
### 滋阴润肺的功效:

1. **润肺止咳**:秋季天气干燥,容易导致肺燥咳嗽。滋阴润肺的食物和药物能够滋养肺部,缓解咳嗽症状。

2. **生津止渴**:燥热天气会导致人体津液流失,出现口渴、咽干等不适。滋阴润肺能够补充体内流失的津液,缓解口渴。

3. **清热解毒**:燥热气候容易导致体内积热,滋阴润肺能够清热解毒,降低体内热邪。

4. **改善睡眠**:秋季干燥气候容易影响人的睡眠质量。滋阴润肺有助于改善睡眠,使人入睡更加香甜。

5. **调节内分泌**:滋阴润肺有助于调节人体内分泌系统,对于内分泌失调引起的皮肤干燥、头发枯黄等问题有一定的改善作用。

### 滋阴润肺的影响:

1. **改善呼吸系统问题**:对于患有慢性支气管炎、哮喘等呼吸系统疾病的患者,滋阴润肺能够缓解症状,改善生活质量。

2. **增强免疫力**:滋阴润肺有助于增强人体免疫力,提高对疾病的抵抗力。

3. **调节心血管系统**:滋阴润肺有助于降低血压、血脂,对于心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

4. **美容养颜**:滋阴润肺能够使皮肤保持滋润,减少皱纹,具有美容养颜的效果。

5. **延缓衰老**:滋阴润肺有助于延缓人体衰老过程,使人保持年轻活力。

### 注意事项:


1. 滋阴润肺的食物和药物应根据个人体质和病情选择,过量或不当使用可能产生不良反应。

2. 滋阴润肺并非万能,对于某些疾病的治疗仍需结合其他治疗方法。

3. 秋季气候干燥,应注意日常饮食和作息,保持良好的生活习惯,以充分发挥滋阴润肺的功效。


1. **增强语言表达与说服力**:佩戴碧玺手链被认为可以增强佩戴者的语言表达能力和说服力,使人心情清明,情绪平稳,从而在交流中更加得心应手。



2. **避邪与稳定情绪**:碧玺谐音避邪,佩戴碧玺手链可以排出人体负能量,改善周围磁场,对睡眠质量低下、夜晚容易受惊、做噩梦的人有稳定情绪的作用。


3. **招财纳福与愉悦心情**:被称为“福晶”的碧玺手链,被认为可以招财纳福,旺夫旺财,调和人体五行中缺财的部分,使人心情愉快,与人为善,从而改善运气和财运。

4. **美容养颜与增进爱情运势**:碧玺手链可以增进人缘,增强异性缘,激发同情心和慈悲心。对于女性来说,佩戴碧玺手链能够畅通血气,对气虚、身体弱、手脚冰凉者有很好的保健效果。

5. **提升个人魅力与领导气质**:碧玺散发的能量被认为可以强化个人的领导气质,增加个人魅力,适合经常与公众打交道的人。

6. **健康与养生**:碧玺被认为是正能量的宝石,有助于改善身体健康,排除压力、疲劳和浊气,对提升整体健康水平有积极作用。

7. **不同颜色碧玺的作用差异**:不同的碧玺颜色被认为具有不同的功效,例如,黑碧玺手链辟邪化煞的作用较多,而绿碧玺和黄碧玺则与招财纳福相关。



1. **丹皮(牡丹皮)的功效**:
– **活血化瘀**:丹皮可以促进血液循环,有助于改善因血瘀引起的症状。
– **清热凉血**:适用于血热引起的症状,如发热、口渴等。
– **消肿散瘀**:对于局部肿胀、瘀血等症状有缓解作用。
– **抗菌、抗肿瘤**:丹皮中的某些物质具有抗菌和抗肿瘤的作用。
– **增强免疫力**:有助于提高身体的免疫力。
– **改善血液循环**:对血液循环系统有益,有助于预防心血管疾病。


