyes. The first thing to do should be to practice burning the sun and dazzle Cindy Yang fire. My golden sword has been almost destroyed in the previous World War I. It is very difficult to kill Shinto masters if I want to blow them. If I can practice this great magical power successfully, I will be afraid of Shinto practitioners again by burning the sun and dazzling the true fire!"
Thinking that Gu Qing has read this jade book through spiritual consciousness!
There are six realms to burn the sky and dazzle the sun!
The first three realms are all equivalent to the foundation of flame magical power. Even if the third practice is successfully condensed, the flame will be stronger than Dan Dao’s nine-fold strong Dan Huo. But in the first four realms, the star flame condensed by absorbing the sun’s true fire is extremely huge. Although it doesn’t have the terrible power to burn the sky out, the Shinto strong people have to stay away!
Like yan wang, Hua Yuan, Tai Luan and Li Guang, the flame attainments of these elders all stay at this stage!
Further, the power of fire is even more overbearing, not only burning substances, but also burning life. The soul has already left the level of idle flame. Even if Gu Qing practiced Dan Fire for 1000 years and 10000 years, he would never have such incredible power.
"Yunyan burning day dazzle Cindy Yang fire power has been cultivated in the fifth realm. Once it is contaminated with a little consequence, it is unimaginable. Even if I cultivate the five elements of reincarnation, the vitality of the five elements is endless, and I am afraid that I may be broken in an instant. The five elements of reincarnation are directly ignited, which leads to self-harm and death …"
Look at it. After the terrible fifth flame of the burning sun dazzles the sun, Guqing can’t help but be surprised out of a better sweat!

His left leg was completely smashed by the debris after the explosion of the watchtower. Several leg bones were broken, and the stone shrapnel was embedded in the flesh. The thigh was a big wound and blood was flowing.

Xu Yan saw that Marion’s armed head was instantly awake and was about to get up while holding the ground.
Marion’s armed head directly pressed a Xu Yan low and said, "Xu … President Xu … you can’t keep your left leg."
Xu Yanwen just looked at his bombed left leg and his eyes focused on the bleeding valgus wound, instantly feeling the terrible pain and fainted on the spot.
"Send it to the defense hole quickly!" Marion’s armed head immediately waved his hand and shouted at the soldiers, "Find two military doctors to cut off his leg, or he will definitely lose his life if he is infected with blood."
The soldiers immediately set up a coma, and President Xu hunched over and ran to the self-government meeting to prevent the hole
The four regiments in Chongdu organized their own stormtroopers.
As soon as the gun stopped, Tai Yong immediately raised his gun and shouted, "Come with me!"
Seven hundred stormtroopers from Chongdu Self-Defense Force rushed to the autonomous compound from four directions.
Marion armed men are fighting against the bombed and broken bunkers!
Grenade, mortar, RPG are everywhere bombing the defensive units of the autonomous meeting compound. After resisting the two waves of impact from the other side, it has become chaotic. Many defensive points have appeared in the real zone because of the rapid reduction of combat personnel!
Marion’s head of armed forces stuck beside the ruins on the side of the main building and shouted, "Don’t be fucking injured, retreat to the hole in an orderly manner and stay at the defensive point if you are slightly injured!" Reinforcements are coming! "
Jun Chen gave Marion armed forces a death order, and if they didn’t arrive, they would have to defend the distant mountains. More than 2,000 people have fought, and now they have less than 500 troops!
The periphery of the autonomy Council
After two shocks, the four stormtroopers in Chongdu have been cleared out of the battlefield. Too brave immediately let people organize the third stormtrooper again!
Too brave and red-eyed outside the wall gnashed his teeth and shouted, "Fuck a B. This charge must be broken!" Everyone, including me, is not allowed to come out until I get to the hospital and have no resistance! The brothers of all the regiments gave me the first one who dared to fight and shot him first! "
The autonomous compound is already crumbling. At this moment, the morale of the heavy guard is at its peak!
"rush! !”
Too brave to shout once again with people to the autonomy will compound impact in the past!
"HunChengLv 114 groups to target autonomy will give me kill! !”
At this moment, a roar came from the south side of the distant mountain, and two thousand HunChengLv soldiers covered in frost and snow finally arrived at the battle site. Xiaobai stood in front of the crowd and shouted, "Straight-line impact took my life to get Marion’s armed brothers for me! !”
Two thousand soldiers entered the city with one order. Although they all had no armored vehicles, the army’s off-road vehicles rushed in on foot, but they had a momentum of going forward!
Many of these soldiers are nanmu people in the distant mountains. They look at the flames everywhere and the ruins everywhere. The morale of the distant mountains is also on top of the world!
After the soldiers entered the city,
Xiao Bai immediately took the military words and asked, "What’s the situation when we got to your side? !”
