

1. **促进消化**:白萝卜籽中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于润滑肠道黏膜,促进胃肠蠕动,加快食物消化,增加食欲,预防便秘,并有助于调节血糖和降低胆固醇。


2. **止咳平喘**:白萝卜籽具有止咳平喘的作用,可以辅助治疗咳嗽气喘等症状,对慢性支气管炎、肺炎等引起的咳嗽有缓解效果。

3. **降血压**:白萝卜籽中的类黄酮成分有助于心血管系统抵抗冠心病,从而降低血压,对于高血压患者有益。

4. **强筋健骨**:白萝卜籽含有钙、磷、锰、铜等多种矿物质元素,有助于骨骼细胞的成长,促进骨胶原的发育,增加骨密度,预防骨质疏松。

5. **保护皮肤**:白萝卜籽中含有维生素B和维生素C等成分,有助于改善皮肤健康,缓解皮肤干燥,延缓衰老。

6. **消肿止痛**:白萝卜籽具有消肿止痛的功效,可用于治疗跌打损伤,将白萝卜籽研碎后外敷在受伤部位,可以减轻肿痛。

7. **健脾养胃**:白萝卜籽具有健脾养胃的作用,对于胃痛、呕吐、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

8. **消食导滞**:白萝卜籽对于食积和气滞有治疗作用,可以缓解因积食导致的腹胀、腹痛等症状。

9. **调节神经系统**:白萝卜籽中的营养成分有助于维持神经系统功能,对神经系统健康有益。




1. **清肺热、养胃阴**:木耳类食物如黑木耳、石耳等,因其性质甜而平,有很好的清肺热、养胃阴的功效,适合用于治疗肺部咳嗽、肺干咳等症状。


2. **滋肾水、益气活血**:中医认为食耳有滋肾水、益气活血的作用,对于头晕、耳鸣等肾虚症状有一定的缓解效果。

3. **改善月经不调**:食耳还有助于调节女性月经,对月经不调有一定的治疗作用。

4. **辅助治疗冠心病、高血压**:现代研究表明,某些木耳类食物如石耳具有降低血压的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


5. **抗癌作用**:石耳等木耳类食物含有多种活性成分,具有抗癌作用,尤其是水溶性石耳多糖,能够抑制癌细胞生长,防止癌细胞扩散。

6. **对胃肠热的缓解**:食耳对胃肠热、便秘、血等症状有一定的缓解效果。

7. **增强体质**:对于身体较弱、疾病后的弱补品效果较好,有助于增强体质。

8. **男性健康**:食用某些男性食物的木耳,如黑木耳,可以帮助改善骨髓。




1. **清热解毒**:三清丸具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗由内热引起的各种症状,如小便发黄、口干舌燥等。

2. **降火**:对于由于上火引起的不适,如口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛、小便疼痛等,三清丸有一定的缓解作用。

3. **调理泌尿系统**:三清丸对于泌尿系统感染导致的尿急、尿频、排尿疼痛等症状,有明显的改善和调理作用。

4. **调理身体**:三清丸被认为可以从根本上调理身体,对于一些慢性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **安全性**:三清丸作为中成药,相对于一些西药来说,副作用较小,具有一定的安全性。


6. **组成成分**:根据不同来源的配方,三清丸的成分可能有所不同。一般包括苍术、人参、山茱萸、白薇、蟅虫、阿胶、白芍、鳖甲、鳗鱼骨、白朮、柏子仁、地骨皮、沙参、肉桂、地栗粉、神曲、贝母等。这些成分相互配合,共同发挥药效。

7. **道教寓意**:三清丸的名字“三清”来源于道教,指的是玉清、上清、太清,是道教中最高尊的神。这种命名方式使得三清丸具有了一定的文化内涵和神秘色彩。




1. **调节血压**:马菜富含钾盐,有助于扩张血管,防止动脉管壁增厚,从而具有降低血压的作用。

2. **控制血糖**:马菜中的某些成分可以帮助控制血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

3. **清热解毒**:马菜具有清热解毒的功效,对于夏季上火或体内有热毒症状的人,食用马菜可以起到缓解作用。


4. **预防血凝块**:马菜中含有的钾离子能帮助调节血液的流动,减少血凝块的形成。

5. **促进肠胃蠕动**:马菜富含膳食纤维,有助于肠道蠕动,可以预防便秘,并有助于清除肠内堆积的毒素。

6. **抗菌消炎**:马菜对伤寒杆菌、大肠杆菌等多种致病菌有抑制作用,对于肠炎、尿道炎、皮炎湿疹等炎症有一定的治疗作用。

7. **促进溃疡愈合**:马菜中的胡萝卜素有助于促进溃疡的愈合。

8. **增强食欲**:马菜中的微量元素和营养成分有助于增加食欲,改善消化不良和食欲不振。

9. **利尿降温**:马菜具有利尿作用,可以帮助调节体内水电解质的平衡,防止排尿涩痛,同时也有助于降温。

10. **抗氧化延缓衰老**:马菜中富含的维生素E和硒等抗氧化成分有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


11. **预防动脉硬化**:马菜中的某些成分有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,预防动脉硬化。


"I’ll leave when things are settled." I hesitated for a long time and shook my head again.