2. **麦冬的功效**:
– **镇静催眠**:麦冬具有镇静作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。
– **抗心律失常**:对心律失常有调节作用。
– **降低血糖**:有助于控制血糖水平。
– **补气活血**:增强体力,改善血液循环。
– **泡茶饮用**:可以用开水泡茶饮用,具有一定的保健作用。

– **孕妇慎用**:由于可能对胎儿产生不良影响,孕妇应慎用。
– **月经过多者慎用**:对月经过多者可能产生不良影响。


1. **丹麦黛力新药**:
– **治疗焦虑、抑郁**:用于治疗神经衰弱、神经症、轻中度焦虑和抑郁。
– **改善更年期抑郁**:对更年期抑郁有一定的治疗作用。

2. **丹麦花果茶**:
– **美容养颜**:含有大量维生素C,对美容养颜有益。
– **缓解感冒症状**:有助于缓解感冒症状。

3. **丹麦红莲草**:
– **保健蔬菜**:具有补血补钙、软化血管等保健作用。




1. **温肾祛寒**:葫芦巴性味苦温,归肾经,主要用于治疗肾阳虚冷引起的症状,如小腹冷痛、小肠疝气等。

2. **止痛**:葫芦巴对于治疗寒湿脚气、腿膝疼痛、行步无力等症状有很好的效果。

3. **治疗小肠气**:葫芦巴可以缓解因小肠气攻刺引起的腹痛、绞结绕脐攻刺等症状。

4. **治疗肾脏虚冷**:葫芦巴对于肾脏虚冷引起的腹胁胀满、腰痛等症状有缓解作用。

5. **治疝气**:葫芦巴对于各种类型的疝气,如偏坠阴肿、小腹有形如卵等症状有治疗作用。

6. **驱除病气**:在中医理论中,葫芦巴有驱除病气的作用,可以用来改善健康人的运势,或者帮助病人吸取身上的病气,加速康复。


7. **药用方法多样**:葫芦巴的药用方法多种多样,可以研磨成粉末,用酒调服;也可以与其他药材配伍,制成丸剂或汤剂。



1. **增强脏腑功能,平衡阴阳**:五色灵芝能够提高脏腑功能,平衡身体的阴阳,有助于预防脏腑器官过早老化,以及功能下降的症状。

2. **安神助眠,提高记忆力**:五色灵芝具有安神作用,可以有效改善失眠症状,提高睡眠质量,同时有助于提升记忆力,改善记忆力下降的问题。


3. **排毒养颜,预防慢性疾病**:五色灵芝能够排出身体中的有毒物质,有效预防血管硬化,从而降低慢性疾病的风险。

4. **延缓衰老,抗氧化**:五色灵芝具有很强的抗氧化能力,能够延缓衰老过程,增强人体的自我抗氧化力。


5. **调节血糖、血压**:五色灵芝对于调节血糖、血压有积极作用,有助于预防糖尿病和高血压。

6. **抗病能力提升**:五色灵芝能够促进T免疫细胞的增殖,增强人体的抗病能力,提高免疫系统的功能。

7. **促进新陈代谢,美容养颜**:五色灵芝能够加速新陈代谢,提亮面色,提升肌肤光泽,有助于美容养颜。

8. **调节女性周期**:对于女性来说,五色灵芝可以用来调理月经不调,具有补血益气的作用。

9. **扶正固本,增强免疫力**:五色灵芝能够扶正固本,增强免疫功能,提高机体抵抗力,双向调节人体机能平衡。

10. **辅助治疗心脑血管疾病和肿瘤**:在临床医学上,五色灵芝常被用于治疗心脑血管疾病,抑制癌细胞的扩散。




1. **调节血压**:马菜富含钾盐,有助于扩张血管,防止动脉管壁增厚,从而具有降低血压的作用。

2. **控制血糖**:马菜中的某些成分可以帮助控制血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

3. **清热解毒**:马菜具有清热解毒的功效,对于夏季上火或体内有热毒症状的人,食用马菜可以起到缓解作用。


4. **预防血凝块**:马菜中含有的钾离子能帮助调节血液的流动,减少血凝块的形成。

5. **促进肠胃蠕动**:马菜富含膳食纤维,有助于肠道蠕动,可以预防便秘,并有助于清除肠内堆积的毒素。

6. **抗菌消炎**:马菜对伤寒杆菌、大肠杆菌等多种致病菌有抑制作用,对于肠炎、尿道炎、皮炎湿疹等炎症有一定的治疗作用。

7. **促进溃疡愈合**:马菜中的胡萝卜素有助于促进溃疡的愈合。

8. **增强食欲**:马菜中的微量元素和营养成分有助于增加食欲,改善消化不良和食欲不振。

9. **利尿降温**:马菜具有利尿作用,可以帮助调节体内水电解质的平衡,防止排尿涩痛,同时也有助于降温。

10. **抗氧化延缓衰老**:马菜中富含的维生素E和硒等抗氧化成分有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


11. **预防动脉硬化**:马菜中的某些成分有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,预防动脉硬化。


"I’ll leave when things are settled." I hesitated for a long time and shook my head again.

"Real people please change clothes." Just then, Yang Zhong brought a golden robe inlaid with gold and jade, which was more luxurious and exquisite than that worn by Ye Aofeng earlier.
I smell speech and turned to look at Yang Zhong and took the cassock. This cassock is beautifully woven by Yang Zhong’s skillful craftsmen all over the country. The Yin and Yang parting corners are inlaid with colorful gold wires and the back is dry. This is the most beautiful cassock I have ever seen, but what I want to accept is not because the cassock is beautiful, but because I teleport back to yangfu and my aura is exhausted. At this time, I have already transformed my clothes.
