
### 营养价值:

1. **维生素C**:每100克酸枣中含有约300毫克的维生素C,是人体免疫系统的重要成分,有助于增强抵抗力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

2. **抗氧化剂**:酸枣含有丰富的多酚类化合物,如花青素和类黄酮,这些抗氧化剂能抑制自由基的产生,减少细胞的氧化损伤,预防心脑血管疾病和癌症。

3. **膳食纤维**:酸枣含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进消化系统的健康,增加肠道蠕动,预防便秘,调节血糖和胆固醇水平。


4. **矿物质**:酸枣中钾元素含量较高,钠元素含量较低,有助于平衡体内的电解质,调节血压,减少心血管疾病的风险。

5. **其他营养成分**:酸枣中还含有蛋白质、脂肪油、植物甾醇、皂甙等营养成分,以及钙、铁、锌、硒等多种微量元素。

### 益处:

1. **增强免疫力**:丰富的维生素C和抗氧化剂有助于增强人体的免疫力。

2. **预防慢性疾病**:抗氧化剂和膳食纤维的摄入有助于预防心脑血管疾病和癌症。


3. **促进消化**:膳食纤维能促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,维护消化系统健康。

4. **调节血压和血糖**:钾元素有助于调节血压,而膳食纤维有助于调节血糖。

5. **美容养颜**:维生素C和维生素E有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,抗衰老。

6. **安神养心**:酸枣仁具有镇静、催眠作用,对失眠、神经衰弱等有辅助治疗作用。

7. **补钙补铁**:对青少年和中老年人有很好的补钙补铁作用,有助于预防骨质疏松和贫血。

8. **其他**:酸枣还具有抗炎、抗菌、抗过敏、去除腥臭怪味等功效。



1. **养心补脾**:养心颗粒能够调理心脏和脾胃的功能,对于心脾两虚的人群有很好的调理作用。

2. **益气安神**:适用于心气不足、心神不宁的情况,有助于缓解心慌、失眠、多梦等症状。

3. **活血化瘀**:对于因血脉不畅引起的心悸、胸闷、胸痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **改善心悸**:对于心悸、心慌等心脏不适症状有改善作用。

5. **调节血压**:有助于调节血压,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **改善睡眠**:对失眠、多梦等睡眠障碍有较好的改善效果。

7. **缓解疲劳**:对于因劳累过度引起的神疲乏力、身体疲惫等症状有缓解作用。

8. **提高免疫力**:养心颗粒中的有效成分能够增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

9. **辅助治疗冠心病**:对于冠心病患者,养心颗粒可以作为辅助治疗药物,有助于改善心绞痛、胸闷等症状。



10. **改善消化功能**:对于食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的改善作用。




1. **养阴润肺**:九蒸九晒黄精能有效地滋阴润肺,对于阴虚肺燥、干咳少痰等症状有很好的改善作用。

2. **补脾益气**:它能够补益脾气,增强体力,对于脾胃气虚、倦怠乏力、食欲不振等症有很好的调理效果。

3. **滋肾填精**:黄精九蒸九晒后,其滋补肾阴、填精益气的功效更为显著,对肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕目眩、须发早白等症状有较好的治疗效果。

4. **抗衰老**:现代研究表明,黄精中的多糖物质可以增强人体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性,具有抗缺氧、抗疲劳、抗衰老的功效。

5. **调节血糖**:黄精中的果糖成分能够抑制体内肾上腺素引起的血糖过高,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **抗病毒**:经常饮用黄精泡水,对于治疗疱疹病毒性角膜炎等病毒性疾病有一定的帮助。


7. **固精润肾**:对于肾气不足引起的阳痿、头晕、腰膝酸软等症状,黄精九蒸九晒后具有较好的治疗效果。


8. **驻颜断谷**:根据《神仙芝草经》和《本草纲目》的记载,九蒸九晒黄精有驻颜断谷的功效,能够使五脏调和,肌肉充实,骨髓坚强,长期服用可以延年益寿。



1. **玛瑙**:
– **生理功效**:玛瑙含有二氧化硅,有助于促进血液循环,对于体弱和生病的人,佩戴玛瑙能改善面色。
– **心理功效**:长期佩戴玛瑙可以使人头脑清晰,精力充沛,有助于事业成长和财源旺盛。
– **文化寓意**:玛瑙被视为辟邪物和护身符,是佛教七宝之一。

2. **水晶**:
– **白水晶**:保平安,有助于健康,集中精神,使头脑清晰。
– **黄水晶**:对肠胃健康有益,增强自信心,吸引财富。
– **紫水晶**:加强记忆力,帮助思考,开发智慧。
– **碧玺**:被称为水晶之王,对治疗关节、风湿、骨痛有显著效果,促进血液循环。
– **粉红晶**:在烦躁时平复心情,增强爱情运,有助于人缘。