"Real people please change clothes." Just then, Yang Zhong brought a golden robe inlaid with gold and jade, which was more luxurious and exquisite than that worn by Ye Aofeng earlier.
I smell speech and turned to look at Yang Zhong and took the cassock. This cassock is beautifully woven by Yang Zhong’s skillful craftsmen all over the country. The Yin and Yang parting corners are inlaid with colorful gold wires and the back is dry. This is the most beautiful cassock I have ever seen, but what I want to accept is not because the cassock is beautiful, but because I teleport back to yangfu and my aura is exhausted. At this time, I have already transformed my clothes.
"Before the Golden Dragon ascended the throne, you can temporarily take photos of the state affairs, but you can’t become the emperor." I put on my cassock and shouted at Yang Zhong. I am about to leave here. This is the advice for Yang Zhong to leave.
"Real people can rest assured that the important event in the DPRK, Yang, will be decided after consultation with the Prime Minister." Yang Zhongwen immediately leaned down and responded.
"Buddhism and Taoism are the right path, so we should treat Buddhists kindly in the future. Never treat them coldly." I pondered for a moment and explained the four religions once again. However, my previous master revenged Zhou Qi’s struggle, which greatly reduced the number of monks in the four religions. After I left, I was not afraid that the monks would interfere with the political affairs.
"Follow the real law" Yang Zhong responded again.
"Why don’t you say that you are kind to your brother?" The king kong gun is always the king kong gun. Hip-hop has a mouth from the side
"I have been entrusted with loyalty. I promised Master Hui that I would look back and move forward with mercy to my Buddhist brother." I sighed.
"Real people can rest assured that with the assistance of the Prime Minister, we won’t be reckless." Yang Zhong also knows how much I will leave.
"Good self" I got up and turned around with one hand supporting the seat. After the layman’s aura was exhausted, I felt tired and wandering when walking.
When Yang Zhong saw that I was leaving, he quickly led his family out to see them off. I waved them to stop.
"Old cow, you go home." I rushed to help me with my king kong cannon.
"Go back for what?" King Kong turned to look back. He misunderstood me.
"Go home" I look around. The night in Chang ‘an is very quiet. Because of the exhaustion of aura, I can’t see clearly at night, but this feeling of being unclear makes me feel very kind. I haven’t had this feeling for a long time.
"Are you sure you can become a pick Jinxian as soon as you let go?" King Kong Gun pointed at me and never changed his left hand.
"It’s you, go home." The cold wind at night makes me feel cold, cold and tired, which makes me nostalgic. These feelings are only felt by mortals, and I will hardly have them again in the future.
"Come on, I’ll wait until you’re gone." King Kong Gun hesitated for a moment to speak. He didn’t trust me.
"Yu Kechang, will you come back later?" Lin Yicheng speak asked
I heard a sigh and didn’t answer. If I leave, I may not come back again.
Lin Yicheng saw that I didn’t want to talk, and I already knew my answer, and my mood was low.
Mei Zhu, who has returned to Lin Fu, has learned from the first returnee that we are coming back, so she personally prepared supper.
"You can start after the old cow has finished eating. I won’t be relieved until you leave." I put a spoon on the king kong cannon and said that Mei Zhu was a good cook, but I also tasted it.
"Well, when are you going back?" King Kong cannon is very interested in this kind of food, Yuanxiao.
"It should be soon," I said thoughtfully for a moment.
"What do you mean should?" King Kong Bao recognized the uncertainty in my words.
"Because I don’t know what will happen next," I turned to King Kong Gun.
"What else don’t you know when you’re a big boy?" King Kong cannon frowned and asked questions.
"I will definitely go back." I gave the King Kong cannon a positive answer, although I can cash it and grasp it.
"Well, your mother, your father and Bai Jiuyu are waiting for you, as well as your apprentice and Zhuifeng. They still have ten innings of those people. You still have a lot of things to do. Don’t go or not." King Kong Gun raised his finger.
"And Wang Yanpei" I casually added that Wang Yanpei in the underworld is also my heart.
"In the section chief, I have something I’ve always wanted to ask." Mei Zhu smiled at the smell speech.
"Go ahead while I’m still here." I turned to say with smile.
"Yu Kechang, how many women have you been in love with in your life?" Mei Zhu is a woman. In her eyes, I am different. She really wants to know who my heart is.
"Why do you ask this?" Lin Yicheng took a dissatisfied look at Mei Zhu. Everyone has his own privacy. Mei Zhu’s problem obviously touched my privacy.
I never thought Mei Zhu would ask this question before I left, so I didn’t know how to answer it for a long time before I slowly said, "I loved one, loved one and admired one."
"What do you mean?" I am very disappointed to wait for the news of hexagrams.
"It means it’s time for you to go. Tell me before you leave." I laughed at King Kong Cannon. He is now a fairy, and he can do it all by himself.
"Well, it seems that you always have something on your mind if I don’t leave." King Kong Bao got up and rushed Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu, waved goodbye and stepped out of the main hall.
Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu didn’t expect that he would just leave and wait until they reacted. King Kong Bao had already gone to Lingxi.
The departure of King Kong cannon made Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu more sober and clear. The breakup was just around the corner, and I was depressed again. When I came, I was in Lin Yicheng to discuss the aftermath. After dawn, Mei Zhu called the children’s family to kneel at me and kowtow to thank them for my kindness.
I reluctantly received a gift from them, so I helped them up. At the same time, the sound of the King Kong cannon was extremely subtle because my aura had been exhausted. But I still clearly heard his sentence "I’m old and I’m gone." I should go, too. I put my left hand together and kept holding the hidden gas tactic. When the heaven and the earth dispersed, I immediately felt the sudden gathering of the heavy aura of heaven and the earth. At the same time, floral visions appeared one after another. "Welcome to pick Jin Xian and ride the wind, and the real person should return to the truth .."