"Before the Golden Dragon ascended the throne, you can temporarily take photos of the state affairs, but you can’t become the emperor." I put on my cassock and shouted at Yang Zhong. I am about to leave here. This is the advice for Yang Zhong to leave.
"Real people can rest assured that the important event in the DPRK, Yang, will be decided after consultation with the Prime Minister." Yang Zhongwen immediately leaned down and responded.
"Buddhism and Taoism are the right path, so we should treat Buddhists kindly in the future. Never treat them coldly." I pondered for a moment and explained the four religions once again. However, my previous master revenged Zhou Qi’s struggle, which greatly reduced the number of monks in the four religions. After I left, I was not afraid that the monks would interfere with the political affairs.
"Follow the real law" Yang Zhong responded again.
"Why don’t you say that you are kind to your brother?" The king kong gun is always the king kong gun. Hip-hop has a mouth from the side
"I have been entrusted with loyalty. I promised Master Hui that I would look back and move forward with mercy to my Buddhist brother." I sighed.
"Real people can rest assured that with the assistance of the Prime Minister, we won’t be reckless." Yang Zhong also knows how much I will leave.
"Good self" I got up and turned around with one hand supporting the seat. After the layman’s aura was exhausted, I felt tired and wandering when walking.
When Yang Zhong saw that I was leaving, he quickly led his family out to see them off. I waved them to stop.
"Old cow, you go home." I rushed to help me with my king kong cannon.
"Go back for what?" King Kong turned to look back. He misunderstood me.
"Go home" I look around. The night in Chang ‘an is very quiet. Because of the exhaustion of aura, I can’t see clearly at night, but this feeling of being unclear makes me feel very kind. I haven’t had this feeling for a long time.
"Are you sure you can become a pick Jinxian as soon as you let go?" King Kong Gun pointed at me and never changed his left hand.
"It’s you, go home." The cold wind at night makes me feel cold, cold and tired, which makes me nostalgic. These feelings are only felt by mortals, and I will hardly have them again in the future.
"Come on, I’ll wait until you’re gone." King Kong Gun hesitated for a moment to speak. He didn’t trust me.
"Yu Kechang, will you come back later?" Lin Yicheng speak asked
I heard a sigh and didn’t answer. If I leave, I may not come back again.
Lin Yicheng saw that I didn’t want to talk, and I already knew my answer, and my mood was low.
Mei Zhu, who has returned to Lin Fu, has learned from the first returnee that we are coming back, so she personally prepared supper.
"You can start after the old cow has finished eating. I won’t be relieved until you leave." I put a spoon on the king kong cannon and said that Mei Zhu was a good cook, but I also tasted it.
"Well, when are you going back?" King Kong cannon is very interested in this kind of food, Yuanxiao.