"Mom, I can’t keep it here!" Marion’s armed head immediately replied, "President Xu was injured and his left leg was gone!"
Small white heard this head felt a.
"There are less than 500 people here, and there are too many wounded people to install the hole!" Marion’s head of armed forces pulled his neck and shouted, "You should enter the battlefield quickly!"
"Who is in command across the street!" Xiaobaiwen
"Too brave is him!"
"Stop for five minutes and our horse will arrive!" Xiaobai hangs up the military talk.
a few minutes later
A head of the delegation immediately shouted at the courtyard in the direction of the heavy capital on the periphery of the autonomous meeting compound, "Old people are withdrawing, and their reinforcements have arrived!"

Each set of equipment can be said to be piled up in silver coins. If Qin Changfeng hadn’t taken people to kill a few death walkers, the team would have stripped their equipment and recast it for Thomas to solve the material problem. Even if the bottom of the four lords’ house was moved, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be neat.

The vampire warrior’s body is armor, weapons or horses, and even wearing shirts and pants inside are all strategic materials needed by the Holy Light Corps.
Of course, although the body was thoroughly disposed of, the abnormal disappearance of the Death Walker team also attracted the attention of the Vampire Castle. Many people were sent out to explore at night, but they always targeted the wolves and beasts, never thinking that it would be the final result of all this.
In addition, Thomas also played an important role in the upgrading of scrolls through casting. With enough thugs, he can cast equipment at a speed comparable to that of seven blacksmiths.
At present, there are 90 people in the Holy Light Corps, and seven of them died while hunting the death walker squad and the wolf beast. This is in the case that Qin Changfeng personally led the team, otherwise the casualties will probably be more than three to five times.
I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck. In the secret hunting for more than half a year, Qin Changfeng never met Victor’s daughter Sonia, the vampire elite warrior who was obsessed with Mercedes-Benz fighting in the dark.
Michael, the head of the army, once questioned Qin Changfeng, a boy who was ten years old, but mature, steady, brave and courageous, and his loyalty to Qin Changfeng reached 95%, side by side with Thomas.
And even fighting capacity, he is also the first melee skill in the whole legion. Even Qin Changfeng can’t compare with him now. He is also one of the few people who practice the indestructible magic to the third floor.
It’s amazing that Qin Changfeng has to admire his talent here, but they are indestructible, magical and magical, but … Buddhist power unexpectedly has a strong killing bonus for dark creatures. Whether it is attached to a sword or a bolt flying knife, once it hits a werewolf or vampire, the effect is like rolling oil into the ice and snow, which greatly reduces the recovery speed of these dark creatures’ wounds.
Whether you meet a wolf, a beast or a vampire, you are quickly strangled all the way around at night.
In this world that has been shrouded in darkness for hundreds of years, human beings fight back and shout!
Qin Changfeng, one of all the people, is still wearing the Pope’s robe instead of armor with a staff.
He and Thomas rode side by side at the front, Thomas was the guide, and Qin Changfeng was looking at the nearby situation through the pet fiend.
If you are a scout, Mo Yi is excellent in speed, strong tracking and olfactory ability, and Qin Changfeng telepathy, which makes it play an important role in this raid.
From Thomas’ description of the death of the acting Pope, it can be inferred that the Crohn family probably sold them to vampires when the Pope lobbied, and then killed all the top leaders of the holy see with the help of vampires and finally occupied the fortress of the holy see
This shows that Jonah, who wants to rebel against the lords, is suspected to be the most loyal lackeys of vampires compared with the Crohn family.
This raid must not go forward, and the air leakage will make Crohn Castle get less vampire reinforcements before they attack the castle. Otherwise, if dozens of them attack a castle, the casualties will be acceptable to France.
After a few hours of darkness, it was drizzling.
The raindrops hit the armor and make a tick, and then they converge into a water flow, which flows along the gap between the joints of the armor and soaks a little. The lining inside is wet and sticks to the skin, which will not only be uncomfortable, but also greatly test the knight’s endurance.
But from the end, no one spoke alone, and no one shouted tired. They all seemed to be carved out of stone, unconscious and without feelings.
I don’t know how long it took Qin Changfeng, and I can’t remember how many miles I traveled. Finally, when it was darkest in front of Lebanon, Thomas stopped by reins.
"Here?" Qin Changfeng asked calmly that this test is not worth anything to him.
Thomas nodded his head on horseback, then pointed to a mountain not far away and said, "The castle is hidden on the top of the mountain. The terrain is very dangerous. There are only three cliffs facing the passage, and the Crohn family must send someone to guard it. But I know a secret passage that can directly enter the castle. I’m afraid Crohn never imagined that he would occupy the castle with all his strength and become his graveyard!"