It has reached two goals to make the big Buddha of the jackal family willingly submit to him.

Thought of here, two people secretly nodded and winked. At the same time, they broke into two Yuan Shen Daoyin and killed Su Mo!
It’s too easy for two people to calm the current situation.
That Su Mo has just released the Taoist seal of the Yuan God, and has successively fought against the Taoist seal of the Yuan God to resist their offensive.
Even if Su Mo is in a state of Shengyuan Shinto seal, it is difficult to win one enemy and two.
Seeing this, Xu Rui’s heart sank.
What they were most worried about happened!
Three great Buddha at the same time!
Chapter three thousand two hundred and sixty-two Who dares to move?
Xu Rui three people worried, but in the face of this scene, three people have the heart.
They are too weak.
Don’t say that helping Su Mo is the Da Tianzun of the Lao family and generate’s strength when Su Mo fought was enough to overturn the three people!
They can’t even get close if they want to.
Meng Shi clenched his fists and there was a backlog of raging anger in his heart. Suddenly he shouted, "Da Tianzun is shameless and fights against the enemy alone, but Su Daoyou will attack him!"
Xu Rui and Chen Qianhe were surprised when they heard Meng Shi.
No one has paid attention to them yet
But Meng Shi’s words will surely attract others’ attention!
Two people believe that Meng Shi also knows this.
At the moment when Meng Shikou lambasted him, he had put life and death at risk!
Three people have known each other for many years.
Xu Rui both know Meng Shiren.
He is outspoken, sometimes harsh and ugly, but his heart is very affectionate.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stuck to this day in Chaos Palace.
In addition to having a glimmer of hope for Chaos Palace, I don’t want to leave Xu Rui and Chen Qianhe, who are willing to accompany them to continue walking.
At the moment, Meng Shi doesn’t want his life to come out to satirize the great Buddha, but he has already identified Su Mo in his heart.
Meng Shi really can’t think of any way to help Su Mo.
But he knew that he could never watch Su Mo fight alone in their chaotic palace!
He has to do something.
But what can he do with his low strength?
Only death pays off!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Meng Shi laughed with a full face of sarcasm and pointed to Xuanyang and Jinjia, two great Buddha avenues. "It’s such a shame to be a great Buddha!"
"If you know that the enemy can’t beat Su Daoyou, kneel down and knock three heads and let Su Daoyou spare your life!"
Meng Shikou didn’t hide, taunted and cursed.
Xuan Yang Da Tian Zun and Jin Jia Da Tian Zun both looked dignified, as if they hadn’t heard anything and ignored Meng Shi.
It’s not that they don’t want to make moves.
But just a scene to let two people heart gives birth to a little fear at the same time.
The two Yuan Shen Daoyin have hit Su Mo, but the latter is unaware that it seems that it has not been hurt at all!
This Yuan God attack was like a mud cow disappearing into the sea in Sumo.
"How did this happen?"
Xuan Yang Da Tian Zun and Jin Jia Da Tian Zun look indecisive.
Although I heard Meng Shi shouting, I was bored and didn’t have the heart to take a reason.
Two people naturally don’t know Su Mo Yuan Shen, but it is really hard to unite Daoyin and Daoyin.
But he, the God of Yuan, sits around the Lotus Terrace and spews out the blue glow to form an indestructible barrier!
This natural lotus terrace is the top spiritual treasure.
With the rise of the Soviet-Mexican realm, the defense of this natural lotus platform is also climbing.
The Taoist seal of the two Yuan gods failed to break through the nature even to form the defense of the lotus platform, which did not hurt Su Mo Yuan God.
In this period, the Soviet-Mexican offensive is even more fierce!
There has been a crack in the world of the jackal family, and it may collapse at any time!
I heard Meng Shi cursing Xuanyang and Shining Jia, two great buddhas, ignoring the big Buddha of the jackal family in their spare time. They were humbled by Su Mo and were very angry.
Meng Shi made so much noise that he finally found an outlet!
"Monsters of Wanshouling Group obey orders!"
The Tathagata suddenly screamed, "Kill everyone in Chaos Palace for me!"
This is really pushing the big Buddha of the jackal family to the extreme.
This order will shut Meng Shi up.

"Hum, I don’t welcome dragon monks in Taiping Road", but I heard a pale yellow drawing slowly spread in front of Brocade Scale. The number of mountains and rivers seems to be a world, but if you look closely, you will be surprised to find that the so-called mountains and rivers are all incarnations, and there is a horse named Weilike conan the destroyer.