"It should be soon," I said thoughtfully for a moment.
"What do you mean should?" King Kong Bao recognized the uncertainty in my words.
"Because I don’t know what will happen next," I turned to King Kong Gun.
"What else don’t you know when you’re a big boy?" King Kong cannon frowned and asked questions.
"I will definitely go back." I gave the King Kong cannon a positive answer, although I can cash it and grasp it.
"Well, your mother, your father and Bai Jiuyu are waiting for you, as well as your apprentice and Zhuifeng. They still have ten innings of those people. You still have a lot of things to do. Don’t go or not." King Kong Gun raised his finger.
"And Wang Yanpei" I casually added that Wang Yanpei in the underworld is also my heart.
"In the section chief, I have something I’ve always wanted to ask." Mei Zhu smiled at the smell speech.
"Go ahead while I’m still here." I turned to say with smile.
"Yu Kechang, how many women have you been in love with in your life?" Mei Zhu is a woman. In her eyes, I am different. She really wants to know who my heart is.
"Why do you ask this?" Lin Yicheng took a dissatisfied look at Mei Zhu. Everyone has his own privacy. Mei Zhu’s problem obviously touched my privacy.
I never thought Mei Zhu would ask this question before I left, so I didn’t know how to answer it for a long time before I slowly said, "I loved one, loved one and admired one."
"What do you mean?" I am very disappointed to wait for the news of hexagrams.
"It means it’s time for you to go. Tell me before you leave." I laughed at King Kong Cannon. He is now a fairy, and he can do it all by himself.
"Well, it seems that you always have something on your mind if I don’t leave." King Kong Bao got up and rushed Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu, waved goodbye and stepped out of the main hall.
Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu didn’t expect that he would just leave and wait until they reacted. King Kong Bao had already gone to Lingxi.
The departure of King Kong cannon made Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu more sober and clear. The breakup was just around the corner, and I was depressed again. When I came, I was in Lin Yicheng to discuss the aftermath. After dawn, Mei Zhu called the children’s family to kneel at me and kowtow to thank them for my kindness.
I reluctantly received a gift from them, so I helped them up. At the same time, the sound of the King Kong cannon was extremely subtle because my aura had been exhausted. But I still clearly heard his sentence "I’m old and I’m gone." I should go, too. I put my left hand together and kept holding the hidden gas tactic. When the heaven and the earth dispersed, I immediately felt the sudden gathering of the heavy aura of heaven and the earth. At the same time, floral visions appeared one after another. "Welcome to pick Jin Xian and ride the wind, and the real person should return to the truth .."