3. **K2宝石**:
– **按摩穴位**:刺激人体穴位,对手腕起到按摩作用。
– **舒缓神经**:缓解情绪,释放压力,愉悦心情。
– **美容护肤**:宝石中的矿物质元素有助于皮肤变得嫩滑白皙。

4. **葡萄石**:
– **思维清晰**:提高直觉感,指引选择适合的道路。
– **血液循环**:促进血液循环,美容养颜。


– **心理平衡**:适合静心、冥想,增强免疫系统,减少生病。
– **辟邪化煞**:消除消极情绪,转变负能场,带来好运。



1. **清热解毒**:山姑草具有清热解毒的功效,常用于治疗热病、感冒、咽喉肿痛等症。

2. **利湿消肿**:对于水肿、小便不利等症状,山姑草也有一定的治疗作用。

3. **凉血止血**:山姑草能凉血止血,适用于血热所致的各种出血症状。

4. **活血化瘀**:山姑草还能活血化瘀,用于治疗瘀血所致的疼痛、经闭等。

5. **抗菌消炎**:山姑草具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对某些感染性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **抗肿瘤作用**:现代研究表明,山姑草具有一定的抗肿瘤活性,对某些肿瘤有一定的抑制作用。

7. **抗疲劳**:山姑草还具有抗疲劳作用,可以提高身体抵抗力。


– 适量使用:遵循医嘱或药师的指导,不要随意增加剂量。
– 禁忌人群:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、过敏体质者等人群应在医生指导下使用。
– 药食同源:山姑草也可以作为食材食用,但同样需要注意适量。




1. **促进消化**:白萝卜籽中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于润滑肠道黏膜,促进胃肠蠕动,加快食物消化,增加食欲,预防便秘,并有助于调节血糖和降低胆固醇。


2. **止咳平喘**:白萝卜籽具有止咳平喘的作用,可以辅助治疗咳嗽气喘等症状,对慢性支气管炎、肺炎等引起的咳嗽有缓解效果。

3. **降血压**:白萝卜籽中的类黄酮成分有助于心血管系统抵抗冠心病,从而降低血压,对于高血压患者有益。

4. **强筋健骨**:白萝卜籽含有钙、磷、锰、铜等多种矿物质元素,有助于骨骼细胞的成长,促进骨胶原的发育,增加骨密度,预防骨质疏松。

5. **保护皮肤**:白萝卜籽中含有维生素B和维生素C等成分,有助于改善皮肤健康,缓解皮肤干燥,延缓衰老。

6. **消肿止痛**:白萝卜籽具有消肿止痛的功效,可用于治疗跌打损伤,将白萝卜籽研碎后外敷在受伤部位,可以减轻肿痛。

7. **健脾养胃**:白萝卜籽具有健脾养胃的作用,对于胃痛、呕吐、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

8. **消食导滞**:白萝卜籽对于食积和气滞有治疗作用,可以缓解因积食导致的腹胀、腹痛等症状。

9. **调节神经系统**:白萝卜籽中的营养成分有助于维持神经系统功能,对神经系统健康有益。


It has reached two goals to make the big Buddha of the jackal family willingly submit to him.