"I’m a wonderful show, but I’m sworn brothers. Although my beautiful hair is unpleasant, I’m not here. Please ask my godfather to bend the rules," Jin Li said.
Looking at the ancestors in the Kunlun Mountains with a pensive face, it is too easy to teach the ancestors. "Let’s put this brocade scale in the past and see what tricks the dragon is playing. Now, the gods can’t have any mistakes. At this time, it is better to find out the brocade scale. Let’s just keep an eye on it."
The Taiping ancestor heard a silence for a moment, and the palm of his hand stretched out in front of Brocade Scale, and the imperial picture disappeared. Brocade Scale smiled at this face and said, "Thank you for your success."
Zhongyu Taiping Taoist temple
Jade Duxiu carries his hands in the castle and looks at the busy distance. Several craftsmen are quietly silent there.
"I’m all supernatural beings, and it’s not much faster than ordinary people to build an altar without exerting mana." The sky is puzzled by Yu Duxiu’s side
In the heavens, altars are built to worship the heavens, and the whole world is full of jade, which is the only one.
Yu Duxiu sighed gently, "You don’t understand that when offering sacrifices to heaven, the will of heaven and earth will come to an end, and the altar built by magical powers will dissipate and collapse instantly when the impact of the will of heaven and earth occurs. Only ordinary people can build the altar without being affected by the will of heaven and earth, because in the process of construction, this altar is filled with craftsmen’s belief and awe of heaven. This is the core of an altar."
"So that’s it. I didn’t expect there to be so many doorways in just one altar."
Chapter 113 Brocade scale purpose to cheat people again.
The altar is a very important thing for Yu Duxiu’s previous life.
The altar required by the monk’s practice is also an altar, and it is indispensable to seal the Zen.
The altar is indispensable for all kinds of sacrifices to heaven.
The altar is one of the important bridge means to communicate between man and heaven.
Looking at the busy and hot days, the craftsman Yu Duxiu is unhurried. "There must be no mistakes in the construction of this altar. If there is negligence, it will lead to the punishment of heaven or the consequences of heaven’s anger will be unpredictable."
"The ancestors put you in charge of the great cause of deification. Do you want to build a deification altar here?" Looking at jade Duxiu way
Jade Duxiu heard that he shook his head. "No, this place is a disaster-stricken place. If we can build a high altar to worship the gods, we still need to determine the auspicious day and choose a good place."
Just then, Jade Duxiu looked up in the air and looked up at the virtual ancestor Long Jun in the distance. Naturally, it is impossible to hide such a powerful person as Jade Duxiu and Chaotian.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes sparkled with a little light. "What kind of master broke into my Terran territory, which led to the godfather’s move? It was either the Dragon King or the Demon God, and I don’t know what happened to my Terran at this sensitive moment."
"Hum, what good can those animals do?" He snorted coldly into the air.
Words fall and fluctuate, brocade scales are stiff and come out of the emptiness, and a pair of eyes stare at the sky "Who are you talking about?"
"Brother Jinlin, why are you here?" Jade Duxiu suddenly became one leng after seeing Brocade Scale. I didn’t expect people to be strong in the four seas.
"Tell me about you, uncle. I’ll tell you about you. This is my Terran territory. Do you dare me to do it?" Looking at the brocade scales with waist in the sky with neck way
The situation is better than that of people. Even the overlord Jin Li has no good way to take the air at this time. The Jin Li coldly snorted and ignored the air, but turned his eyes to Yu Duxiu. "Good brother, things are not good now." The Five Decades of Heaven and Man are fatal events, even if it is too late for you to suppress the injury. "
Jin Li looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. Seeing that Yu Duxiu was constantly escaping from the whole body, he couldn’t help but feel sad and said, "It’s all my foolish brother’s fault that I couldn’t stop the atrocities of the four seas Long Jun at that time."
"Where did the eldest brother say? At that time, the eldest brother had already woken up. I warned the younger brother that I didn’t listen to the eldest brother’s advice and left early. I deserved it." Jade Duxiu looked at Brocade with emotion. "Eldest brother, please don’t stay outside."
Jin Lin heard the words and nodded. As Yu Duxiu walked into the Taoist Temple, there was a handyman brother who served fragrant tea. Yu Duxiu gently blew a mouthful of tea. "Now my Terran is in great danger, and many godfathers are blocking the surrounding virtual foreign strong people. It must be extremely difficult to come in. I don’t know if Brother Jin Lin came to my Taiping Taoist Temple to catch up with my younger brother, right?"
"My brother is joking. My brother is now in charge of Terran deity by the nine grandfathers’ decrees. But my brother is a busy man. I don’t have much time to ask you today. There is really one thing that my brother has been entrusted by the Dragon King of the Four Seas to make a deal with my brother." Jin Li took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly.
"Deal? I don’t know what to trade the four old loaches and what to calculate. "Jade Duxiu frowned.
"Do you remember when my good brother was practicing magic in the East China Sea?" Jin Lin looked at Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu chuckled, "How long has it been? If the younger brother says he doesn’t remember the older brother, he doesn’t believe it."
Brocade scales smell speech suddenly embarrassed smile "okay, brother, don’t sell it. At the beginning, Sihai Longjun placed Sihai Shenzhu on you. Now Sihai Longjun wants to redeem this Sihai Shenzhu, which is more important to Sihai than it is to a good brother. It is better to take the opportunity to exchange something with Sihai Longjun."
"Oh," Jade Duxiu heard the smell and drank a mouthful of tea. A pair of eyes were sharp and looked at Brocade Scale. "This four-seas god bead was not pinned on me at the beginning, but was given to my eldest brother to avoid trouble. Don’t make a mistake."