Material: He also has tentacles, monsters and seven teeth. Even if it is ineffective, it is a good semi-spiritual material.

The basic runes of the nine parties are also placed in front of him.
Nothing is missing!
"Maybe this FuFa road home is incomplete to law society? In this way, it can be explained that Master Lu can’t make it. "
"But if so, I will be happy for nothing!"
Thought of here, Yu Guihai felt uneasy lest the fat turned into bad meat!
But this kind of thing can also be verified unless you try it directly
However, he is sure that since the system does not admit it, there is little hope of doing so, and even if he tries, it will be a waste of precious spiritual materials.
"What the hell is going on?"
Yu Guihai’s distress is better than thinking for a while without results and simply not thinking about it.
Looking down at the table, Lin Sheng personally drew runes and suddenly felt funny.
This fellow’s painting skill is really bad! The painting is just like children’s graffiti! That’s it. It took him a hundred times to draw the best picture.
"Come on, don’t want to! I’ll trim these runes first. "
Yu Guihai shook his head and shook his unhappy mood. He picked up a pen and spread a piece of paper again to follow the picture.
But I usually feel very uncomfortable when I draw it.
"This painting doesn’t seem right. Lin Sheng’s description seems to be different from painting here."
Yu Guihai soon found that the runes he painted were not corrected in combination with Lu Linsheng’s dictation.
For a long time, he finally revised the nine runes in his mind.
The revised rune Lu Linsheng’s painting rune is specious, but it is exactly the same as Lu Linsheng’s description rune.
Moreover, the strange and evil feeling has also increased several times, and the runes seem to be twisted and ferocious by ghosts.
"This is much more pleasing to the eye!"
Yu Guihai drew the deduction rune with his hand, and he felt a lot of Shu Tai.
Suddenly, his face moved slightly and he quickly called out the shape interface.
A new project suddenly appeared in the interface.
Basic Chapter of Nine-way Symbols of Immortal Art and Yin Ling (Not Beginner)
At this time, Yu Guihai suddenly realized that what he had just learned could not be due to Lu Linsheng’s poor painting skills. After painting nine runes, the distortion is equivalent to his root not having the correct runes in hand, and the interface cannot be displayed because of insufficient conditions.
"Ha ha ha! This little girl almost made me suffer! "
Yu Guihai laughed. He even suspected that this spell was incomplete and illegal. He almost gave up.
At this time, the interface suddenly changed, and I went back to the sea to find that the upgrade point was refreshed. It was already midnight.
He didn’t hesitate to meditate immediately on "upgrading the basic chapter of Yin Ling Jiu Fang Fu Fa"
Suddenly, the basic runes of the September 19th party in my mind whirled from the sky and fell into his consciousness, which was firmly engraved.
With a large number of experience in carving rune techniques, the knowledge and experience of aura, metaphysical method, judgment on spiritual material selection and so on have flooded into my mind
In an instant, he had an understanding of this spell.
Yu Guihai opened his eyes and called out the basic chapter of the nine-square method of yin spirit with the shape interface, which really got started.
He couldn’t resist the excitement and immediately got up and found an ordinary jade to carve carefully.
A strange rune soon appeared in it, and as the portrayal progressed, an uncomfortable feeling gradually spread out stronger and stronger.
Suddenly, as Yu Guihai carved a new knife, the whole piece of jade snapped into several pieces.
"Sure enough, this ordinary material method bears the power of runes!"
Yu Guihai took out a mysterious tentacle tooth after thinking about it.
This tooth is more than an inch long, and it is pale, smooth and jade-hard, which slightly reveals a gloomy atmosphere.
“ ` ` w w w ““ ` “ C`O`M

"Xiaoyun, are you awake? Is this true? I am not dreaming, am I? " Sun Jiufeng said excitedly that at the moment, not only his voice was shaking, but also his body was shaking, from which we can see how excited he was at the moment.