Thought of here, two people secretly nodded and winked. At the same time, they broke into two Yuan Shen Daoyin and killed Su Mo!
It’s too easy for two people to calm the current situation.
That Su Mo has just released the Taoist seal of the Yuan God, and has successively fought against the Taoist seal of the Yuan God to resist their offensive.
Even if Su Mo is in a state of Shengyuan Shinto seal, it is difficult to win one enemy and two.
Seeing this, Xu Rui’s heart sank.
What they were most worried about happened!
Three great Buddha at the same time!
Chapter three thousand two hundred and sixty-two Who dares to move?
Xu Rui three people worried, but in the face of this scene, three people have the heart.
They are too weak.
Don’t say that helping Su Mo is the Da Tianzun of the Lao family and generate’s strength when Su Mo fought was enough to overturn the three people!
They can’t even get close if they want to.
Meng Shi clenched his fists and there was a backlog of raging anger in his heart. Suddenly he shouted, "Da Tianzun is shameless and fights against the enemy alone, but Su Daoyou will attack him!"
Xu Rui and Chen Qianhe were surprised when they heard Meng Shi.
No one has paid attention to them yet
But Meng Shi’s words will surely attract others’ attention!
Two people believe that Meng Shi also knows this.
At the moment when Meng Shikou lambasted him, he had put life and death at risk!
Three people have known each other for many years.
Xu Rui both know Meng Shiren.
He is outspoken, sometimes harsh and ugly, but his heart is very affectionate.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stuck to this day in Chaos Palace.
In addition to having a glimmer of hope for Chaos Palace, I don’t want to leave Xu Rui and Chen Qianhe, who are willing to accompany them to continue walking.
At the moment, Meng Shi doesn’t want his life to come out to satirize the great Buddha, but he has already identified Su Mo in his heart.
Meng Shi really can’t think of any way to help Su Mo.
But he knew that he could never watch Su Mo fight alone in their chaotic palace!
He has to do something.
But what can he do with his low strength?
Only death pays off!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Meng Shi laughed with a full face of sarcasm and pointed to Xuanyang and Jinjia, two great Buddha avenues. "It’s such a shame to be a great Buddha!"
"If you know that the enemy can’t beat Su Daoyou, kneel down and knock three heads and let Su Daoyou spare your life!"
Meng Shikou didn’t hide, taunted and cursed.
Xuan Yang Da Tian Zun and Jin Jia Da Tian Zun both looked dignified, as if they hadn’t heard anything and ignored Meng Shi.
It’s not that they don’t want to make moves.
But just a scene to let two people heart gives birth to a little fear at the same time.
The two Yuan Shen Daoyin have hit Su Mo, but the latter is unaware that it seems that it has not been hurt at all!
This Yuan God attack was like a mud cow disappearing into the sea in Sumo.
"How did this happen?"
Xuan Yang Da Tian Zun and Jin Jia Da Tian Zun look indecisive.
Although I heard Meng Shi shouting, I was bored and didn’t have the heart to take a reason.
Two people naturally don’t know Su Mo Yuan Shen, but it is really hard to unite Daoyin and Daoyin.
But he, the God of Yuan, sits around the Lotus Terrace and spews out the blue glow to form an indestructible barrier!
This natural lotus terrace is the top spiritual treasure.
With the rise of the Soviet-Mexican realm, the defense of this natural lotus platform is also climbing.
The Taoist seal of the two Yuan gods failed to break through the nature even to form the defense of the lotus platform, which did not hurt Su Mo Yuan God.
In this period, the Soviet-Mexican offensive is even more fierce!
There has been a crack in the world of the jackal family, and it may collapse at any time!
I heard Meng Shi cursing Xuanyang and Shining Jia, two great buddhas, ignoring the big Buddha of the jackal family in their spare time. They were humbled by Su Mo and were very angry.
Meng Shi made so much noise that he finally found an outlet!
"Monsters of Wanshouling Group obey orders!"
The Tathagata suddenly screamed, "Kill everyone in Chaos Palace for me!"
This is really pushing the big Buddha of the jackal family to the extreme.
This order will shut Meng Shi up.

In fact, the wind soul is already regretting that it wants to find a cliff and jump into its mouth, but it still says, "I am so ashamed that you know it now?" You can either be my wife or pretend that you’ve never known me. I don’t want to make such stupid things as becoming sworn brothers and sisters. You should become sworn brothers and find someone else to become sworn brothers. "