Looking at the jade bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu, he smiled. "Does the bodhi old zu know God of time, God of fate, God of cause and effect?"

Chapter 19 star saber
After listening to Jade Duxiu’s words, the old ancestor of Jade was stunned and then suddenly looked at Jade Duxiu in dismay. "Hung-chun, you are playing fate, cause and effect, time and god now. You have played death, but now you have to play the rest of the gods. You are tired of living!" No, bodhi old zu, I can never let you succeed. "
Jade bodhi old zu is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. His eyes are full of anger. "The gods are hard to be suppressed. Why do you want to continue to resurrect them?" No, no, this is absolutely impossible. If you are resurrected by other gods, you will be resurrected. But this god can’t. Absolutely not. Whether it’s a god or a god, Wang Yidan, the gods, resurrected, and this world will definitely be disrupted. I will be caught in a bitter struggle again. "
Jade bodhi old zu repeatedly shook his head and looked at Jade Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "Hung-chun, if you dare to play the first gods again, don’t blame the bodhi old zu. I will turn against you and suppress you with the rest of the strong."
After listening to the words of the jade bodhi old zu, Jade Duxiu frowned and wrinkled her palm, playing with the lock demon tower. "Is it that serious?"
"How powerful are God of Time, God of Destiny, God of Cause and Effect, and God of Luck? Do you never know if you know the little monk who hides in the earth?" Jade bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu nodded. Of course, he knew that the Tibetan monk not only knew it, but that Tibetan monk was a part of him.
"What’s the matter?" Jade Duxiu looked at the bodhi old zu jade.
"The Tibetan monk can travel through the past tense, but after all, there is a limit. When he can travel through it, the dimension is bound, but when the god is not, the god lies in the past tense, which may be the age of the gods, ancient times, modern times and so on. Every minute is more important than when he lives in the future." The jade bodhi old zu said mysteriously, "It’s right not to touch these gods. If you let them out, it will be in big trouble."
With that, the jade bodhi old zu decisively shut up. Jade Duxiu held his arms and looked at Fang Zhou’s large array of stars and the large array of twelve gods and evil spirits, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Interesting and interesting, the king of gods should be able to find clues from the god of death. Jade bodhi old zu is never right and will never talk again."
Jade Duxiu is sure that if the former jade bodhi old zu knew that he was looking for the body of the god of death, the old thing of the god of death would never help himself.
The giant in the array of the twelve heavenly gods and evil spirits raised his hand and cast his feet. The projection of the large array of stars in the heavens was great, and Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong and White Tiger were not so easy to deal with the four great beasts. At this time, the giant was entangled in Qinglong and wrapped around the giant’s waist to make the giant powerful.
Xuanwu bit the giant’s right leg, the white tiger bit the giant’s left leg, Suzaku bit the giant’s right arm, and the giant’s left arm wanted to wave the twelve yuan in the star and let out the divine light, and a mysterious force crossed across the star world.
"This is time? You demon race can actually make the platform force "when the giant looks at the blade coming across, he suddenly screams anxiously and growls, and his body vibrates and immediately throws himself to the ground to avoid the four great beasts of the blade intertwined.
"The stars grind away the real body."
There are countless stars in the virtual world, and the virtual world has become one side. The virtual world is constantly suppressing and winding towards the giant formed by the array of the twelve gods and evil spirits, and oppressing the giant’s body and bones, constantly obliterating its true power.
Twelve yuan Chen in the side constantly obliterates the fiend’s real power and consumes turbid gas.
The demon race, the sky and the stars are fierce, and the twelve fiends are not easy to mess with. Every fiend has his own life rules.
"Cows and demons conquer the sky"
Seeing that the axe in the giant’s hand disappeared, his hands made a formula, as if it were a giant cow, and it hit the world of stars.
The heaven and earth shook, and a star collapsed. The giant’s eyes were full of yoshimitsu, and his head slammed into the twelve gods as he printed the tactic.
Tiger God shouted to mobilize the stars to suppress the giant and fight for 12 yuan.
All the stars were shattered, and the giant covered the sky with one hand, crushing Wan Li’s imaginary twelve yuan, and a terrible resistance was shattered and integrated into the stars, becoming a star god, which really turned into a star god
"Oooo ~" The giant roared "I am the strongest in all worlds, and I am the strongest in all worlds"
"Change the bodhi old zu for my magical power". The centipede bodhi old zu laughed all over the star, and then he saw the face of all the demon gods change. The giant unexpectedly grew thousands of arms instantly.
SIRS Star God and Demon God are furious, and their two arms are already difficult to deal with. What’s worse, are these thousands of arms?
At this time, three demon gods, look at me. I think you look like Shinto "Star Sword"
"Star Sword"
Thousands of stars in the star-studded array disappeared in a rage on Sunday, and a few breaths were sent to the center. The star-studded array disappeared, and there was only a long sword suspended in the center of the array, emitting a faint silver light, as if it were a ribbon winding and twisting, and the Milky Way kept flashing.
"What a horrible move. Is this the way to kill the stars?" Giant sound vibration is virtual.
"It’s horrible."
At this time, the ancestors of Terran turned their eyes to the stars, and a wave of terror spread all over the world. The strong people were instantly frightened after sensing this wave.
The god of death in the netherworld was dumbfounded. "It’s no wonder that these acquired creatures are so powerful that they are as strong as the Lord and want to abandon the reincarnation of the flesh!"
The god of death is feeling here, but he doesn’t know that his neighbor, the ghost Lord, is also clutching "Hung-chun! Hongjun! You do good deeds, you are so powerful, which one can be the enemy? As soon as it is shot down, it will destroy the country and destroy the species. It’s really a fucking thing to mess around all day. "
"The power of the father god is too strong. I wonder if the father god The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s complete reincarnation may be beyond suppressing this power?" The netherworld’s eyes are full of shock.
The ghost Lord shook his head. "This is not only the strength of the two ethnic groups, but also the strength of the stars and the earth. In the confrontation, you will find a gap and stir up the Yamaraja Avenue."
The nether world heard too much and went to stay. The ghost Lord sat there and looked at the Star Wars with gloomy eyes. "How can this old thing, jade, fool around with Hung-chun? It’s outrageous."
After that, the ghost master got up. "I’m going to meet this old guy. It’s just nonsense. No one can get any benefits."
With that, the ghost master disappeared.
"star saber" looked at the colorful star sword as if it were a ribbon, and the giant suddenly changed color as it wandered in the array of stars.
"Be careful, everyone. Before that, it was the Dragon King of the Four Seas, carrying four images, and all three demon gods were spying in the dark. Don’t be fooled by the demon family."
E-god’s eye is like a torch, and a pair of eyes can see through the emptiness, even if the stars are poor, you can vaguely see a trace of silk.
"Hubei god, you have gone astray. All chaotic fiends have long fallen into chaos and suffered a great disaster. Chaos fiends are going to die. What do you want to pursue the chaotic fiend? In the end, it’s not an inevitable death bondage. "It’s like a god’s voice shaking." This star saber is a big array of stars, and no one can predict the consequences. Look at the front and it’s the same family. I’ll give you another warning. If you are stubborn, don’t blame me for waiting for your hand. "
"Hehehehehe, if you have something to do, just make it out. What are you doing?"