Sun Xiaojun rolled over the bed and hugged Sun Jiufeng with tears in his eyes and said, "Grandpa, you didn’t dream. I really woke up after years of hard work. I will honor you from today."
In the past, under normal circumstances, a person who has been in bed for several years will suffer from atrophy of leg and foot muscles. It is impossible to get into bed without a period of restorative exercise, but Sun Xiaoyun’s situation is different from that of ordinary people. On the one hand, her grandfather and parents pay great attention to these aspects on weekdays. Although she has been in a coma, her grandfather and parents will help her rub her leg and foot muscles every day to keep alive. Of course, these alone are not enough. The main reason is Lin Yang.
Lin Yangyun Dragon Needle Media sent her soul into the flesh, and at the same time, it also entered a trace of soul force into her body. Lin Yang is now practicing, but he has reached Dan’s condition. Even a trace of his soul force is enough to improve Sun Xiaojun’s body, so that all the indicators of her body can be instantly restored to the healthiest state. It is by taking good care of Lin Yang’s soul force that Sun Xiaojun can walk in bed and hug Sun Jiufeng just after waking up.
"It’s good to wake up …" Sun Jiufeng was so excited that he didn’t know what to say at the moment. He tossed and turned in his mouth and said that was such a sentence.
At this time, the doctors and nurses who gathered at the door of the ward also poured in or looked around Sun Xiaojun’s mouth and kept amazed or gathered around Lin Yang, asking how he woke up Sun Xiaojun who had been sleeping for several years.
The ward, which was still quiet, became noisy in an instant.
Lin Yang didn’t expect the situation to become like this. He quickly raised his hands and shouted at these doctors and nurses, "Please listen to me …"
The doctors and nurses were also very quiet to look at him.
Lin Yang pointed to Sun Xiaojun and said, "Xiao Jun has just woken up. She and Grandpa Sun must have a lot to say. Let’s go out and leave them alone for a while. I know you have a lot of questions to ask us. Let’s go out first, okay?"
"Professor Lin is right. Let’s go out first."
"Sun Xiaojun just woke up and definitely needs a rest. Let’s not argue with others here."
"Let them father and grandson alone for a while …"
Doctors and nurses are also reasonable people. They all agreed to Lin Yang’s proposal and invited him to the doctor’s office to have a rest.
Chapter 943 Two Lin Yang?
"Professor Lin, I have seen your lecture video on the Internet. Although I am not studying Chinese medicine, you still made me listen to the basic theory of Chinese medicine and understand a lot of problems that have been bothering me before. But I am more curious today or how did you wake up Sun Xiaojun, who has been in a coma for several years? Is it really by those needles? "
Lin Yanggang sat Sun Xiaoyun in the doctor’s office, and Kang Hong, the doctor in charge, got together and asked curiously.
At this time, other doctors gathered around Lin Yang and cocked their ears, eager to know the answer.
Seeing this, Lin Yang couldn’t help but smile bitterly in my mind.
He can’t always tell these doctors and nurses that Sun Xiaojun didn’t wake up because of the lack of soul, and what he was able to wake up was also because he found Sun Xiaojun’s soul … In this case, even if he really spoke, no one would believe that Lin Yang had to lie.
After coughing for a while, he made up a lie. "You’re right, I was able to wake up Sun Xiaojun with those needles. Don’t underestimate these needles. Although they are small and unremarkable, their positions are all exquisite …" After a few words, Lin Yang also made up a lie by starting with the meridians and acupoints. Anyway, Sun Xiaojun woke him up and said whatever he wanted. Even if there were doubts among these doctors and nurses, there was no way to question and refute the fact that Sun Xiaojun woke up. After all, it was still there.
As it turns out, the root of Lin Yang’s worry is redundant. These doctors and nurses have no doubt that he is convinced of what he said one by one. Some people even took out paper and pens to write down Lin Yang’s explanations for later study.
Seeing this scene, Lin Yang was somewhat embarrassed in his heart. After all, he lied and didn’t mislead these doctors and nurses. He threw Sun Xiaoyun to these doctors and nurses to explain the knowledge of meridians and acupoints in a simple way, which made them fascinated.
This lecture in the doctor’s office ended only when Sun Jiufeng and Sun Xiaojun appeared.
"We are going to leave the hospital. Please help me with the formalities, Dr. Kang." Sun Jiufeng found the competent doctor Kang Hong.
Kang Hong leng said, "this is going to be released from the hospital? Miss Sun just woke up from a coma. It’s better to stay in hospital for observation for a while … "
Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Lin Yang waving his hand. "There is no need to stay in the hospital for observation. I can guarantee that Xiaoyun has now returned to normal. Her body is healthier than one person."
Sun Xiaoyun’s body is full of Lin Yang’s soul, which also makes her physical quality far superior.
"Since Professor Lin said that, I’ll go through the discharge formalities for Miss Sun." Kang Hong nodded and believed in Lin Yang’s words now.
Soon Sun Xiaoyun’s discharge formalities were completed and Lin Yang followed Sun Jiufeng and Sun Xiaoyun’s grandfather and grandson out of the hospital in the eyes of a group of doctors and nurses.
Sun Jiufeng turned to look at Lin Yang and walked over and said, "I haven’t informed Xiaoyun’s parents yet. I plan to surprise her parents when I get home … Lin Yang, why don’t you come with us?"
Although I really want to follow, Lin Yang declined Sun Jiufeng’s kindness after considering it for a while. "Forget it. You must have a lot to say with Xiaojun, so I won’t go to the fun. I’ll come back to Xiaojun later. I haven’t told my parents this time. I just went back to visit them."
Seeing that Lin Yang has made up his mind, Sun Jiufeng didn’t persuade him to nod and say, "Come here early tomorrow. I believe that Xiaoyun’s parents really want to say thank you."
"Good" Lin Yang nodded with a smile.