After he finished, he looked into Wang Miao’s eyes and wanted to see Wang Miao. Obviously, she was at a loss by his words. She was short of breath and her chest was fluctuating. She looked ashamed and anxious, so she looked so handsome. She looked at the wind with pity and sadness, thinking that she would force her to make a decision like this. If she really leaves like this, wouldn’t she never see her again?
Birds flew over their heads one night and croaked twice.
Wang Miao wanted to be quiet for a long time before she bowed her head and sounded as low as a mosquito. "If you risk your life to save me this time, I will be very sorry if I don’t repay you. Even if I go back to the mountain, it will be difficult to meditate in the retreat …"
The wind soul listened to what she pulled to repay her kindness, and her temper couldn’t help but run out again with a cold hum. "Although I saved you this time, you also saved me from the Arctic God of War. At best, Bath Moon and I are tied. It’s not rare for you to be with me for the sake of repaying kindness."
Wang Miao thought bitterly, "That’s not what I meant!"
The wind soul stared at her. "Then what do you mean?"
Wang Miao wants to be tongue-tied, but she doesn’t know how to tell her heart. She can’t help but feel sad and wronged. Finally, her eyes are red and she stomps. "I, I ignore you …"
She flew to the night with the light of the sword
The wind soul walked away when she saw her like this, but she was very angry at the thought of her strange expression when she left. She couldn’t help secretly regretting that she had pushed her too hard and made her cry, and she didn’t know what she was thinking after all.
But where did he know that Wang Miao wanted to live in poverty since childhood and practice in the mountains? Although she had experienced some disasters, she never set foot in the world. Those disasters were all thrilling and could be spent by her personal mind. But this time, she was betrayed by her companions and almost died. Fortunately, she would rather die than leave her. She was very fond of the wind soul, and after this life and death, she unconsciously gave birth to feelings for it.
But although she has been practicing for many years, she is lonely since she was a child, and she doesn’t know anything about this man and woman’s love. She is a demon who takes advantage of the injury, but in fact, the demon interferes with the practice from the outside through the gap between the monks’ hearts. Is this true and true? Exotic demons can resist real feelings, but they are constantly cutting and confusing. She treats her first love as an alien demon, but when she tries to cut it off, it turns out that the more she cuts it, the more chaotic it is, and the brain is full of wind and ghosts. The last thing she can do and can’t resist is that she came up with such a stupid thing as "becoming sworn brothers and sisters" because she was so upset after being seriously injured.
As a result, this "brother and sister" not only failed to become sworn friends, but let the wind soul say all her thoughts. She is used to clearing up what people have heard, such as "naked and dancing with swords" and "being kissed all over". Naturally, I was ashamed and anxious, but I thought, "If he really likes it, it’s nothing to show it to him!"
The wind soul forced her to make a decision. She was distressed, but she liked it and was ashamed. She thought, "It’s just that I would like to be with him even if it’s really difficult to get trapped again."
However, although she thinks so with a thin face and a thin heart, she is embarrassed to say it directly. It’s not a turn, a gratitude and a practice. In fact, what she really wants to say is not the last sentence, "If you really want to marry me, I am very willing!"
As a result, before she finished speaking, Feng Soul misunderstood her meaning, but the direct words came up. She was ashamed and anxious, but she was able to say her thoughts from her mouth, and finally she cried with anger and left.
After she left, the wind soul repeatedly thought about her tears and expressions, and suddenly woke up to know that she had made a mistake that she shouldn’t have made.
Feng Soul is a person from the 21st century. At that time, even girls loved it very much, that is, whether they loved it or not, or whether they didn’t like dyeing their hair. That’s normal. Even shouting "I love you" to her boyfriend in the street is not too disgusting, but this ancient woman has to behave in a totally different way, so she should be restrained and conservative. The last distress of this beautiful fairy is 10,000, but she has never said sweet words in her generation, and she can "learn" from the romantic films in the 21st century.
Although he knew he had made a mistake, Wang Miao thought that he had already run away from the wind and soul. In addition to watching the sky, it turned out that this female sword, Xianjian, could elude him. It is possible to chase Xue Honglian’s golden light, but it seems that this love affair is not so good to please his female apprentice.
I want to go to the wind and the soul can’t figure out a way to wait here, hoping that the fairy sister will turn around and come back by herself.
After leaving the wind soul, Wang Miao wants to fly slowly and turn back again and again unconsciously.
She landed at the foot of a mountain with a sigh and thought, "I’m going to keep looking back." My soul brother knows that he won’t come after me if he doesn’t evade the law, but how can I look for him myself if he doesn’t come after me? "
She stayed there for a while, regretting that she shouldn’t have left so angrily, and then thinking that if my soul brother really likes me, he should come after me. Is he mad at me for not coming after me?
She has never been in such a dilemma in her life, and she wants to go back to the wind soul to make it clear. Isn’t it tantamount to throwing herself at herself? If my soul brother is actually an ordinary woman who can’t stand the loneliness of her boudoir, won’t it make him look down upon it?