After a long time, Jade Duxiu took out the town Haizhu and looked at the glittering and translucent Zhenhai Pearl Jade Duxiu and then took out the three treasures. "I don’t know if there is a difference between Haizhu and Dinghaizhu in this town. If you want to ask a clear question, you still need to find the road flyover with clear water. This old guy didn’t know where he got the ancient animals dancing in the sea. Maybe he should have some clues about this."

"Forget it. There are too many messy things now. Let’s clean up these trivial things first, and then think about it. Haizhu Zhenhai Haizhu thing. That clear water road flyover has been gone for some years. In those days, I had a grudge and I was afraid that the old Taoist would not buy my account." Jade Duxiu put away the three treasures and set Haizhu and Zhenhai Haizhu in succession, and then showed meditation.
Chapter 664 Inch light Huntian
Jade Duxiu has the heart to go to the Taoist priest with clear water and ask him a question. Taoist priest with clear water doesn’t know that he got the ancient heterogeneous dancing sea animals in that danger. This town Haizhu is just an accessory. Unfortunately, the Taoist priest with clear water doesn’t know that Haizhu in this town is terrible, otherwise he will regret it.
Looking at the hands of Zhenhai Zhuyu Duxiu, I thought that I was driving the light to return to the 33 rd heaven.
"Miao Xiu Dao Chang walks slowly" just when Yu Duxiu was about to rush into heaven, he heard a burst of urgent words in the air.
Jade Duxiu stopped flashing cold light in her eyes and looked at the little waves in the eyes of the bearer. "You didn’t expect you to dare to come here and die."
"The cave master is merciful to you and me, but I know that the cave master is not an unreasonable person." The bearer decided to look respectfully at the jade show.
Jade Duxiu frowned. You said this newcomer? Who else can it be if it’s not the demon king
The inch-light lich king looked respectfully at the jade unique show, but the jade unique show was countered by the inch-light lich king in the wild. Even if it were not for God’s all-mysterious, it would have been ruined by the inch-light lich king’s shortsightedness.
Looking at that inch of light demon king Yu Duxiu’s heart, he already had some speculation and said with a cold face, "You’d better give the seat a reason, or the savage demon race will enter my Terran seat without letting you leave alive."
That inch of light demon king clapped his hands, only to see that there were four big demons carrying a figure. Looking around, was it not Huntian demon king or that one?
"Huntian?" Yu Duxiu’s voice is indifferent
"I was wrong about all this, and I bewitched Brother Huntiandao, which made him make a big mistake. The Lord also asked the Lord to let go of the Huntianyao King, and all the blame was put on the seat. He also asked the Lord to be merciful and have a debt to let go of Brother Huntiandao." The demon king was sincere and sad
At this time, the Huntian Lich King seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, and his mind is chaotic and imperceptible. It seems that all six senses have been lost at this time.
Looking at that inch of light demon king Yu Duxiu sound cold "will sin bless you? Are you really willing to let this demon king bear all the consequences? Even if it is a seat, it will not hesitate to smash your bones? "
"Don’t ask the cave master to let me go. Ask the cave master to relieve my brother’s pain, even if the cave master throws me down." That inch of light demon king’s face is determined.
Looking at the demon king Yu Duxiu with a faint sigh, he said, "What a sentient and intentional monster beast, but it’s many times better than human beings. I don’t know how many times your brothers are sincere and sincere, and they are not random killers. Tell you what, if you obey the imperial edict three times in the future and don’t violate the throne, you will let your brother go and let him return to his seat."
"The Lord of the Cave is merciful. The Lord of the Cave should be able to forgive me. Let alone three things, even a hundred things and a thousand things. There is absolutely no remorse." The face of the inch-light lich king smiled at Yu Duxiu repeatedly.
Jade Duxiu looked at the grateful Lich King, but recited a spell to solve the suffering of the Huntian Lich King.
"The Lord of the cave is merciful, the Lord of the cave is merciful, the little demon knows the sin, and the little demon knows the sin and asks the Lord of the cave not to recite the curse of something." The demon king of Huntian went to the pain and stood up and looked at the wheel of Jade Duxiu not far away and turned up to worship Jade Duxiu.
Looking at the Huntian demon king, Yu Duxiu, the demon king, coldly snorted, "Don’t gossip about the two of you returning to the wild and waiting for the seat. If you dare to violate it a little, you should know the means of the seat."