Chapter 56 Great gains

"The old man looked at the evil nature and it was very man show."
Yu Guihai sneered at the ban on the operation of a spiritual element to kill things.
This bag is the Zagulu bag. He picked it up when he killed Zagulu with one punch.
It can be said that in addition to Wu Daoxiu’s breakthrough in this bag, it is his greatest gain in this life-and-death battle
At first, Yu Guihai was slightly one leng.
This ban was really powerful, and when he hit the spirit yuan, it was like breaking the iron wall and getting rid of it if it could not destroy it as before.
Although Zaguru was killed by him, it was a martial art practice. His fairy dharma practice had a fetal period, and the spiritual spirit was not superior to Zaguru. Although it was far superior to ordinary monks in the fetal period, it could not surpass Zaguru.
And getting rid of the object bag ban is a competition between fairy dharma and martial arts, and no matter how powerful it is, it can’t afford it
I can spend the rest of my life in the sea bit by bit to eliminate the ban on Zhagu’s stay.
Judging from the forbidden strength of this bag, it takes a long time to grind water.
However, Yu Guihai has one advantage, that is, the total amount of spiritual elements is far more than that of ordinary experts in fetal period, even Zagulu is far from it.
Quality is not enough to make up.
Yu Guihai’s mind is bigger than Shen Nian’s, carrying Pang Dalingyuan out like a tsunami and wrapping the bag in an instant.
Lingyuan Shennian ocean rolled up a huge whirlpool and killed the bag ban crazily.
It didn’t take long to click and smash the ancient recording bag.
A cubic meter appeared in front of him.
Yu Guihai’s mind moved back to Ling Yuanhai, grabbed the bag and probed it carefully.
Zhagu record bags are full of all kinds of spiritual materials and medicines, and all kinds of treasures are like a treasure house.
Think about it, but its identity is the first strong insect religion, of course, there are many treasures
Yu Guihai immediately smiled and carefully counted up.
Not long after counting, Yu Guihai had a few things in front of him.
These are the top things in Zagu’s record bag, and the rest are a lot of spiritual materials and medicines, and most of them are highly toxic, which is not too big for him.
But these top treasures have some ways for him.
The first one is a pale slate covered with strange and strange patterns, and the back of the slate is engraved with a dull reptile.
This reptile looks terrible, combining all the characteristics of spiders, centipedes, poisonous snakes, toads, scorpions and other poisonous insects and poisons. At first glance, it makes people feel numb, cold and weak.
On the other hand, there are ten holes in the front of the slate, nine of which are left, and one is inlaid with a strange spider.
This spider is glittering and translucent and shiny, like white wax, with a layer of tiger stripes. At first glance, it has a somewhat white wax tiger charm.
After some research, Yu Guihai found that this thing is a bearer, just like the jade slips, and it should contain the so-called ten-side ten-poison true scriptures.
It’s a pity that this is a disposable thing, and the first nine have been learned by Zagu, so they can’t understand it any more.
But Yu Guihai is not discouraged.
Since Zagulu’s strength has reached the peak of meta-pregnancy, there is a tiger spider left, which must contain the immortal inheritance method that leads to the gods. It is still the first time for him, and there may be a big way after the opportunity.
And from the analysis of its breath, this tiger spider Fraxinus tigris has done a lot. Zagulu’s coming here is probably to find a way to break through the limit