She just walked around there, wondering what to do.
Just when Wang Miao wanted to hesitate, a sword light suddenly flew from a distance and landed on the treetops.
Wang Miao wanted to be surprised and hurriedly wiped away tears on her face and looked up at the girl holding the sword in the treetops.
This girl Feng Ji neon dresses beautifully but she looks at Wang Miao and wants to smile now. "Sister Miao wants to travel here, but she tells me to be a sister so that I can find Yi. My sister seems to have cried, but she was abandoned by some ungrateful man." Sister might as well tell Fei Qiong to let Fei Qiong defend her sister! "
She smiles, but her tone is light and heavy, and she is mean. Even if people see others crying, they will pretend not to see her, but they deliberately point out that they are gloating.
Wang Miao wants to know that she is deliberately finding fault. If she laughs at ordinary times, it happened that she was in a bad mood at this time, and this girl’s words really touched her suffering, especially the word "ungrateful man" was particularly harsh in her ears and she couldn’t help but show her face.
The girl’s name is Xu Feiqiong, and she is also the female sword fairy of the Queen Mother. The difference is that Wang Miao wants to belong to the Qing Dynasty, and the "Huang Ting Jing" is studied by Shun Di, while Xu Feiqiong is a Lingbao pulse. On weekdays, the way to practice the sword is not "imperial sword" but "sacrifice sword"
In fact, although the Taoist schools have different ways of practicing, there is no dispute on weekdays, especially the Lingbao School in Qing Dynasty. Although one worships the Yuan Buddha and the other worships the Lingbao Buddha (the leader of Tongtian) and values "fasting straightness", everyone is Sanqing’s brother. Even if he once made a robbery, he has already cleared up his differences and even absorbed and integrated each other’s teachings after more than a thousand years.
Xu Feiqiong is young and competitive, and once heard the Queen Mother personally praise Wang Miaoxiang’s swordsmanship. When others talk about it, they always suggest that her swordsmanship is worse than Wang Miaoxiang’s. For a long time, she always wants to have a competition with Wang Miaoxiang. It happened that Wang Miaoxiang’s usual personality is always friendly, neither offending people nor quarrelling with others. Regardless of Xu Feiqiong’s provocation, she is always smiling, angry and annoyed, which makes Xu Feiqiong have no way.
This time, because Wang Miao thought about the world, the old man figured out that she was afraid of disaster. The Queen Mother was a little worried, so Xu Feiqiong volunteered to find her. In fact, it was also the idea that "if you don’t fight with me in heaven, I will run to someone to find you."
Xu Feiqiong finally found Wang Miaoxiang when he turned around, but he saw that Wang Miaoxiang had cried in pear blossom with rain.
Xu Feiqiong didn’t care that Wang Miao wanted to cry, thinking that this was a good opportunity to stimulate her, so he teased her with words. Who knows that Wang Miao wanted to be really cold-faced, but Xu Feiqiong got a fright and thought that he really guessed?
Although I feel that it is inappropriate to expose people’s pain, after all, the opportunity is rare. Xu Feiqiong not only does not give in, but deliberately beats his hands. "Ah, my sister was really abandoned by her lover? My sister is so beautiful, how can a man have the heart to abandon her? Let my sister guess. Well, it must be the man who wooed his sister. My sister liked others, but she was so duplicitous that she never talked to her again. "
She is a guess!
Wang Miao thought that although he wanted to pretend, his face turned white with anger and he was worried that the wind soul would never come to her again as Xu Feiqiong said. He clenched his teeth unconsciously and was angry and annoyed.
Chapter 23 Heaven and Gold Mother of Science
Xu Feiqiong still refused to let her go and put her hand on her cheek. "Sister seldom has a favorite person. If this time, why not marry again?" Yes, when I go back, I must tell those sisters to ask everyone for help, especially Ma Gu, who likes marriage and adult beauty best … "
"That’s enough!" Wang Miao wants to draw a finger out of the sword. "You chew so much tongue just because you want me to have a competition? If I beat you, you stay away from me and never appear in front of me again. "
"Good," Xu Feiqiong snorted. "What if I win?"
Wang Miao thought coldly, "Then I will die here."
Xu Feiqiong didn’t expect that Wang Miaoxiang, who has always been gentle, would say such angry words. Only when he saw that Wang Miaoxiang sneered there, she was not only dismissing herself, but also angry. "Well, if I lose, I will die here."
She put a flying sword in her hand to sacrifice the heavenly king’s wonderful idea of snow sword confrontation
Things have come to this point, but the two sides have never given in again, making it an undead situation.
The morning glow floats over the top of the mountain, and the morning light reflects the beautiful colors of their clothes.
The two men glared at each other.
Just when they were about to fight, there came an ethereal and elegant voice in the sky. "Why are you going to die here when you don’t go back to Yaochi to see me in the early morning?" Fei Qiong, I knew that you took the initiative to ask people to make good things; Wonderful, you have always been gentle and quiet, like flying Joan to fight? "
At the same time, the two immortals were surprised to hear that the sound was from the heavenly mother of science, that is, the heavenly queen, who hurriedly withdrew her sword and slowly worshipped it.
A graceful and luxurious woman combed Taihua bun from the clouds and wore a morning baby crown with several female immortals behind her.