Qin Changfeng can hear the deep-rooted hatred for the Crohn family in his voice. Obviously, the death of the Pope has always bothered him.
"Guardian, I promise that those who betray the holy light and blaspheme will be punished as they deserve!" Qin Changfeng appeased Thomas and then turned to Michael and asked, "The head of our army, the vampire, was dispatched by day. Do you think it is better for us to attack now or wait until the sun rises?"
Michael croaked, "This is not a vampire castle. We don’t have to wait."
There is poor self-confidence in this calm voice!
"Then I’ll leave this battle to you to command. I won’t do it unless necessary."
"Michael will live up to your entrustment!"
The grown-up of the Legion can be picky and salute the Pope’s Pavilion, then turn to his knight and shout, "Mia, you take ten people to take care of the war horse, and the rest of you will hike the mountain with me!"
There is no reply because everyone has already acted.
Half an hour later, when Qin Changfeng followed the knights and carefully pulled out a lot of shrubs and vines, he finally saw a castle at the top of the mountain behind the Woods.
This is a castle made of stone. The huge shadow of the castle stands tall in the night. It is indeed a cliff on three sides, and the front of it is firmly blocked by a wall more than ten meters high. Even if wolves and beasts want to rush through this wall, it is not a simple matter.
No wonder the Crohn family are interested in this castle. It’s really a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.
However, no matter how strong the fortress is, there will always be invisible weaknesses. At first, Thomas fled the secret passage of the castle, but now it is a shortcut for them to enter the castle.
Qin Changfeng didn’t follow Michael and them into the secret passage, but waited at the edge of the forest.
If you can’t attack a small castle with only human guards in the sneak attack … Qin Changfeng will really consider giving up this group of waste and then find another way.
Fortunately, these soldiers who grew up in cruel environment did not let him down.
Only ten minutes later, I saw that the castle suddenly burst into flames in the dark, and the wind blew a roll of fire and immediately went up into the sky, and then screams and whines broke the night.
Less than a minute later, chaos appeared on the facade of the city wall, and it was faintly visible that there were knights waving swords at the city wall, and there was almost no match between the enemy torches, reflecting the cold metallic luster.
"The door has been hit by the Pope’s position. Let’s go in." Blonde Elizabeth said softly that she was the only one who didn’t wear a helmet. This is the special reality that Qin Changfeng gave her. A woman really can’t cultivate King Kong’s immortality. Thanks to this, she didn’t become a powerful soldier in the Holy Light Corps as her father Jonah expected. Later, she stayed with Qin Changfeng more and played the role of a squire.
"Crohn, when you walked into this castle on the bloody corpse of the Holy See, did you ever think that you should also make atonement with the bloody corpse tonight?"
When Qin Changfeng walked into the gate of the city wall, he heard Thomas growling like a owl at night
Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine Sonia
"You are a holy man? It’s impossible … The weak Vatican was completely destroyed as early as three years ago! "
Answer Thomas is an old and lonely voice, and it is easy to associate it with a cold snake.
"that was three years ago, and now you are facing the legion of light with anger!" Qin Changfeng walked slowly through the body with a stick and through the flowing blood.
"Pope!" Blocked in front of the Crohn family castle, the knights of the Holy Light immediately saluted and took the initiative to let the passage.
"Who are you?" On the front steps of the castle gate, an old man with wrinkled white hair in a noble robe was pale, and his family and guards behind him were also frightened.
Thomas in Qin Changfeng side awe-inspiring way "in front of you is the holy see the 23rd generation of Pope positions! Crohn, you can repent. Maybe the Pope will give you a little redemption blood. "
"A gift?" Old Crohn suddenly sneered and shouted, "Now you are kneeling and begging me, maybe I can give you a happy death."
At this time, everyone here in the Holy See feels puzzled. How dare a group of human old, sick and disabled people say such things in the face of the elite soldiers of the deputy armed forces?
Is it scared out of my mind?
For a moment, they knew the reason. When Crohn suddenly roared, his mouth showed sharp fangs, and then the whole person suddenly rushed forward. Whether it was speed or movement, the explosive force broke out. When he finished his age, he flashed over a distance of more than ten meters. Blue eyes stared at Qin Changfeng’s yoshimitsu.
Crohn has become a vampire!
Around the knight of the holy light cried in utter amazement, the last four hurriedly drew their swords and rushed to stop the strong body. The armor covered it like a moving wall in front of Qin Changfeng, and at the same time, the cross sword brushed and cut out the sword light like the waves, making people feel that even a wolf beast would be chopped into paste in an instant, and both strength and speed could be critical.
Crohn, the old man, not to mention that even if he was made of iron, he would have to be cut into steak.
However, at this moment, Crohn’s speed suddenly increased, and then his arms jumped over the knights’ heads!