Jade Duxiu’s eyes are cold, and the chill in his eyes seems to freeze this emptiness.
"Nature knows nature knows I won’t disturb the cave master. Leave now." The inch-light lich king looked at Yu Duxiu with a bad complexion, but he dared not say more, dragging the Huntian lich king to fly away in the wild.
Looking at the Huntian Demon King, the shadow of the demon king is far away, and the chill in Yu Duxiu’s eyes slowly converges. "The June account is coming soon, and there will be a time for you to cry sooner or later."
Yu Duxiu patted the leftover green cow. "You stupid goods are not smart and you don’t know that your master is cheering me on."
When he said this, he saw that the green cow played the hoof and instantly entered Tianmen and went straight to the 33rd heaven.
Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Duxiu holds a palm-sized bamboo tube in his hand. This bamboo tube seal is densely covered. I don’t know if there are still many stars.
"Where did this ancient inch come from that guy in Gao Lang? Now Gao Lang has become a six-royal one. It is hard to say who is right and who is wrong in that year."
Looking at the bamboo tube in his hand and muttering to himself about Wen Yingji’s affairs, who is wrong and confused, and who can tell the truth?
What would have happened if Wen Yingji had gone to the monastery with himself instead of entering the palace?
I must have joined Butaiping Road, and I wouldn’t have let myself go. If I broke the Taiping ancestor’s plan, I would have killed myself in every way.
However, it is precisely because Wen Yingji chose not only to become himself, but also to become himself.
"This kind of jade solo would rather not be my jade solo. It has always been better to take it in the middle than in the middle. Ask me for jade solo. Although my magical powers and mana were not high, I was afraid of who." Jade solo slowly put the bamboo tube.
When he reached the realm of Jade Duxiu, all kinds of treasures were gathered together, but this ancient inch was not much for him.
"This inch is the darling of Gao Lang. If you can exchange this inch for some benefits, it must be better." Jade Duxiu was silent
After a while, Jade Duxiu took out the imperial edict in his hand and handed it to the little demon saying, "Take this imperial edict with this bamboo tube and go to the immortal emperor for a ride."
"Follow the decree", the little demon bowed respectfully and then turned away.
Looking at the little demon’s far away back, Jade Duxiu took a deep breath. "Strength, strength, if I had enough strength, my godfather would not have known that my Wen Yingji had something to do, and I would have sent that Wen Yingji to the palace, and I would not have known that my child was in distress but didn’t help."
Jade Duxiu eyes gradually cold "innate realm? Nature realm? "
"With so many treasures, it’s time for me to break through the innate realm. First, the weather is really difficult to practice. Thanks to the chaos in the middle of the field, it seems that I had a good vision to do my homework." Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu’s hand was so beautiful that it suddenly appeared, only to see that Jade Duxiu instantly projected a burning furnace.
The number of herbs in the divination furnace fluctuates in it.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed for a moment, but he saw more herbs flying out of Jade Duxiu’s hands and falling into the divination furnace. The samadhi fire rolled up the herbs and the natural forces of heaven and earth collided with each other constantly at this time, stealing the natural forces and blessing these herbs.
Yu Duxiu realized that the number of herbs caused the power of nature when they collided. The eyes were flashing with strange runes, and a jade-colored disc was engraved with the mysterious Taoist seal, and the gods were slowly rising in its eyes, and the nature of heaven and earth was absorbed by it.
Xuanzao is the general program of all kinds of ways, and the root of Jade Duxiu’s practice is the root of all kinds of methods, especially after experiencing the dry kunbi in the palm of your hand and the opening of Hanazono Sakura’s world cave, Jade Duxiu’s Xuanzao has been cultivated to a new level, which can be said to be the beauty of the realm of God-connecting, and even the godfather is afraid of it.
The Palace of the Immortal Emperor looked at the imperial edict in his hand and looked at the bamboo tube again. Qualcomm’s eyes were flashing with strange colors. He looked at the little demon Qualcomm who looked uneasy and gave a hand. "At this time, the seat already knows you, so go back."
"Yes," the little demon said, "It’s like a burden." He gave Gao Lang a gift and hurried away, but it wasn’t him who could resist.
Chapter 665 Swallow Dan medicine congenital perfection