Although the heart of this animal is very big, the feeling of jumping strength is not much stronger than her.

Strong fighting spirit generate came out.
She knew she had no way out.
Running away can’t make you stronger, and it’s impossible for you to live or live better. Only by fighting can you have a chance to live.
She made up her mind to rush out of the nest quickly, staring at the branches and climbing the opposite tree, and a snake with a faint blue light came quickly.
The snake is about one meter thick and dozens of meters long. It sticks to the tail of the tree and swings into an S shape. It swims quickly to the tree against the trunk like a drift.
It is flexible and extremely fast, and its powerful heart is like a war drum.
Mo Qingqing’s heart jumped violently, and her blood was boiling. The blue light spread from her heart to her body along the blood vessels, making Mo Qingqing covered in the blue light. She stepped on the branches like a shell and ran towards the snake.
She knows that snakes attack very fast, even an ordinary snake man has been bitten at close range without even seeing it move.
Her strength and speed of ordinary people have been greatly improved after infection and mutation, not to mention different snakes.
The distance between the two giant trees is more than 100 meters. Mo Qingqing jumped to the branch of that tree in an instant. At this time, the different snake has climbed to her parallel place, and its head and neck have already swam to the branch. It raises its head and opens its mouth to reveal a fist-sized blue light in its mouth.
MoQingQing dark call "nima! Power! " Jump to the trunk
Just as she was leaving the branch, a deep and remote blue flash of light struck Mo Qingqing straight from the mouth of a different snake. The branch broke on the spot and the light blue light surged to form a circle with a diameter of two meters.
Mo Qingqing was swept by light waves, which seemed extremely cold and burning, and the touch fell on her body and burned her skin. The tattered pants were turned to dust in Hwa-Sung Do, which also made her body burst into more dazzling light.
She jumped from the branch to the trunk, grabbed the tail of a snake for a short time, and even before the blink of an eye, the whole person was already smooth and smooth, let alone the clothes and even the newly grown hair.
As soon as Mo Qingqing grabbed the snake’s tail, she felt a fishy wind and a virtual shadow coming. She consciously wanted to escape, but as soon as she jumped up, she was bitten by a sharp snake’s teeth and instantly pierced her belly. The severe pain came from her belly. She was so scared that a thought came to her head. "It’s over!" Then she thought, "I’m not dead yet. I can’t give up!" She consciously wanted to throw her fist at the snake’s mouth, only to find that her hands and feet didn’t work. She said to her heart, "This strange snake is poisonous."
Then she felt dizzy, and she felt her heart beating out of her chest, as if she were desperately fighting against snake venom.
After a while, she fell on the thick fallen leaves, and the different snake shook its head like crazy and struggled desperately to lift the dead branches, fallen leaves and rubble around it, hitting its head against the tree and flying debris.
The tail of a snake swept from Mo Qingqing’s body and swept the fallen Mo Qingqing into a parabola, hanging on a branch dozens of meters high from the ground, and it took Mo Qingqing a long time to regain consciousness.
She opened her eyes and found herself lying face down on a branch more than one meter thick.
This branch is so thick that she is 1.6 meters tall, leaving her feet and nose exposed.
Her eyes blurred for a long time before she regained her sight, and then her ears could hear the rumbling sound again. Then she saw that the snake that had just bitten her in her mouth was still rolling on the ground. It seemed very painful, and its head shone with a deep blue light, making it look like a fireball.
The ground near the different snakes has been leveled, and even the giant trees have been stripped of their skins.
Mo Qingqing looked at this dying snake inexplicably. What happened?
Suddenly, she felt something was wrong. It seemed that her body was sinking a little bit, and she felt sticky. The sticky feeling spread from her belly to her waist and around her. As the sticky feeling spread, the heavy feeling became stronger. It was as if she was not lying on a branch but on a swamp, and it was as if the branch was melting.
Branches will melt?
Suddenly, she remembered that the fangs had penetrated her belly when the snake bit her just now. The place where the fangs penetrated seemed to be … the stomach?
Mo Qingqing suddenly thought of her stomach variation after being infected with Caulis Bidentatae, and it was terrible that Caulis Bidentatae could not shine without variation. Is her gastric juice strengthened by Caulis Bidentatae?
Mo Qingqing said to himself, "This strange snake won’t be poisoned by my gastric juice, will it?" She instantly felt psychologically balanced. The snake bit her and poisoned her stomach. No one took advantage of the snake, and everyone was even.
But this alien snake is really toxic. Now she can’t move, and she can’t even swallow saliva. The saliva is dripping down her mouth.
Relative to her, she can’t move the snake, and the situation is much worse.
Even in the blue energy, it failed to resist the ghost vine. In less than half an hour, the skull of the alien snake was lost, and the remaining half was melted into a cavity. Its head was melted into dark green by Mo Qingqing’s gastric juice, and it smelled foul. The juice was also corroded by the leaves and branches.
The snake lay motionless on the ground, still glowing with a deep blue light at the heart. The light spread from the heart to the head, forming a light film covering the head corroded by gastric juice. It seemed to want to repair the damaged head, but the head wound was full of corrosive gastric juice melt, which had little effect.
Mo Qingqing can’t move and I don’t know when I can lie there silently.
When the snake’s teeth were stuck in her stomach, her stomach was also stained with some gastric juice, which corroded the belly tree into a pit bigger than the washbasin, and the pit was still slowly spreading around.
This makes Mo Qingqing very worried that if her gastric juice melts the tree, she may fall from such a high place and die on the spot, no matter how strong the healing power is.
Time goes by bit by bit.
The frightened big birds all quieted down.
Mo Qingqing couldn’t look up and didn’t know what the birds were doing, but she thought she was so delicious that they had no reason not to eat a dish here.
At dawn, at last, with the sound of a big bird flapping its wings, many big birds flapping their wings. When the stereo started to follow her, she felt a big bird flying towards her and hovering not far from her. When they flapping their wings, the wind blew on her, making her feel even colder.
Mo Qingqing said to herself, "These big birds won’t come to my place for breakfast, will they?" Just after the idea was finished, I heard a big bird waving its wings and approaching the sound, followed by a pair of sharp bird claws falling from it and getting stuck in its waist. Mo Qingqing screamed in her heart, "Nima-"Her name is unfinished. She called the bird that just caught her, and when it grabbed her less than one meter from the branch, it quickly loosened it and flew back and forth in the Woods in pain. It was so sad that Mo Qingqing couldn’t bear to listen.
Mo Qingqing was caught by the big bird, and several bloody wounds appeared. The deep blue light covered the wound, and the white film grew at a speed visible to the naked eye to stop the blood from the wound. Her prone position was also moved to the direction near the trunk by dozens of centimeters.
Mo Qingqing squinted at the place where she was lying just now. There was a round pit with a diameter of about half a meter. There was a lot of sticky dark green juice in the round pit, which looked particularly disgusting.
She was lying in that disgusting pit just now. She made that disgusting pit.
She suddenly heard heavy footsteps, which were heavy and boring, like a monster approaching her. She couldn’t turn her head, but she could glance around and see a very limited range. She couldn’t see what the monster near her looked like, and she didn’t know if it was coming for her. Mo Qingqing estimated her height from the ground and comforted herself by thinking that it was about 20 or 30 stories high from the ground to stop those monsters who wanted to eat her. At worst, there is a strange snake. If it comes from the land, the wild animals will eat it first, and it will be as big as the land!
People have something to say whether they can live or not, sometimes it depends not only on strength but also on luck.
Chapter 113
A little while later, a monster with a long tail, tens of meters long, appeared in the big tree like a moving hill. It carefully observed the strange snakes lying on the ground at a distance of tens of meters, and looked at Mo Qingqing from time to time.
The strange snake’s dark blue light faded gradually, leaving the chest still shining with the heart beating.
Mo Qingqing stared at the pounding heart and drooled more.
After observing the beast for a long time, it suddenly burst into a powerful force and rushed towards the different snake like a left arrow, and its mouth was about to bite its heart.
Just as the beast rushed past, the original was no longer moving, and the strange snake suddenly burst into dazzling blue light, which gushed from the heart and covered the whole body instantly, and its head was corroded. The strange snake suddenly jumped up like nothing, and the powerful snake body entangled the beast. Its blue light was like a flame with extremely high temperature, which quickly burned its skin into ashes.
The beast gave a dull moan and collapsed on its side.
A deep blue light burned through the skin and muscles of the beast and burned into the heart of the beast. The deep blue light covered the huge heart with a faint light, which instantly burned the huge heart to ashes. Then the deep blue flame covered the body of the beast and burned it to ashes. In that light, it gradually gathered back to the snake body.
After a flurry of falling leaves, broken branches, bark and ashes flew around like autumn wind, the ground was a mess and there was no sign of any behemoth.
Just from the scene, it’s like Mo Qingqing had a lose-lose fight with a different snake, and the behemoth seems to have never appeared.