"Where am I? What is this place? Let me out! ! !”

Star-Lord got up and patted the glass and shouted that the whole person was very scared.
Goofy calmed his mood through special glass. "Don’t get excited. You’re safe now. You’re in a prison I built myself."
"What?" Star-Lord a face of despair "you really arrested me? Oh, Mr. Police! I swear it was all a misunderstanding. I really didn’t mean to take that blue cube. It was all a misunderstanding! "
"Oh, you don’t bullshit admit it! Confession is lenient and resistance is strict! " Next to the rocket raccoon, he said, "Who doesn’t know that you came to earth to steal something? What do you steal? The tesseract, right? That thing really has the highest reward. You made the right choice to steal it. I also wanted to steal that … "
"Oh, shut up!" Star-Lord’s plot was exposed by his peers, and he immediately became angry from embarrassment.
Looking back at Rocket Star-Lord, he said, "What the hell are you? Can you talk little raccoon? Is this a prison or not? Or a large biological laboratory? "
"How dare you call me a little raccoon? Aren’t you tired of living? !” Rocket fierce stare Star-Lord threatened.
Star-Lord was startled. I didn’t expect this little raccoon to be so grumpy.
He quickly spread his hand and then wronged and said, "hey, why can’t I call you raccoon?" That policeman friend just called you a raccoon, and you didn’t do anything! "
"nonsense!" The rocket muttered, "That’s because I can’t beat him …"
Then he turned to Star-Lord and said fiercely, "But I think I can beat you. You are not qualified to call me raccoon!" "
"You are a double-standard guy." Star-Lord pointed his middle finger at the Rockets in a depressed way. "I hate you for being a bully."
"Bah! What is bullying me? This is called sizing up the situation! " The rocket snorted, "Besides, I am in a different situation from you. My partner and I didn’t commit a crime. We were arrested for illegal invasion and we will be released soon …"
"But you are different. I heard that you have stolen the tesseract, so it seems that your charges are heavier and you may have to be sentenced to two or three years! Haha! "
Star-Lord smell speech one leng all nervous.
"You … you don’t talk nonsense! I … I said it was all a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding! ! !”
Chapter 47 interrogation
When Star-Lord woke up, he became full of energy. Spitter splashed and bargained with Goofy. He insisted on denying his theft and said that it was a misunderstanding that he took the Rubik’s cube root.
It was not until Reed sent the surveillance video of Baxter Building. In the surveillance video, Star Jue sneaked into the Rubik’s Cube room and skillfully dismantled the alarm device and anti-theft system. Finally, he hid the Rubik’s Cube in his backpack.
Until now, Star-Lord was speechless and raised his hands above his head in despair and pleaded, "I will cooperate with you to investigate the police officer. Please be lenient with me …"
Goofy is in distress situation and pie pie. This guy is really a tease.
And after ten minutes or so, Carmela, who is weaker than Star-Lord, woke up in a whisper.
After waking up, Kamola hurriedly jumped up from the cold floor of the prison unit with a carp, and then realized to touch her sharp dagger "God Slayer". However, when she looked around, she realized that she had been imprisoned and that "God Slayer" had long been a high-flying battle.
Want to know this, Carmela is very angry.
She looked up and stared at Goofy through the special glass. "Hey! Damn it, the earth police let me out! "
Goofy shrugged. "Girl, if you keep this attitude, then I don’t think you have much chance to leave this prison."
Next to the rocket raccoon also follow the input way "is crazy woman! You’re already in prison, so stop being so arrogant! You still think you’re a killer of the universe? Haha … wake up and stop dreaming! "
Carmela turned around and glared at the raccoon angrily. "What did you say?"
"I say you are a prisoner! Aren’t you? Look at you now, you are no longer qualified to be arrogant! "
After that, the rocket turned around and smiled at Goofy. "Am I right? Officer goofy. "
Goofy nodded with a smile.
Carmela understood the rocket’s intention-this cunning little raccoon was obviously befriending Goofy.
"Bah! Shameless! Lick the dog’s flatterer! " Kamura cursed in a low voice.
"What did you say?" The rocket glared and retorted, "I’m not licking the dog!" I know how to judge the situation, do you know? "