"Hu-day is not a simple person. He entered the animal clan with a stronger foundation and gave up six years of hard work. He played against me. This kind of humanity and perseverance is rare in the world, but his situation is also somewhat bad. It seems that I have entered a self-extreme." Shi Xiong shook his head and felt very complicated about Hu-day.

"You know what? I came to see you this time because I was instructed by the palm-teaching adults. "Wu Li stared at the flying waterfall with his hands on his back.
"Zhang Jiao … A few years ago, Zhang Jiao’s adult gave me a face-to-face lecture and told me to uphold justice, so that the younger brother of the clan would return home and not be bullied and wooed by the clan forces, but now the result is bleak. It’s really a shame on his old man’s house!" Stone bear bowed his head and sighed deeply.
"This situation has a long history. Are you alone? Don’t be ashamed. It’s better to be hard than to be soft after this. Hu-day is the means of palm teaching. "
"You mean Hu-day …" Shi Xiong suddenly widened his eyes. "Is it one of our own?"
"Palm teaching means or I ponder? Ha ha ….. "Wu Li looked at the stone bear with laughter.
"It’s also scary to be decisive in fighting against Hu’s natural style. I’m afraid it’s going to turn upside down, right?" Shi Xiong smacked his lips and suddenly gave birth to expectations for Hu-day in his heart.
Section 162 Earth transport treasure
Officially boarded the throne of the first combat power, Hu Tian looked down on the deterrent surface of all directions. However, he did not boldly attract forces to stir up the waves as Shi Xiong thought, and turned to the trial hall to show up in public. Since then, he has shrunk to Qingming Peak and opened a large array to protect the peak, which makes me wonder how many people are eager to attach to Zongmendi and linger behind the peak.
On the one hand, he and Yan Chiyun are more subtle than Shi Xiong, Wu Li and others. On the other hand, he also looks down on these eagerly running miscellaneous fish.
One day later
"Most of these people’s strength is in the practice period, or the old oil in the early stage of the foundation is mixed with various forces’ eyeliner and chess. I’m not a stone bear. I don’t have the heart to take care of a bunch of weak people, and it’s too early to cause Yan Chiyun’s suspicion. Are you white if the wise don’t care about me?"
Seeing these people spinning in the same place through the large array, Hu Tian, the peak of Qing Ming, suddenly said this to Zhu Fukou around him.
Zhu Fu smiled. "Captain, I am Bai You and Yan Chiyun, and my heart is clear."
Hu-day shook his head. "Your brain wants to see through this odd problem. I suddenly called you here. It’s not this matter. Are you still a younger brother? Apart from the true brother’s outer door and outer door brother, all the beasts in the clan will be brushed outside, and 72 peaks will be released. In previous years, you were so forbearing for the time being, but now you are attached to my tree, and you have to work hard not to be brushed into the peak by a willing heart. "
Zhu Fu was recruited ten years ago, and his younger brother was still in the middle of building the foundation. Obviously, the progress of this repair did not satisfy Hu Tian. Suddenly, he just said that he could not leave it.
Zhu Fu is a wise man who immediately heard the meaning in Hu Tian’s voice. "Yes, captain, don’t worry. Although I have been patient for ten years, I have laid a solid foundation. This time, if you follow your adult, your mind will definitely improve. At the same time, I will concentrate on repairing and never slack off."
It’s good for you to be white. It’s much easier to talk to Cong people. Hu Tian took a breath. He was still weak and didn’t come back from recuperation.
Then he took out ten pieces of spar and handed them to Zhu Fu. "Here, you add one piece of spar to the large array, and the other two pieces will be cultivated in your own home."
Then he patted Zhu Fu on the shoulder and turned back to the nave.
"Yes" Zhu Fu bent down and immediately went to the large array. These days, there are always some people with ulterior motives who come to spy on the Qingming Peak. Unfortunately, the large array of black Xuan Pan Mang is poor enough to resist the repair of the truth, and the people in the then period are not as abnormal as the wind marks, but they can also stop it for a while, but it also inevitably causes spar consumption in the eyes of the array.
At the beginning, when the black Xuan Pan Mang combination array was constructed, although it was filled with more than 6 pieces of spar, it could not be consumed for a while. However, it is also an inevitable choice to keep the peak of the peak protection array at all times according to Hu-day’s prudence.
Hu Tianpan sat back to the White Lotus throne, knowing the sea, the sea of blood and the sea of qi at the same time, and promoting the medicinal properties to wash every muscle, meridian and pore of the body carefully. After a long time, the medicinal properties of Qingluo Tide Dan refined by Elder Kun were finally absorbed by him.
"This tidal Dan effect is actually better than that of the same level Dan medicine in the mirror-empty city. Many Yan Chiyun said that Elder Kun’s alchemy is world-class. It seems that there is no wrong evaluation. One of the medicinal materials is very scarce, and Elder Kun can also refine three, one for me, one for the stone bear and one for someone years ago."
There are some regrets in Hu Tian’s eyes, but he is not short of Dan medicine. He found a kind of fine-nursed Dan pill in the mirror. It is said that the spring rain and hundred flowers are expensive. The so-called "sneak into the night to moisten things with the wind" Hu Tianyi eats a medicinal flower in his body, like a hundred flowers blooming brightly, and even when he feels that his strength has turned to his body.
The blue snail tide pill is mainly used to heal and wash away hidden diseases, and this kind of pill is best at filling the place where vitality is just right for Hu Tian.
"According to this effect, if you eat three bottles, you can not only make up your body, but also make your foundation more solid, huh? Letter "Hu Tianzheng thinking suddenly move in my heart, he hit the pink treasure capsule a look if there are three new stationery.
Hu-day quickly take a look at the face gradually stretch.
According to the letter, everything went smoothly, and I ordered myself to stop the elders from doing their duties faithfully without any slack. However, the letter also described in detail the scene in the Council Hall at that time.
Hu-day’s eyes flickered after browsing. "Elder Hu Zuo is a villain, but I’m not in the tribe now, so let’s not move him for the time being. This time, Golden Chelsea did well, which is beyond my expectation. It seems that Jin Wenbo is also behind the scenes."
In the letter, Jin Queer didn’t tell Hu Tian about her pregnancy. Hu Tian didn’t know that he was going to be a father, but he was still kept in the dark.
After thinking for a moment, he wrote back to encourage Golden Queer to solemnly explain to the elders that they should not neglect their carelessness, and at the same time let Golden Queer bring some mutant magic spar. Although mining was forced to stop, Junma tribe also had little goods because it was mined for a while.
Hu-day doesn’t want to ask for too much. After all, there are many mechanical objects in Junma clan that have to be consumed by spar, and the delivery amount in the treasure bag is extremely limited. This time, it’s just an emergency.
Speaking of which, he has been investing in himself without stint. Unconsciously, the amount of raw spar has almost bottomed out. This time, he asked for the mutant spar or prepared it at the flea market after half a month.